Men: to give space or NOT to give it


What do you guys need? Men say women are hard to read...well i think men are harder. Just say what you mean and quit sparing our feelings or being manly with us or whatever. Just say whats on your mind and be done with it. You'd be surprised at how similar women are to you...

Well ya, just a fact of biology...:rolleyes:
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OKee Dokee.............

well we all trace back to about 5,000 breeding females in Africa about 63,000 years ago.

now I have you figured were voted 'Constable' of your rural Kentucky outback...gotta please all the electorate...all 500 or so rural voters...:rolleyes:
BB, I am confused. I can understand why you disagree with, and even dislike, some people and their political views. When you are an ass on those threads it makes some sense.

But miscommunication and difficulty communicating between men & women is pretty much outside the confines of liberal v/s conservative, or republican v/s democrat. So why the hostility here?

I assure you I am a grownup. I can also assure you that I have a happy marriage. But there are times when the differences between men & women cause problems.

If you don't have anything to contribute to the conversation, why jump in just to be an ass? If you have something to contribute, then how about we all try and get along when we talk about stuff that is outside of the normal conflicts?
Excuse me old wise one...................

BB, I am confused. I can understand why you disagree with, and even dislike, some people and their political views. When you are an ass on those threads it makes some sense.

But miscommunication and difficulty communicating between men & women is pretty much outside the confines of liberal v/s conservative, or republican v/s democrat. So why the hostility here?

I assure you I am a grownup. I can also assure you that I have a happy marriage. But there are times when the differences between men & women cause problems.

If you don't have anything to contribute to the conversation, why jump in just to be an ass? If you have something to contribute, then how about we all try and get along when we talk about stuff that is outside of the normal conflicts?

I gave my opinion as did you and everyone else...opinions are akin to a ass...everyone has one...anymore psychological wisdom el Mr.Freud?
I gave my opinion as did you and everyone else...opinions are akin to a ass...everyone has one...anymore psychological wisdom el Mr.Freud?

So your opinion is that people you don't know should stop trying to grow up?
And that we should just accept the problem and that will somehow make it all better?


And then, when I point out that you are being hostile as hell when there is no need, you mock me?

Doesn't take a psychologist to see that you are a bitter old asshole who is too concerned with trying to play badass to try and use your brain. I said particularly insulting to you. You and I share many of the same political views. But you just have to pretend to be superior (and it is pretend, I assure you).

Jeez what a joke.

So your opinion is that people you don't know should stop trying to grow up?
And that we should just accept the problem and that will somehow make it all better?


And then, when I point out that you are being hostile as hell when there is no need, you mock me?

Doesn't take a psychologist to see that you are a bitter old asshole who is too concerned with trying to play badass to try and use your brain. I said particularly insulting to you. You and I share many of the same political views. But you just have to pretend to be superior (and it is pretend, I assure you).

Jeez what a joke.

I pretend absolutely nothing...I am not known for being politically correct...I speak my mind and do not patronize...ANYONE....gotta problemo with this thats your problem...not mine!
I pretend absolutely nothing...I am not known for being politically correct...I speak my mind and do not patronize...ANYONE....gotta problemo with this thats your problem...not mine!

I am not talking about being politically correct. I am talking about basic civil behavior. I am talking about not calling everyone in a conversation a child and belittling the entire topic.

But you insist on being an ass for no reason. You insist on calling everyone who considers communication within a relationship important a child.

You call that speaking your mind? If, in your mind, everyone else is a child and you someone have all the answers, then you are certainly delusional. And that might explain even more about your response.

I don't have a serious problem with your attitude. I just don't see the point in it. I guess I can't get my head that far up my ass to see such a point.
BB, I am confused. I can understand why you disagree with, and even dislike, some people and their political views. When you are an ass on those threads it makes some sense.

But miscommunication and difficulty communicating between men & women is pretty much outside the confines of liberal v/s conservative, or republican v/s democrat. So why the hostility here?

I assure you I am a grownup. I can also assure you that I have a happy marriage. But there are times when the differences between men & women cause problems.

If you don't have anything to contribute to the conversation, why jump in just to be an ass? If you have something to contribute, then how about we all try and get along when we talk about stuff that is outside of the normal conflicts?

I've had him on IA for months now and i can't tell you how much more pleasant threads have been without the scribed flatulence he calls his opinion.
I am not talking about being politically correct. I am talking about basic civil behavior. I am talking about not calling everyone in a conversation a child and belittling the entire topic.

But you insist on being an ass for no reason. You insist on calling everyone who considers communication within a relationship important a child.

You call that speaking your mind? If, in your mind, everyone else is a child and you someone have all the answers, then you are certainly delusional. And that might explain even more about your response.

I don't have a serious problem with your attitude. I just don't see the point in it. I guess I can't get my head that far up my ass to see such a point.

I try very hard to see things from all points of view. I think it helps my point of view when I do.

I also hate to dismiss anyone as "just another asshole" without some effort.

But some folks make it hard to see them any other way.
Sue you do Ms...du!

I've had him on IA for months now and i can't tell you how much more pleasant threads have been without the scribed flatulence he calls his opinion.

Thats why you always come back and say ...oh my I just saw what he posted and just have to comment...stuff it Ms Fraudster!
I gave the rundown on here once about my LE status BB. Sorry if you were too drunk to read it.

But no I am an active deputy with restrictions.
It allows me to formally arrest and or or haul a troubled vet in for mental evaluation.
And be the officer in charge in sitiutions involving troubled vets that I work with.
can keep their record a little cleaner and avoid tragic situations. has a couple of times so far.
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Look solitary...................

I am not talking about being politically correct. I am talking about basic civil behavior. I am talking about not calling everyone in a conversation a child and belittling the entire topic.

But you insist on being an ass for no reason. You insist on calling everyone who considers communication within a relationship important a child.

You call that speaking your mind? If, in your mind, everyone else is a child and you someone have all the answers, then you are certainly delusional. And that might explain even more about your response.

I don't have a serious problem with your attitude. I just don't see the point in it. I guess I can't get my head that far up my ass to see such a point.

This is a message board...based on opinion...if you don't like what someone expresses...start your own board and you can have full control...enough said!

This also applies to Ms IA...'Lady T and darla'!:321:
Excuse me Mr.LE................

I gave the rundown on here once about my LE status BB. Sorry if you were too drunk to read it.

what is with the drunk bs again? liberal...get caught and the accusations begin...tell me again...I don't catch all your ramblings! a dime a dozen...way too many for anyone to read all!
This is a message board...based on opinion...if you don't like what someone expresses...start your own board and you can have full control...enough said!

This also applies to Ms IA...'Lady T and darla'!:321:

I don't have a problem with people having an opinion. I just dislike trolls and assholes. I don't lose any sleep over them. I just dislike them.

So you keep trying to convince the world that you are always right and the toughest, baddest guy around. And I'll keep enjoying my life.

Besides, when you get all bent out of shape about me challenging your posts, you don't seem particularly tolerant of other people's opinions. But then, I guess its we mere mortals who have to accept that this is a message board full of opinions, and certainly not the ever grandiose BB.