Men: to give space or NOT to give it

I gave the rundown on here once about my LE status BB. Sorry if you were too drunk to read it.

But no I am an active deputy with restrictions.
It allows me to formally arrest and or or haul a troubled vet in for mental evaluation.
And be the officer in charge in sitiutions involving troubled vets that I work with.
can keep their record a little cleaner and avoid tragic situations. has a couple of times so far.

ahh I can see clearly are a 'Special Commissioned Deputy' your powers are restricted to a certain event...not full police powers...!
ahh I can see clearly are a 'Special Commissioned Deputy' your powers are restricted to a certain event...not full police powers...!

Oh no, he doesn't have "full police powers"!

Look, he does what he does so he can help vets. He puts his ass on the line so that the vet doesn't hurt anyone and the vet doesn't get hurt but a cop who doesn't have a clue what the vet is going thru.

If this means he can't do locker searches at a high school or run a radar gun at a speed-trap, then so be it.

I would think that you would be glad that someone is ready to step up and make sure the vets are taken care of and not just treated like a whacko or shot because the cop felt threatened.

Well done, in my book, USC

I don't have a problem with people having an opinion. I just dislike trolls and assholes. I don't lose any sleep over them. I just dislike them.

So you keep trying to convince the world that you are always right and the toughest, baddest guy around. And I'll keep enjoying my life.

Besides, when you get all bent out of shape about me challenging your posts, you don't seem particularly tolerant of other people's opinions. But then, I guess its we mere mortals who have to accept that this is a message board full of opinions, and certainly not the ever grandiose BB.

I am not a troll in this board...I am who I say I am...and I give my opinions as I see them...ask damo if I am trolling..he has known me for quite awhile...I may offend some with my honesty...and I am tolerant of others posts, I do not put anyone on IA...I face the accusations head on...I am who I not patronize...don't like it to damn bad!
You are such a hack and dense to boot!

Oh no, he doesn't have "full police powers"!

Look, he does what he does so he can help vets. He puts his ass on the line so that the vet doesn't hurt anyone and the vet doesn't get hurt but a cop who doesn't have a clue what the vet is going thru.

If this means he can't do locker searches at a high school or run a radar gun at a speed-trap, then so be it.

I would think that you would be glad that someone is ready to step up and make sure the vets are taken care of and not just treated like a whacko or shot because the cop felt threatened.

Well done, in my book, USC

I did not dish us cit for his limited powers ,just said now I understand!
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Of course you didn't. You would not be rude to someone without cause.

I am on the right side of the fence...some take the left...others straddle the middle...sorry I have more respect for the left than those that straddle the middle kissing both sides of the fences asses...get the picture now...that is who I am and you are what you are...!
I am on the right side of the fence...some take the left...others straddle the middle...sorry I have more respect for the left than those that straddle the middle kissing both sides of the fences asses...get the picture now...that is who I am and you are what you are...!

Oh, there was no need to explain. I know what I am and who I am. And I have seen exactly what you are.
now we can move on....if not withholding punches is not acceptable to you...then pick a fight with a metro guy...not me!

Ok, if you want to use a fight analogy, I am fine with not withholding punches. I just never saw the point behind just punching everyone you see for no reason.

But yeah, we can get on with our fun.

Ok, if you want to use a fight analogy, I am fine with not withholding punches. I just never saw the point behind just punching everyone you see for no reason.

But yeah, we can get on with our fun.

I only punch those who throw the first punch...I never start a fight but will end it!
Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was
really pissed.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the
driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!"

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke
up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box
gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought
the box back in the house.

She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Bob has been missing since Friday.
I don't have a problem with people having an opinion. I just dislike trolls and assholes. I don't lose any sleep over them. I just dislike them.

So you keep trying to convince the world that you are always right and the toughest, baddest guy around. And I'll keep enjoying my life.

Besides, when you get all bent out of shape about me challenging your posts, you don't seem particularly tolerant of other people's opinions. But then, I guess its we mere mortals who have to accept that this is a message board full of opinions, and certainly not the ever grandiose BB.

I dont hide my feelings ... I say what Im thinking and tell it it like it is. Sometimes that gets me in trouble. It is my experience ...and its a long history folks ... that Women do the opposite.. they clam up and expect you to read them.

Uhm...whats wrong hun.. Hun..whats wrong. Well ...tell me whats wrong... what do you expect of me unless you tell me whats wrong!

As USC says... we are wired differently .. (good way of putting it)
Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was
really pissed.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the
driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!"

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke
up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box
gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought
the box back in the house.

She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Bob has been missing since Friday.

I can never understand how a man can be so stupid that he forgets his anniversary. I mean, usually that date came about after months of planning out of a year of your life... but, whatever...
Whatever ..............

More idiocy as usual with BBitch trying to act tough.

BB don't make me bring you to tears again.

Cupcake don't you have a metro man convention to attend?:rolleyes:

side note: this from a guy who went on a crying jag because another poster used his first name!
Warren Buffet wannabee...............
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