Men: to give space or NOT to give it

It is my experience that women, even when younger, use a "circumspect" way (ie: indirectly, using clues, hints and other non-direct methods) of requesting what they desire. Now perhaps that is because their desires are more likely to be abstract, based on emotional want, and are more often not satisfied with something concrete. But regardless of why, women do not state their desires and needs in a direct manner. It seems to be almost a constant test of their male partners and/or spouse to see how well the partner/spouse knows them.

The desires of men may often stem from the same emotional needs that women have, but they are expressed very differently. Though there has been a trend for change in recent years, men are still taught to not express their emotions openly. But if a want/need can be expressed without referring to an emotion, you can bet it will be stated openly. For instance, if a man wants a new truck (which he is never going to admit even to himself stems from a feeling of inadequacy), he is going to say he wants a new truck. And if the desire IS based on a self-recognized emotional need, then men will find a way of asking for that need without the emotion. For instance, if he wants some physical, non-sexual contact (rare, but does happen), he'll ask to have his back scratched or something similar that requires attention and touch from his female partner.

This is true until a man is married, and learns expressing such base wants directly is more likely to get him a withering look of disgust from his wife, or even land him on the couch for the night than get him what he wants. In which case he learns to approach those wants more, shall we say, "circumspectly". But they STILL won't admit to, or even indirectly refer to the emotional need that prompts the desire.
Holy cow...Mr.Freud...!

It is my experience that women, even when younger, use a "circumspect" way (ie: indirectly, using clues, hints and other non-direct methods) of requesting what they desire. Now perhaps that is because their desires are more likely to be abstract, based on emotional want, and are more often not satisfied with something concrete. But regardless of why, women do not state their desires and needs in a direct manner. It seems to be almost a constant test of their male partners and/or spouse to see how well the partner/spouse knows them.

The desires of men may often stem from the same emotional needs that women have, but they are expressed very differently. Though there has been a trend for change in recent years, men are still taught to not express their emotions openly. But if a want/need can be expressed without referring to an emotion, you can bet it will be stated openly. For instance, if a man wants a new truck (which he is never going to admit even to himself stems from a feeling of inadequacy), he is going to say he wants a new truck. And if the desire IS based on a self-recognized emotional need, then men will find a way of asking for that need without the emotion. For instance, if he wants some physical, non-sexual contact (rare, but does happen), he'll ask to have his back scratched or something similar that requires attention and touch from his female partner.

This is true until a man is married, and learns expressing such base wants directly is more likely to get him a withering look of disgust from his wife, or even land him on the couch for the night than get him what he wants. In which case he learns to approach those wants more, shall we say, "circumspectly". But they STILL won't admit to, or even indirectly refer to the emotional need that prompts the desire.

Well hell I thought I bought a truck to tow my boat...and I bought my boat to have fun...guess I was feeling inadequate...who'd of guessed...thanks dude that sure cleared up things for me...I guess I sold 'em to correct my bad behavoir...not!... fuel prices suck!:pke:
A boat is just a hole in the water you throw money into.

The happiest days of a boat owners life the day you buy it and the day you sell it.

With that said I have not sold mine yet ;)

Going to give it to the son and grandchildren I guess.

Me, I will just flop around in my cement pond with screen enclousure.
Well hell I thought I bought a truck to tow my boat...and I bought my boat to have fun...guess I was feeling inadequate...who'd of guessed...thanks dude that sure cleared up things for me...I guess I sold 'em to correct my bad behavoir...not!... fuel prices suck!:pke:
That was an example, not a statement of why all men want new trucks. The point is you want a new truck to satisfy some type of emotional (ie: you have fun to be happy) need.
Okee Dokee..........

That was an example, not a statement of why all men want new trucks. The point is you want a new truck to satisfy some type of emotional (ie: you have fun to be happy) need.

I just have problems relating to metro men...I don't analyize everything I do or don't do...way to complicated and gets in the way of fun...but hey whatever floats your boat!:cof1:
LoL you're the one who has been ranting about "metros" faggot.

Man I wish I had gone to school with you. I would have made your life miserable. Swirlies, wedgies, asskickings; you name it.
Btw it's HILARIOUS how upset you got when Good Luck correctly pointed out the symbolism of a man buying a huge truck.
Well Sgt..............

What is a metro man?

That would be the guy in boot camp that had to wash his hands after everything he touched...and felt the pain of women having to deal with all the drill sgts macho approach to building men from boys,a guy who is in touch with his proverbial feelings...prefers the opera to a ball game..hanging out at a pajama gossip party rather than hanging with the guys camping...the list is endless...
Sorry cupcake....

LoL you're the one who has been ranting about "metros" faggot.

Man I wish I had gone to school with you. I would have made your life miserable. Swirlies, wedgies, asskickings; you name it.

I'm not going to go down this road again with you, endless...I know you are but what am I...I can kick yo butt,no you can't...grow up !
post away....

Hey BB you were supposed to keep that between us.

I will start posting your PM's to me.

however it won't work since I have never pm'd you I only pm close friends on this board...however you could substitute your pm's to eppi...or cyppi,or darla or lady t...maybe you could fake it!:cof1:
That would be the guy in boot camp that had to wash his hands after everything he touched...and felt the pain of women having to deal with all the drill sgts macho approach to building men from boys,a guy who is in touch with his proverbial feelings...prefers the opera to a ball game..hanging out at a pajama gossip party rather than hanging with the guys camping...the list is endless...
I see.

And the simple understanding that wanting to have fun indicates a desire for happiness, or that any desire is ultimately the result of an emotional need, makes for a "metro man"?

Is this definition the projection of a he-man wannabe?

Or maybe it is the over compensation of a he-man wannabe?

Or maybe the self-disgust of a he-man wannabe.