Men: to give space or NOT to give it

now, if i said 'i beat my woman into submission', that would be spousal abuse.
probably because its mostly men who beat their wives.

oh, a moment of lucidity? no! this is pure reverse sexism!

We aren't married so its cool.
Bottom line.................

boys and girls...when you are thru trying to grow will discover that men will always be men and women will always be women..the design is either by nature or a higher authority...learn to accept who you are and quit trying to 'please and deceive'...nature will get the two together no matter what...'good bad or ugly'...'thats all folks'!:cof1:
For me if something is bothering me or im stressed id rather just try to let it go. But sometimes what happens is the woman sees the stress and pick at asking whats going on because thats how they would deal with it by talking it out. But the last thing i want to do is to go BACK to rehashing something thats already on its way off my shoulders.

I think that’s the classic communication difference between genders…though of course there are always exceptions.