Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views

I began to ski at age 5 in Norway, moron. I am a genetically superior as well as physically superior skier than you and always will be.
Then you should have a handicap. What is it?

There's a lot of Europeans that are in one of the ski clubs that I belong to. They typically are in the less competitive classes.
I visited quite a few gyms in Atlanta before I settled on the one I use now. Plenty of liberal bumper stickers in the parking lots and liberal talk shows (or at least few conservative shows on the TVs).

I think this sort of poll/study would depend on location.

Gays like to work out too.
I visited quite a few gyms in Atlanta before I settled on the one I use now. Plenty of liberal bumper stickers in the parking lots and liberal talk shows (or at least few conservative shows on the TVs).

I think this sort of poll/study would depend on location.
You'd be surprized how many of the most buff gym rats are gay.
Just what I said. You talk a big game about "freedom" unless it's people or behavior you don't like.
You hit the nail right on the head. I've stated on here many times how right wing conservatives are all for freedom and liberty.....until someone actually practices them!
Bullshit. Killing innocent children because they are inconvenient to you is not freedom, it's murder.
Phhllllbbbttt like hell. Other than expandig gun rights and institutionalizing the wealthies belief in freedom from taxation please show me just one time in American history where conservatives have supported the broad based expansion of civil liberties. Just one!
It's human nature to support someone who gives you free stuff. It's also human nature to slack off when your basic needs are provided for. The Democrat Party has exploited these human traits and focused them on blacks; this strategy has been much more successful than their past initiatives (slavery, segregation, terrorism) at destroying black families.

The Democrat Party's strategy works with any special interest group, be it gays, illegals, blacks, unions, corporations, etc. Give a group special privileges and individuals in that group will overwhelmingly support you.

Do you really think the CEOs slack off once their basic needs are cared for ?

do you think your gobbledygoop of twisted hate for people of color turnrd into some "we are the party that really cares about black people because we want to teach them with tuff love" is bought by anyone but your already brain washed minions?

that rack of rat shit on a stick is only appetizing to the brain dead of the right who need a way to rationalize their complete distain for people of color.

epic fail

try actaully caring about people if you can.

if you cant then you just may be a sociopath.
Phhllllbbbttt like hell. Other than expandig gun rights and institutionalizing the wealthies belief in freedom from taxation please show me just one time in American history where conservatives have supported the broad based expansion of civil liberties. Just one!
Modern conservatives believe in limited government, the ultimate liberty.
Can you read? "Give a group special privileges and individuals in that group will overwhelmingly support you." Fact.
Well no shit Captain obvious. Why the fuck do you think the ultra wealthy, ultra conservative are hell bent for an election to turn our Democracy into an oligarchy? So they can maintain their special privileges their GOP shills have legislated for them.
Modern conservatives believe in limited government, the ultimate liberty.
Phhhlllllbbbttt Horse shit! Anytime a conservatve starts talking that "limited government" non-sense it's amost always in the constext of denying others their freedom and liberties. That was the biggest argument southern conservatives used to justify both slavery and Jim Crow laws "Limited Government" and "States Rights". What a crock of shit but I have to thank you for making my point for me.

So major fail. You can't even come up with one instance. Just as I said.
Phhhlllllbbbttt Horse shit! Anytime a conservatve starts talking that "limited government" non-sense it's amost always in the constext of denying others their freedom and liberties. That was the biggest argument southern conservatives used to justify both slavery and Jim Crow laws "Limited Government" and "States Rights". What a crock of shit but I have to thank you for making my point for me.

So major fail. You can't even come up with one instance. Just as I said.

You're referring to acts by Democrats, not conservative Republicans.

Which political ideology reveres limited government, modern liberals, or modern conservatives?