Mergers and aquisitions hurt our country


Villified User
Think about it instead of expanding a company just buys another one that was already there. No real expansion for our country.
I love these opportunities to teach you grasshopper.
Companies always cut cost (read fire white collar/blue collar workers) and lower expenses and become more competitive.

You would have learned that in economics 101 had you gone to college. The term is economies of scale.:clink:
Think about it instead of expanding a company just buys another one that was already there. No real expansion for our country.

If company A wants to expand but is unable to raise new capital and company B comes in an purchases company A and company B offers the platform and capital that company A needs and wants to help it grow how is that hurting the economy?

One example. Go back to the late '90's. There were ten search engines competing for business. The market obviously showed it will not (profitably) support ten search engines. What are you options if you are one of those search engines that the public doesn't choose? You could close up shop and file for BK. You can also be bought by a larger company and work within their operation. Again I don't see where our country is hurt.

Look at the growth of Google. They were one of those ten search engines competing for our business. Do you think they created any economic expansion with their purchase of other search engines?
I love these opportunities to teach you grasshopper.
Companies always cut cost (read fire white collar/blue collar workers) and lower expenses and become more competitive.

You would have learned that in economics 101 had you gone to college. The term is economies of scale.:clink:

But if you had taken humanity 101 you would remember that this overall weakens our country.
Think about it instead of expanding a company just buys another one that was already there. No real expansion for our country.
Nah, startups build until they are bought, this grows the company and the economy at the same time and creates incentive to create new startups.
How do you think company's grow?

Well, I've noticed that they will pretty much just do that on their own. Often, out of nowhere and at the most annoying times. But sometimes, you might have to rub them a little bit, that should do the trick, if you are having trouble Cawacko?

Oh, companies...well, that I don't know anything about, and care less too! But Topper the SuperMBA will fly in here, very soon, in tights, and amaze all of us with his explanation.
Well, who cares about America. I'm trying to get into to M&A, so they are going to be profitable for me and really at the end of the day, its only "Me" that matters.

Kindest Regards,

Tiana, Recent Republican Convert
"Tiana, Recent Republican Convert"

Who knew people like you existed???? A liberal with a sense of humor?

That said, like most things... Mergers and Acquisitions can be good or bad. It depends on a case by case basis. To say they are always good or always is far too simplistic.

AOL Time Warner merger is a very good example of the bad.

The baby bells merging back together is a sign of the good.
If company A wants to expand but is unable to raise new capital and company B comes in an purchases company A and company B offers the platform and capital that company A needs and wants to help it grow how is that hurting the economy?

One example. Go back to the late '90's. There were ten search engines competing for business. The market obviously showed it will not (profitably) support ten search engines. What are you options if you are one of those search engines that the public doesn't choose? You could close up shop and file for BK. You can also be bought by a larger company and work within their operation. Again I don't see where our country is hurt.

Look at the growth of Google. They were one of those ten search engines competing for our business. Do you think they created any economic expansion with their purchase of other search engines?

Is this always the case in mergers, though?
Exactly, mergers that create a near monopoly is not a good thing.

We saw the effects up here in Anchorage with our grocery chain. Safeway merged with local Carr's. They had a monopoly untill Fred Meyers brought in their grocery line.

A case where a merger was not good for Alaskans.
Is this always the case in mergers, though?

M&A's happen for a variety of reasons so there is no one example like the one gave that speaks for all of them.

In the Silicon Valley for example hundreds of tech company's are formed with basically the idea of being purchased in mind.

Bio-tech companies with no new products in the pipeline may purchase a (smaller) company that has a drug a year or two away from being tested for the market.

The idea that M&A's do not create growth is just flat out wrong.
M&A's happen for a variety of reasons so there is no one example like the one gave that speaks for all of them.

In the Silicon Valley for example hundreds of tech company's are formed with basically the idea of being purchased in mind.

Bio-tech companies with no new products in the pipeline may purchase a (smaller) company that has a drug a year or two away from being tested for the market.

The idea that M&A's do not create growth is just flat out wrong.

Cawacko, what the hell happened to you? You've become dry and boring. Without a Euc or a Prak around to get you riled up you sound like you're 80.

Should I ask you what you call a midget, and get the ball rolling?
Duhla, guess you've never heard money is politics. LOL
Guess though it's good for you significant other that you have an unusual fixation on the male's Johnson.

USC, again grasshopper you attempt at deserving a cookie is childish for a 50 something. Humanitarian concerns and mergers are not to be used in the same sentence amongst educated people.
That is all class is dissmissed.:clink:
Cawacko, what the hell happened to you? You've become dry and boring. Without a Euc or a Prak around to get you riled up you sound like you're 80.

Should I ask you what you call a midget, and get the ball rolling?

My bad! I'm with a new group at work so I've been trying to be on my best behavior at work and on this board. Well f*ck that! :)

Speaking of those two idiots and midgets, I heard several different people talk about midgets this weekend and not one used the politically correct term 'little people'. Prak and Euc are just hating on me because I have a bigger heart than they do. :)
My bad! I'm with a new group at work so I've been trying to be on my best behavior at work and on this board. Well f*ck that! :)

Speaking of those two idiots and midgets, I heard several different people talk about midgets this weekend and not one used the politically correct term 'little people'. Prak and Euc are just hating on me because I have a bigger heart than they do. :)


Well, I'll tell you Cawacko, Prak doesn't tell me what goes on there, he knows I don't want to know about it. But when Euc said that to you, about he thinks you should just call him a midget, it's best he knows what kind of asshole you are right away...Prak said you have to see this one though. We were cracking up. No offense to you at all, but that was a funny line.

Don't be on your best behavior here, you'll make the rest of us look bad.
Duhla, guess you've never heard money is politics. LOL
Guess though it's good for you significant other that you have an unusual fixation on the male's Johnson.

I guess it's bad for you that you're under the impression that a woman being fixated on that is "unusual".

This explains a lot!
Think about it instead of expanding a company just buys another one that was already there. No real expansion for our country.

Well, I don't know, but are you proposing that we not allow mergers?

I'm anti-nationalist, so your whole "our country" bit I disagreed with, but I don't think that mergers are necessarily bad for our economy.
I guess it's bad for you that you're under the impression that a woman being fixated on that is "unusual".
This explains a lot!

Every post you make is about sex, Darla. I'm a fucking teenager and I don't talk as much about sex.

I guess I'm just a dork :(.
Every post you make is about sex, Darla. I'm a fucking teenager and I don't talk as much about sex.

I guess I'm just a dork :(.


I'm sorry Water if I've upset you!

Did you know that because I used the word midget on this thread, one of the ads on top is now "Beautiful midget women"? I swear to God! These things are not my fault, they just happen around me.