Mergers and aquisitions hurt our country

Cawacko, what the hell happened to you? You've become dry and boring. Without a Euc or a Prak around to get you riled up you sound like you're 80.

Should I ask you what you call a midget, and get the ball rolling?

ahahahahaha, that was too damn funny, sorry, cawacko, but it was! I helped as much as I could and then I confess, I stayed away from it, but they did drag him through PC hell! :BKick: :BKick: :BKick:
Well, I don't know, but are you proposing that we not allow mergers?

I'm anti-nationalist, so your whole "our country" bit I disagreed with, but I don't think that mergers are necessarily bad for our economy.

Merger should be allowed, but there should be guidelines, sorry, but a few humans can not be trusted to do the right things towards their fellow humans! and these are the ones who usually make it to leadership roles these days, unfortunately!
ahahahahaha, that was too damn funny, sorry, cawacko, but it was! I helped as much as I could and then I confess, I stayed away from it, but they did drag him through PC hell! :BKick: :BKick: :BKick:

It was hysterical. I understood their whole point, which was, you shouldn't "call him" anything, except his name. He's a human being. You wouldn't ask what to call another human being, you'd know you call them their name. And I think Cawacko was trying to find out, how would you refer to him, to someone else. There's really no need to mention it, but I think I understood his question. Forget it, Prak and Euc? I wouldn't want those two on me. I would have let Cawacko burn on his own too! lol
Duhla, maybe a woman who talks about it constantly is not getting any.
It's very unusual in adult company especially when talking business to bring up your fixation or fustration. LOFL:tongout:
It was hysterical. I understood their whole point, which was, you shouldn't "call him" anything, except his name. He's a human being. You wouldn't ask what to call another human being, you'd know you call them their name. And I think Cawacko was trying to find out, how would you refer to him, to someone else. There's really no need to mention it, but I think I understood his question. Forget it, Prak and Euc? I wouldn't want those two on me. I would have let Cawacko burn on his own too! lol

Euc has decided she/he doesn't like me because I like Cawacko, so I steer clear.
Don't want to add another feud to that board!
it's not about common good, the shareholders of the acquired company decide if it is a good enough offer. As long as there are no anti-trust monopoly issues it's done.
It was hysterical. I understood their whole point, which was, you shouldn't "call him" anything, except his name. He's a human being. You wouldn't ask what to call another human being, you'd know you call them their name. And I think Cawacko was trying to find out, how would you refer to him, to someone else. There's really no need to mention it, but I think I understood his question. Forget it, Prak and Euc? I wouldn't want those two on me. I would have let Cawacko burn on his own too! lol

Not to get back on the subject but why even have names such as midget or little people then? Going further couldn't you say callling someone tall or short or thin or fat falls under the same category?

Prak can be funny and you can see his humor (even unintentinal) in his posts. Euc is just a miserable person.

You know the two reasons I know Euc is not in porn? No one who gets laid can be as miserable as he/she is. There is "midget porn" and if Euc were running porn he would obviously not allow it.
Duhla, maybe a woman who talks about it constantly is not getting any.
It's very unusual in adult company especially when talking business to bring up your fixation or fustration. LOFL:tongout:

LOL. Top I am not "talking business". I only talk politics and war here, that's my interest. And yes, it's true, sex! I'm so ashamed.

But, seriously, saying I talk about it "constantly" is a big exxageration. But that's ok, I'll take the hit. I probably have it coming.
Euc has decided she/he doesn't like me because I like Cawacko, so I steer clear.
Don't want to add another feud to that board!

Really? That's the same old shit, from when I used to like Sarge, before he lost his mind. Euc has always been a very difficult personality, I've gotten into it with him in the past too. I always found him far more difficult than I ever found Prak, even though I've seen people say they resemble each other, I never had those problems with Prak, even way back in the day when we didn't know each other. That board sucks anyway!

I'm sorry Water if I've upset you!

Did you know that because I used the word midget on this thread, one of the ads on top is now "Beautiful midget women"? I swear to God! These things are not my fault, they just happen around me.

LOL, Darla. You haven't upset me in the least bit. I was doing that sort of a joke.

I'm pretty laid back and couldn't care less whether or not I was a dork.
I'm razzing you duhla, when you start slipping on the economics of politics you whipp out the sexits slam. Usually good slams too.
Anti-War is the only war topic I'm interested in.
Not to get back on the subject but why even have names such as midget or little people then? Going further couldn't you say callling someone tall or short or thin or fat falls under the same category?

Prak can be funny and you can see his humor (even unintentinal) in his posts. Euc is just a miserable person.

You know the two reasons I know Euc is not in porn? No one who gets laid can be as miserable as he/she is. There is "midget porn" and if Euc were running porn he would obviously not allow it.

LOL. I pretty much am on the same page as far as those two go, respectively. Though, Prak is usually funny intentionally. He has a really wicked sense of humor, though sometimes you might think he's not being intentionally funny, he is.

Yes, I see what you are saying. I rarely describe anyone in those terms. I hate those kind of terms. I never say "that short guy" or "that fat woman". If someone has a nice attribute, I will use that, like "the redhead with the stunning figure". Probably, in the particular case you are talking about though, you would be best to just refer to him as "John" or whatever his name is. I mean, it's kind of touchy, and I'm no expert Cawacko.
I'm razzing you duhla, when you start slipping on the economics of politics you whipp out the sexits slam. Usually good slams too.
Anti-War is the only war topic I'm interested in.

The war is pretty much the only thing we agree on Top. Well, I will give you the fact that you are good on women's rights too.

You and Cawacko will get along fabulously on economics, but I sense a quicky divorce in the brew once the war comes up.
LOL. I pretty much am on the same page as far as those two go, respectively. Though, Prak is usually funny intentionally. He has a really wicked sense of humor, though sometimes you might think he's not being intentionally funny, he is.

Yes, I see what you are saying. I rarely describe anyone in those terms. I hate those kind of terms. I never say "that short guy" or "that fat woman". If someone has a nice attribute, I will use that, like "the redhead with the stunning figure". Probably, in the particular case you are talking about though, you would be best to just refer to him as "John" or whatever his name is. I mean, it's kind of touchy, and I'm no expert Cawacko.

Just to clarify and then I'll let it drop. I didn't go up to the guy and say "hey midget". Someone in the office made a comment about the guy (not in his presence) thus my curiousity and why I asked the question (to the board) about what the politicially correct name is.

And maybe I'm unique in this though I can't imagine I am in having someone ask me to describe someone they are going to meet or describe myself over the phone to a person I'm meeting at a building or something along those lines.

With myself it's easy, I just say look for the buff and studly guy. But for others you usually have to give a description beyond there name and the fact that they are human.
Really? That's the same old shit, from when I used to like Sarge, before he lost his mind. Euc has always been a very difficult personality, I've gotten into it with him in the past too. I always found him far more difficult than I ever found Prak, even though I've seen people say they resemble each other, I never had those problems with Prak, even way back in the day when we didn't know each other. That board sucks anyway!

Yes, it does, but there are still a few people there I would miss, Christie for one!
Just to clarify and then I'll let it drop. I didn't go up to the guy and say "hey midget". Someone in the office made a comment about the guy (not in his presence) thus my curiousity and why I asked the question (to the board) about what the politicially correct name is.

And maybe I'm unique in this though I can't imagine I am in having someone ask me to describe someone they are going to meet or describe myself over the phone to a person I'm meeting at a building or something along those lines.

With myself it's easy, I just say look for the buff and studly guy. But for others you usually have to give a description beyond there name and the fact that they are human.

ahahahaha, ((((((cawacko))))))
midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midgetmidget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midgetmidget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midgetmidget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midgetmidget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midgetmidget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midgetmidget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midgetmidget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget midget