You demand of others what you yourself refuse to do. I believe you want the state to take care of your fellow man because you failed at doing so.
Fuck you, Asshole.
You demand of others what you yourself refuse to do. I believe you want the state to take care of your fellow man because you failed at doing so.
Was this during the '50's and '60's? Again, completely different time in the world. You have to look at the geo-politics of the day post WWII and prior to the technological revolution. We are never going back to those days. Republican/Democrat it doesn't matter. Those days are gone. Old people may remember them but no one young does.
Yeah...back in the 1950's we did not have anywhere near the mechanical and robot help we have now.
So why are people working so hard now...with all the help we have?
Why are people working harder to make ends meet now...with all the mechanical advantage we have to do our work?
Was this during the '50's and '60's? Again, completely different time in the world. You have to look at the geo-politics of the day post WWII and prior to the technological revolution. We are never going back to those days. Republican/Democrat it doesn't matter. Those days are gone. Old people may remember them but no one young does.
I don't know man, I'm not a tech guy. We have access to info at our fingertips today people could only dream about years ago. But that doesn't mean life is going to be easy. We went from an Industrial Age to a technological one and there are older folks who haven't adjusted well to it.
I don't know man, I'm not a tech guy. We have access to info at our fingertips today people could only dream about years ago. But that doesn't mean life is going to be easy. We went from an Industrial Age to a technological one and there are older folks who haven't adjusted well to it.
Young kids have no idea of what fun is, nor do they have any idea of what it means to invent your own entertainment. They can learn just as we did.
And the geo-politics is not the reason why we cannot "go back". It is the reliance on the almighty dollar, and greed, that prevents us from doing so.
I'm 74, born in 44. And the younger kids are learning. It is those in between that are lost.
Hoping someday you will understand that it is not the technology. It is the culture that created "Father knows best", "Little Beaver", "Ozzie and Harriet", "The Lone Ranger", etc. Perhaps the greater problem lies in the number of people on the earth that has created a world of self-centeredness. I was listening to a right wing talk show today, and the host was rattling on abut the accomplishments of Trump, and then he said that Trump had done more for Christianity then any other President. I probably should have stopped, and called, and asked him what Trump has done, but I knew it was a waste of time. I have went through this with him too many times. Trump has made a mockery of Christianity just as he has of the laws of the country. And the country will rue the day they ever elected the pervert. But that too is an example of how low the country has sunk.
It will take time, and hard work, to return the US to its former glory, however, there is hope in the generations two, and three, decades from now.
Older folks?
NOBODY has adjusted well to it.
I'm 82 and can use all the devises around.
But essentially we have developed WILLING SLAVES in the billions (machines, robots and computers) to help us do the work that has to be done...
...and yet humans are working harder to obtain less.
Why is this the state of affairs?
Why, with all the mechanical slaves we have to help us do the work that needs doing...are we humans all working so hard?
(I think I know why.)
And as of now our tax dollars are going to the wealthy....the majority of whom are white and male.
If you pay any attention to a piece of shit like are offering him too much respect.
He is a troll. You should piss on him...not feed him.
My dad raised 7 kids on $6.50 an hour as a member of the AFL/CIO. We vacationed every year, went hunting, fishing, had a garden, and mom stayed at home. He received healthcare that covered the whole family, and bought three different homes the last one costing him 25,500 which is now valued at 450,000. Of course, his CEO received 27 times what he got not the 257 times the amount a CEO receives today.
But yes, the mentally retarded who have been brought up to believe that greed is good will find ways to blame the current situation on robotics, etc., not the greed of the 1-10%. And Trump does not want to go back to those times.
Was this during the '50's and '60's? Again, completely different time in the world. You have to look at the geo-politics of the day post WWII and prior to the technological revolution. We are never going back to those days. Republican/Democrat it doesn't matter. Those days are gone. Old people may remember them but no one young does.
Hoping someday you will understand that it is not the technology. It is the culture that created "Father knows best", "Little Beaver", "Ozzie and Harriet", "The Lone Ranger", etc. Perhaps the greater problem lies in the number of people on the earth that has created a world of self-centeredness. I was listening to a right wing talk show today, and the host was rattling on abut the accomplishments of Trump, and then he said that Trump had done more for Christianity then any other President. I probably should have stopped, and called, and asked him what Trump has done, but I knew it was a waste of time. I have went through this with him too many times. Trump has made a mockery of Christianity just as he has of the laws of the country. And the country will rue the day they ever elected the pervert. But that too is an example of how low the country has sunk.
It will take time, and hard work, to return the US to its former glory, however, there is hope in the generations two, and three, decades from now.
I don't disagree at all that kids today don't have what we did growing up in terms of freedom to go and have fun. They are definitely missing out. But it's not greed that's preventing us from going back to the industrial type economy we had in the '50's and '60's.
What's interesting is guno will consider the time you are talking about full of uneducated cracka goyums. Is that a time we really want to return to?
Actually I was not referring to going back to the 'industrial economy". I was referring to the overall culture, income inequality caused by greed, and the general loss of concern for others.
Actually I was not referring to going back to the 'industrial economy". I was referring to the overall culture, income inequality caused by greed, and the general loss of concern for others.
If you had lived in that period you would not ask the question.
No question new technology has brought with it new problems. But nonetheless technological advancement isn't going to stop nor are we going to return to a pre-technological age.