Well-known member
We are going to have to ADAPT.
The notion that there will be enough decent paying jobs so that everyone can earn their the first thing that has to go.
Out the door with that...ain't ever gonna happen again.
Then, after acknowledging that MOST PEOPLE are not going to be able to earn a living, we have to figure out what to do about that.
As I see it, mostly it will reduce to variations of two themes:
One: Allow most of the people to starve or freeze to death and be rid of them.
Two: Provide for the needs and wants of the people who do not work.
I understand there are many people here who would much prefer the former to the latter. The forum is dominated by the American that is a given.
One thing you're forgetting is American conservatives are uneducated cracka goyums. How are uneducated crackas going to survive in a world where a college degree is the equivalent of a high school diploma back in the day? Us white cracka goyums are killing ourselves on a daily basis so we won't even be around to starve or freeze to death. It's educated liberals such as yourself Frank who are the future and the ones who will create and control the jobs. Do you think volstruck, CFM or TDAK are creating any companies or have any control over where people work?
No disrespect Frank but you're old. That's why the future scares you. You came up in a very different world. White people like you had it good while you oppressed others. Now we have a globalized workforce and that's not good for the uneducated. Good news though Frank, the world has survived this long and isn't going to go away now no matter how scary it may look.