Message Board Tree

fullpolitics as a republican
justplain as a democrat- thanks to the education by Cypress, BAC, Mottley, Oncelor
im going to map out a real tree, anyone that is from will be linked as a brother/sister, anyone from another board would be like a cousin or in law. it's going to be awesome. and by awesome i mean a waste of my time
2003 - Politics.Com - Randomly typed in the URL while in the library of my high school.
2005 - FullPolitics.Com - Someone advertised to me. I think it was Dano55.
2006 - Politicentral.Com - Defunct site created by Brent. Not a part of the P/FP/JPP circuit.
2007 - JPP - I enrolled in 2006, but never came over until 2007. I was in denial about FP.

I want to add to Beefy's story. The fall of FP.Com began right around New Year's of 2005-2006. First, there was a spat between Dixie and Desh, where Desh would hijack a Dixie thread, and then Dix would retaliate by posting the ENTIRE TEXT of the US Constitution in bold and huge font on every thread that Desh had been posting in. Second, Dano55 and I began experimenting with BB Refresher Code as though we owned the place. We shut down a few pointless threads just so we could be cool. On "Lets Annoy the Everliving Piss Out of Maineman Night," I wrecked one of 8 "Maineman is Gay, etc." threads because I figured no one would mind. Boy was I ever wrong. Finally, everyone who was anyone began complaining to SR about all of the totally kickass and pimpin' Trolls that were running roughshod over ever thread, and had thus far never before been regulated by either Howard Baer or SR.

SR initiated a "site shutdown" shortly after New Years, in effect making us go into major withdrawal for 48 hrs. en masse. Oh, yeah, he also banned me, and I had to come back as Damian, the one and only time that I have had to resort to a name other than Threedee. Stirfry (aka Tinfoil) famously came onto the site 2 hours before the shutdown as Ib1yysguyy, who declared for the world to see that he is, in fact, gay.

The site was already starting to fail before the FPSC solution came about. For one thing, thanks to Dixie, SR had to disable BB Code for size formatting, and he also disabled embedded images, making people such as Stirfry obsolete... The Trolls slowly began to disappear as SR disabled multiple IP Address accounts, and the site began to grow extremely boring. You see, back in those days TROLLS WERE FUCKING HILARIOUS, most unlike the failures such as DNC that you see nowadays. That is all.
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Yeah, the trolls helped put that place in the ground.

LOL, yeah, there were funnier trolls on There's not a whole lot of them on this one. LOL, even simple ones like "Marquee" and "Dash" were funny........"What'd you expect"

Beefy (mbl?) was funny too when he started out as a troll. The McDonald's references to dano had me rolling.

I liked Darla's GunsNChrist troll too.
The trolls were annoying as shit. One of them created a poll on as to whether I was the dumbest poster on there and voted on it with some 270 trolls. We didn't have anywhere near 270 active members. Annoying. I never heard the end of it from that stupid troll, who created and voted on his own poll with over 200 trolls so he could use it against me.
LOL, yeah, there were funnier trolls on There's not a whole lot of them on this one. LOL, even simple ones like "Marquee" and "Dash" were funny........"What'd you expect"

Beefy (mbl?) was funny too when he started out as a troll. The McDonald's references to dano had me rolling.

I liked Darla's GunsNChrist troll too.
I was secretly the best troll on the site. :D

I was banned when it reopened because I had like 13 names.
The trolls were annoying as shit. One of them created a poll on as to whether I was the dumbest poster on there and voted on it with some 270 trolls. We didn't have anywhere near 270 active members. Annoying. I never heard the end of it from that stupid troll, who created and voted on his own poll with over 200 trolls so he could use it against me.

and it still bothers you.....

There were funny trolls though!

Don't listen to Ib1. He's just mad that he was frequently (along with Maineman, Toby, and AC) the butt of their jokes. Anyway, from the day the site was created until the day SR shut them down, the Trolls were the best part of FP. I even created the Troll Hall of Fame, and elected Josef as the first member.

I created Marquee. My absolute favorites, aside from Josef and the Irony Police, were the deity trolls (God, Allah, and Ahura Mazda, the last one being Damo's creation).
Don't listen to Ib1. He's just mad that he was frequently (along with Maineman, Toby, and AC) the butt of their jokes. Anyway, from the day the site was created until the day SR shut them down, the Trolls were the best part of FP. I even created the Troll Hall of Fame, and elected Josef as the first member.

I created Marquee. My absolute favorites, aside from Josef and the Irony Police, were the deity trolls (God, Allah, and Ahura Mazda, the last one being Damo's creation).
Ahura Mazda wasn't my best, I just created that one to mock the "God" and "Lord Buddha" trolls. LadyT was hilarious as Lord Buddha.