Message Board Tree

I came to in 2003. I googled politics, not actually being dumb enough to believe that typing something into the URL bar would get me anywhere useful. I just got very into politics after covering the Democratic primary at my school my freshman year.

Around 2005, everyone got pissed b/c Howard failed so hard at making a decent forum, so SR (who is a complete and total nutbag) decided to jump on the opportunity and make FP. Everyone on the moved to became a ghost town.

We were all kind of scared the SR would lose it, but he seemed to be taking a nice hands off approach even though his own personal political views were neoconservative and big brotherish as hell. Then he created the retarded security council, and started reading everyones PM's. That pissed about half the site off enough to go to Damo's brand new shiny JPP.

I made an account on JPP but mainly stayed on at FP. I was elected to the security council. We at the security council eventually killed the site off by declaring CK a troll, which gave people nothing but the completely voluntary ability to ignore him. People got butthurt and started whining about "censorship" even though they were completely free to un-ignore him at any time, and about half moved to JPP, where they could do the exact same thing, except to everyone. FP became so deserted that nearly everyone eventually moved over just to get some conversation. So FP became a ghosttown (except for two very strange people), with a few people from the P/FP tree moving to USMB instead of JPP.

And that's how it goes.

I also have accounts on USMB and DB, but everyone there fails to hard and so I never go there. Only the people from the P/FP/JPP tree seem to have anything resembling intelligence.
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Don't listen to Ib1. He's just mad that he was frequently (along with Maineman, Toby, and AC) the butt of their jokes. Anyway, from the day the site was created until the day SR shut them down, the Trolls were the best part of FP. I even created the Troll Hall of Fame, and elected Josef as the first member.

I created Marquee. My absolute favorites, aside from Josef and the Irony Police, were the deity trolls (God, Allah, and Ahura Mazda, the last one being Damo's creation).

I wasn't a huge fan of Josef.
"and about half moved to JPP, where they could do the exact same thing, except to everyone."


LOL, Oh man, it just came back to me how pissed off you were when you were banned!

Grind had me posting long emails from him! It was good stuff. I wonder if I still have those in my email accounts.
no one cares about these trolls idiots, they are barely memorable.

Fuck you, they were awesome! :321:

But yeah, like Watermark, I created an account here long before I left FP. Most of my early posts are just obnoxious, like this for example:

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