Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman

And you can say you have a degree in engineering.

And you can say you are fit & trim.

And you can say you are married and have kids.

But without proof, who can tell?

Please don't tell me that you stayed the same, relative to others in your age group, for your entire childhood?

My son was a skinny kid. And he stopped a kid from beating up his little sister. And when the kid attacked him he punched the kid. The difference in their sizes was minimal at best....

You can call me a liar, but without any basis for your accusation, I have no obligation to defend myself. My accusation of you, however, based on evidence provided by you, together with your spirited and agitated response and carefully nuanced language, tells me that I have likely hit target, dead on.
You can call me a liar, but without any basis for your accusation, I have no obligation to defend myself. My accusation of you, however, based on evidence provided by you, together with your spirited and agitated response and carefully nuanced language, tells me that I have likely hit target, dead on.

No, you'll have to do it elsewhere. This site is not created for the Ultimate Fighting Warrior to prove his value in Live Physical Combat against his foe. It's for the duel of the mind.

No, you'll have to do it elsewhere. This site is not created for the Ultimate Fighting Warrior to prove his value in Live Physical Combat against his foe. It's for the duel of the mind.

He's pissed off because I've won the duel of the mind, and wants satisfaction some other way. :cof1:
Aren't the rules involving posting of private messages one of those you enforce?

"2. PMs are Private Messages, they will remain Private... This will be strictly adhered to by all involved on this board. We cannot access anybody's PMs and we don't plan on acquiring the ability to do so. The only reason we would access another's PMs would be if we were required to by law."

And SM, I have said I would not continue our little fun in public.
...I have said I would not continue our little fun in public.

Somehow I knew you weren't man enough to state publicly what you state in private. You and maineman are two peas in a pod in that respect. In fact, you may be another of his personalities for all we know.
He's pissed off because I've won the duel of the mind, and wants satisfaction some other way. :cof1:

You spend your entire time here "winning" imaginary duels and "scoring" imaginary points like a Don Quixote cyber-character charging windmills.

Don't mind me .. I'm just enjoying the show.

Somehow I knew you weren't man enough to state publicly what you state in private. You and maineman are two peas in a pod in that respect. In fact, you may be another of his personalities for all we know.

Excuse me there Clint .. but not stating in public what is not said in private has nothing to do with being "manly" .. and everything to do with THE RULES.
You spend your entire time here "winning" imaginary duels and "scoring" imaginary points like a Don Quixote cyber-character charging windmills.

Don't mind me .. I'm just enjoying the show.

Actually, I debate according to published rules of logic, and ad-homs, for example your post above, break those rules. :)
Excuse me there Clint .. but not stating in public what is not said in private has nothing to do with being "manly" .. and everything to do with THE RULES.
Actually, there is nothing in the rules that prevents someone from quoting himself. Right Damo?
Outside of the clown show and back to the topic .. Steele is demanding resignations.
Good for him- clean out the liberal/ moderate "country club" faction. Put them in a bus and haul them over to the DNC where they belong. Make a media event out of it.
Actually, I debate according to published rules of logic, and ad-homs, for example your post above, break those rules. :)

Naw dude .. you don't "debate" at all. You're just here to score imaginary points.

"published rules of logic" .. what the fuck is that? If you were concerned about rules you would have stopped this goofiness when you were told posting PM's was against the rules.

Here's a tip .. it's easy to spot frauds and ideological clones .. they use words like "ad homs."

Not going to spend much time jousting with Don Quixote .. but you ruin good threads and good conversation trying to score imaginary points. On top of that, many of your comments are just stupid .. no matter how many imaginary degrees you claim to have.

ANY comment that still professes that Saddam and Bin Laden were in collusion in the face of all the available evidence is simply unintelligent .. downright stupid. You can swing away all you want and score as many imaginary points you want, it's still a stupid comment.

... so many windmills .. so little ttime.
Good for him- clean out the liberal/ moderate "country club" faction. Put them in a bus and haul them over to the DNC where they belong. Make a media event out of it.

My processes are runnin g fine .. got a bit of time to play with you.

Again, your comment is stupid, not the mark of a learned individual.

Steele proclaims himself to be a moderate?

Any bells ringing?

There are no liberals in the Republican Party. Are you an idiot?

You're trying to blame "liberals" for the collosal, historic, monumental, and America Era ending failures in a party controlled by the right-wing where Ruch Limbaugh is its chief spokesman.

How stupid is that?