APP - Microsoft To Allow Users To Choose Browsers

It only took them 10 years to get Microsoft do that, what a waste of time & effort over something so dumb.

I'm puzzled....I have never had any problem using Firefox before this "significant" change.....

So what's your point? It is aimed at the many people who don't even realise that there are alternatives, if that wasn't true how do you explain why so many are still using the pile of shit otherwise known as IE6??
We already have a choice of browsers. If you remove an operating systems ability to provide a default browser, what about linux, which comes bundled with all kinds of programs by default, including a browser?
The browser descriptions are also misleading. Opera, for instance, isn't that much particularly faster. Almost anyone would be happiest with either Firefox or Chrome. To a n00b it wouldn't really matter, so I don't see a point. Also, it disturbs me that they require it of Microsoft, but not of Apple and Linux.

Yes, I do understand, you need the government to protect you and tell you what to do. Again a simple web search would lead any noob to the various browsers available. Again, 10 years to get MS to create this for you EU noobs.

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No you don't, but frankly I couldn't give a shit what your opinion is as I've never seen anything from you that I've agreed with, so I am hardly going to start now. Microsoft have had a stranglehold on the browser and personal OS market for far too long and this is a step on the road to levelling the playing field.
The browser descriptions are also misleading. Opera, for instance, isn't that much particularly faster. Almost anyone would be happiest with either Firefox or Chrome. To a n00b it wouldn't really matter, so I don't see a point. Also, it disturbs me that they require it of Microsoft, but not of Apple and Linux.

Do you use Linux? I use Kubuntu and that only comes with Konqueror which no one uses, virtually any other browser is available a few clicks away in the Kubuntu repositories. If Microsoft wanted IE8 to work with Linux then they would have developed it, now wouldn't they? For all your leftish leanings it seems that you are a corporate man at heart!!

I have Chromium, Safari, Opera, Flock, Midori and Firefox installed so that I can compare them against each other and I find Opera 10 to be an excellent browser but I still prefer Firefox for all the extensions and addons. As for Apple, they will have to follow suit in due course, the first job is to raise consumer awareness and to finally get rid of that fucking abomination called IE6.

Ask yourself some simple questions? Why have Microsoft been so loath to allow other browsers to be selected by default? Why do they do their level best to not adhere to standards? And finally, why are they developing Silverlight and not supporting HTML5?

[ame=""]YouTube- IE is Being Mean to Me[/ame]
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Do you use Linux? I use Kubuntu and that only comes with Konqueror which no one uses, virtually any other browser is available a few clicks away in the Kubuntu repositories. If Microsoft wanted IE8 to work with Linux then they would have developed it, now wouldn't they? For all your leftish leanings it seems that you are a corporate man at heart!!

I have Chromium, Safari, Opera, Flock, Midori and Firefox installed so that I can compare them against each other and I find Opera 10 to be an excellent browser but I still prefer Firefox for all the extensions and addons. As for Apple, they will have to follow suit in due course, the first job is to raise consumer awareness and to finally get rid of that fucking abomination called IE6.

Ask yourself some simple questions? Why have Microsoft been so loath to allow other browsers to be selected by default? Why do they do their level best to not adhere to standards? And finally, why are they developing Silverlight and not supporting HTML5?

I dunno, Tom. I just think it's silly for the government to go in and try to right every wrong that exists in a products, especially with something like this, that is ultimately driven by taste.

In Windows, installation of Firefox is always also just a few clicks away. And they should've required this of Apple as well, which is, if anything, much more restrictive about things that Microsoft.
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I dunno, Tom. I just think it's silly for the government to go in and try to right every wrong that exists in a products, especially with something like this, that is ultimately driven by taste.

In Windows, installation of Firefox is always also just a few clicks away. And they should've required this of Apple as well, which is, if anything, much more restrictive about things that Microsoft.

Apple do not have Microsoft's stranglehold on the market, so they are not worth worrying about yet. I might also remind you that Clinton wanted to break Microsoft up but Bush stopped it from happening. It seems that many Americans have little awareness of their own recent history.
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Well, Microsoft's decision to eliminate browser competition by incorporating IE pretty much doomed the for-profit browser market. I agree, that we probably would've been better off to break up Microsoft. Antitrust prosecutors today have no balls.

However, it also lead to the disincentive Microsoft had to improve IE6. They had no updates for six years. This let the open-source browser market catch up, and currently I expect open source or alternative browsers like FF and Chrome to be in majority territory within five years. It really wasn't all terrible.