Mike Huckabee's Presidential ambitions come to an unexpected halt

No doubt. If he still had presidential ambitions they flew out the window with this tragedy. Reminds me of Dukakis.
He'll still have his show on TV where he can play the guitar and sing for us, but yeah as a candidate he is done.
i fail to see how huckabee has any responsibility for this and i fail to see any correlation to dukakis....

huckabee merely commuted (shortened) the guy's sentence, he didn't release him....the BOP released him....he had a 90+ year sentence for a crime he committed at 17....huckabee reduced it to something like 40 or so years, which made him eligible for parole earlier....

further, he was sent back to prison for continued criminal behavior, that supercedes huckabee's earlier commutation of his sentence....and once again, it was the BOP that released him, not huckabee
i fail to see how huckabee has any responsibility for this and i fail to see any correlation to dukakis....

huckabee merely commuted (shortened) the guy's sentence, he didn't release him....the BOP released him....he had a 90+ year sentence for a crime he committed at 17....huckabee reduced it to something like 40 or so years, which made him eligible for parole earlier....

further, he was sent back to prison for continued criminal behavior, that supercedes huckabee's earlier commutation of his sentence....and once again, it was the BOP that released him, not huckabee

Yurt, I look at it the same way, but you know how any viable, right-wing political figure is going to be castigated for even the appearance of doing something leading up to a tragedy like this. I would go one further and say that he didn't have a crystal ball to know what this "kid" would do. I can remember it being brought up several times during the presidential campaign. Of course I like Mike Huckabee.

I also point out that anyone on the left in a similar situation would be "linked" to the tragedy by those on the right.

my gwad is there anything more important you all get your panties in a bunch over than the legal right to kill off your children..
Hes toast.

.....(((((and I'm happy))))).......

Tell me desh, does the above correctly complete your thoughts? ;)

And I don't mean happy about the tragedy that led to it but happy about the unfortunate political situation that Mike Huckabee finds himself in.
.....(((((and I'm happy))))).......

Tell me desh, does the above correctly complete your thoughts? ;)

And I don't mean happy about the tragedy that led to it but happy about the unfortunate political situation that Mike Huckabee finds himself in.
Mike Huckabee was NEVER going to be POTUS. This did not end his political life, it only marked it for people who thought he was a viable candidate outside of Arkansas.
Yurt, I look at it the same way, but you know how any viable, right-wing political figure is going to be castigated for even the appearance of doing something leading up to a tragedy like this. I would go one further and say that he didn't have a crystal ball to know what this "kid" would do. I can remember it being brought up several times during the presidential campaign. Of course I like Mike Huckabee.

I also point out that anyone on the left in a similar situation would be "linked" to the tragedy by those on the right.

i would not link anyone on the left to the tragedy, others might, but i would not. there is simply no causal link between huckabee's commutation of sentence and the murders in seattle. even if this was a simple tort action based on civil burden of proof's, i don't think any jury or court would find huckabee's actions caused these murders....

commuting his sentence only allowed him to be eligible for parole earlier...it did not guarantee his release...further, he committed another act and was again released, this time huckabee had zero to do with that release, so even if we want to blame huckabee for the first release, the fact he committed another crime and was sent back only to be released again absolutely takes huckabee's clemency out of the picture....
.....(((((and I'm happy))))).......

Tell me desh, does the above correctly complete your thoughts? ;)

And I don't mean happy about the tragedy that led to it but happy about the unfortunate political situation that Mike Huckabee finds himself in.

His political career will never include any major office. The people who would have voted for him will now vote for the likes of Palin.

It helps a dumber candidate so I cant say I,m real happy about that.
He can't claim to be a conservative if he's soft on crime. Maybe he'll switch parties.

Has anyone bothered to look at this from his perspective? He commuted a sentence for a black man who was punished with a 102-year sentence for assault and burglary, when he was 16. He didn't pardon him, he commuted the sentence so the man would be eligible for parole. He did so because the judge in the case recommended it, and because 102 years seems a bit unfair for the crime committed. Had he known the man was going to end up killing 4 police officers, I am certain he would have never commuted his sentence.

Why is no one calling into question the Washington nimrods who turned him lose after 8 more felony convictions, including the rape of a 12-year-old? Seems like, what Huck did for him way back in Arkansas, is kinda academic after 8 more felony convictions, isn't it? And what is the lesson here pinheads? We should never give anyone the benefit of the doubt because they might end up doing something like this?

What is amazing to me is, if Huck were running for prez, and the Dems found some old case where he didn't commute this guy's sentence, they would be calling him every racist name in the book! But because he happened (in this case) to commute the sentence of someone who later did something terrible, the left wants to paint it as Huck's fault! It's kind of a no-win situation for him, isn't it?
Has anyone bothered to look at this from his perspective? He commuted a sentence for a black man who was punished with a 102-year sentence for assault and burglary, when he was 16. He didn't pardon him, he commuted the sentence so the man would be eligible for parole. He did so because the judge in the case recommended it, and because 102 years seems a bit unfair for the crime committed. Had he known the man was going to end up killing 4 police officers, I am certain he would have never commuted his sentence.

Why is no one calling into question the Washington nimrods who turned him lose after 8 more felony convictions, including the rape of a 12-year-old? Seems like, what Huck did for him way back in Arkansas, is kinda academic after 8 more felony convictions, isn't it? And what is the lesson here pinheads? We should never give anyone the benefit of the doubt because they might end up doing something like this?

What is amazing to me is, if Huck were running for prez, and the Dems found some old case where he didn't commute this guy's sentence, they would be calling him every racist name in the book! But because he happened (in this case) to commute the sentence of someone who later did something terrible, the left wants to paint it as Huck's fault! It's kind of a no-win situation for him, isn't it?
This is absolutely correct. What Huckabee did all those years ago was a compassionate act to undue a far too severe sentence on a child. Remember just last week all you compassionate conservatives were crying about a reporter picking on a poor 17 year old and how they don't know anything. What Huckabee did was consistent with his beliefs. As Dixie said had he seen this coming he probably would have kept him locked up. This is a bunch of false outrage over something that was unforeseeable. Mike Huckabee was never going to be president, but this was not his fault and his communtation of this guys sentence was consistent with his view of Christianity.
Mike Huckabee was NEVER going to be POTUS. This did not end his political life, it only marked it for people who thought he was a viable candidate outside of Arkansas.

I never thought Mike Huckabee was going to be president. I like the fact that his good showing in the republican presidential campaign gave him a platform and a voice, even if it was on Fox news and filling in for the late Paul Harvey. I do predict that there are those who will not look at the compassionate decision he made all those years ago with the same fairness that you look at it (per your later post in this thread) but will use it to try to villify another "religious nut" on the right. I do think his career, whatever it may have been, will be damaged by this tragedy. I have read the CNN articles and watched some of it yesterday before the Saints trounced the Patriots (Hurray!!) and everything so far tries to put some blame on Huck and none have looked at the commutting of the sentence for what it was, an act of compassion on a troubled kid.....and as you said, consistent with his (and my) Christian beliefs.
I will say it is sad in the sense that there are people who are deserving of having their sentences commuted but there is really no political benefit for a politician to do it because this is the risk. Politically speaking the benefit in the risk/reward spectrum isn't there.
and his communtation of this guys sentence was consistent with his view of Christianity.

.....and as you said, consistent with his (and my) Christian beliefs.

Why does Christian beliefs have anything to do with it? Do non-Christians not have compassion? Would an Atheist not have given this guy the commute? I don't understand why it HAS to be because he has Christian beliefs? If Huck were Muslim, would have let the man rot in jail the rest of his life for a crime committed when 16? I don't get the Christian angle here.... can either of you explain your comments?