Military Service

American Merchant Marine Heroes and their Gallant Ships in World War II

They also supplied us doing the Vietnam War too!

Tell me about the great heroics during the wars between 1991 and 1996?

As I said, roofers have more dangerous jobs!!
Merchant marine!
Wear a uniform, get medals and you don't even have to do what it takes!
You can even miss out the merchant and tell chicks you are a marine!!!

I'm laughing so hard right now!!
It hurts!!
Tell me about the great heroics during the wars between 1991 and 1996?

As I said, roofers have more dangerous jobs!!
Merchant marine!
Wear a uniform, get medals and you don't even have to do what it takes!
You can even miss out the merchant and tell chicks you are a marine!!!

I'm laughing so hard right now!!
It hurts!!

The bottom line is, Merchant Marines, have a long lineage of duty, courage, and heroics period!
The bottom line is, Merchant Marines, have a long lineage of duty, courage, and heroics period!

Im with signalmankenneth on this one. If someone wants to serve and they make a choice to do so, it should be applauded... regardless of its "safety" or low profile. We can argue amongst ourselves whos tougher and more elite in jest and in the spirit of "sibling" rivalries... we shouldnt denigrate a service of choice in a mean spirited fashion.

I was late to the table on this... shouldve said something sooner... props signalman..
Isn't it?
Absent without official leave.
Not at your post when you are supposed to be.
Isn't that exactly what deserting is?

Do clarify!

Deserting is leaving your post and service and never intending to return. AWOL is Absent Without Leave, but not abandoning your service. There is a huge difference. They are not even covered by the same articles in the UCMJ.


"Unauthorized absence from the military fall under three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ): Article 85, Desertion, Article 86, AWOL, and Article 87, Missing Movement. Of the three, Desertion is the most serious offense."

"If the intent of the absence was to "shirk important duty," such as a combat deployment, then the "intent to remain away permanently" to support a charge of desertion is not necessary. However, Such services as drill, target practice, maneuvers, and practice marches are not ordinarily "important duty.""
Deserting is leaving your post and service and never intending to return. AWOL is Absent Without Leave, but not abandoning your service. There is a huge difference. They are not even covered by the same articles in the UCMJ.


"Unauthorized absence from the military fall under three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ): Article 85, Desertion, Article 86, AWOL, and Article 87, Missing Movement. Of the three, Desertion is the most serious offense."

"If the intent of the absence was to "shirk important duty," such as a combat deployment, then the "intent to remain away permanently" to support a charge of desertion is not necessary. However, Such services as drill, target practice, maneuvers, and practice marches are not ordinarily "important duty.""
The allegation by rune was that GWB went AWOL to avoid deployment to Vietnam.
That is desertion, could be desertion in the face of the enemy.
An extremely serious charge.
How does a coward and a deserter get an honorable discharge?

Or is Brave, brave Rune Lying again?
The allegation by rune was that GWB went AWOL to avoid deployment to Vietnam.
That is desertion, could be desertion in the face of the enemy.
An extremely serious charge.
How does a coward and a deserter get an honorable discharge?

Or is Brave, brave Rune Lying again?

I don't know if any of his unit went to Vietnam, so I don't know about that. But Bush was AWOL.

Since he was in the National Guard they wouldn't have treated it as seriously. It was a weekend warrior missing drills.

I don't know of a deserter that got an honorable. He didn't desert, he went AWOL.
Yup, courage in the face of relative safety!!

And yet he served. As SR said, "If someone wants to serve and they make a choice to do so, it should be applauded... regardless of its "safety" or low profile.".

This "You were safe so you are a coward" tripe is nonsense.
The specific allegation was that GWB deserted to avoid service in Vietnam.
When did his unit deploy?

THAT little tidbit says it all, doesn't it ?
What do you think about his leave to work on political campaigns? Do you think others would be granted that same privilege?
Like the murderer Ted Kennedy?

Or the cop killer Barack Obama?

Or the negligent homicide of Hilary Clinton ?

Or the dodgy financing of Bill Clinton or Barney Frank?
Which of the above started unnecessary war? That's the point of this discussion. When you have someone who actually served in combat, they realize the ramifications of going to war.
Which of the above started unnecessary war? That's the point of this discussion. When you have someone who actually served in combat, they realize the ramifications of going to war.
No the point is that rune accused GWB of going AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam.

I'm awaiting some evidence to support that claim.

Kerry's service is not in question, his backstabbing of his comrades is.

As an officer, watching all this baby killing, why did he not act to stop it, if it happened?

That calls into question his leadership qualities.
No the point is that rune accused GWB of going AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam.

I'm awaiting some evidence to support that claim.

Kerry's service is not in question, his backstabbing of his comrades is.

As an officer, watching all this baby killing, why did he not act to stop it, if it happened?

That calls into question his leadership qualities.

Shithead; He joined the National Guard to avoid service in Vietnam.
Then, he couldn't even keep that low key commitment and went AWOL.

Kerry served with distinction, and you have yet to produce ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL that he was a "turn coat" (traitor). Nothing could be further from the truth,

Your lying is despicable. You are human feces.
No the point is that rune accused GWB of going AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam.

I'm awaiting some evidence to support that claim.

Kerry's service is not in question, his backstabbing of his comrades is.

As an officer, watching all this baby killing, why did he not act to stop it, if it happened?

That calls into question his leadership qualities.
Why won't you comment on Bush's leaves to help on political campaigns?
I hadn't thought about that but it is another sign of his priviledged life that he could avoid his service so he could campaign for office.
Correct. The point remains that the chickenhawks are always the ones to jump into war. Rummy served during peacetime. Bush never served. Cheney was interested in funneling money to Halliburton.

Recipe for disaster.
Don't forget this chicken hawk, equally if not more culpable for the Bush doctrine;
Reading through it, it seems ironic that Dubyah et al subscribed to the concept of world dominance, but ignored certain aspects that could've avoided both, 9/11, and the current instability we caused in the Mid East.

Pretty much what you'd expect from a C student, and a vice pres. that failed miserably in business.