Military Service

No, moron, AWOL is not the same as deserting.

Why don't you just goggle AWOL and see what comes up....

as a matter of U.S. military law, desertion is not measured by time away from the unit, but rather:
  • by leaving or remaining absent from their unit, organization, or place of duty, where there has been a determined intent to not return;
  • if that intent is determined to be to avoid hazardous duty or shirk contractual obligation;
Schooling you is really a plesure.
Shithead; He joined the National Guard to avoid service in Vietnam.
Then, he couldn't even keep that low key commitment and went AWOL.

Kerry served with distinction, and you have yet to produce ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL that he was a "turn coat" (traitor). Nothing could be further from the truth,

Your lying is despicable. You are human feces.

It is estimated that of the 12,234 Army National Guardsmen (ARNG) mobilized, more than 7,000 served in Vietnam (RVN), either in deployed Guard units or as individual replacements.

The National Guard units that were recalled and deployed directly to Vietnam were:

· In August 1965 ANG units began flying aero medical evacuation flights to and from Hawaii and Southeast Asia (Japan and the Philippines). The flights picked up casualties evacuated from Republic of Vietnam by Regular Air Force or Navy aircrews. The units flew on ADSW (active duty special work) order status. Air National Guard aircraft and crews, in ADSW status, flew a large number of support missions to the Republic of Vietnam. Between January 1966 and July 1967, Air Guardsmen flew an average of 150 support missions each month to Southeast Asia. (National Guard, Doubler and Listman, p. 146).

· On April 11, 1968, Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford announced that President Johnson ordered the call-up of 24,500 military reservists and National Guardsmen including 1,028 Naval Reservists. (New York Times, April 12, 1968, p. 5).

· In May and June 1968 four F100c squadrons deployed to Vietnam. The 120th Tactical Fighter Squadron (Colorado) arrived at Phan Rang Air Base and by June 1, all of the 120th’s pilots were flying combat missions. Iowa’s 174th, New Mexico’s 188th and New York’s 138th tactical fighter squadrons deployed to Vietnam. Before they returned home in April 1969, Air Guard pilots and aircraft flew nearly 30,000 sorties while accumulating 50,000 combat flying hours. (National Guard, Doubler and Listman, p. 147).

· Two ANG fighter squadrons – the 166th (Ohio) and the 127th (Kansas) – deployed to South Korea to help stabilize the situation there during the USS Pueblo crisis. (National Guard, Doubler and Listman, p. 147).

· Two ARNG infantry brigades were called up - Hawaii’s 29th [To maintain a strategic reserve in the Pacific for contingencies other than Vietnam after the 25th departed for Vietnam, the 29th Infantry Brigade of the Hawaii National Guard was called to Federal service and stationed at Schofield Barracks. In 1969 the 29th was released from Federal service and the 4th Brigade, 25th Infantry Division was constituted and activated at Schofield Barracks on 6 December 1969 under command of United States Army Pacific (25th Infantry Division History).] and Kansas’s 69th. The 650th Medical Detachment (Alabama) was the first to reach Vietnam (mobilized May 1968, deployed late July 1968). Company D (Ranger), 151st Infantry from Indiana served (deployed December 1968 until December 1969, the last unit to return). On December 12, 1969, the last Guardsman returned home, after more than 9,000 ARNG soldiers served in Vietnam (The National Guard, Doubler and Listman, p. 112).

And I agree, lying is despicable....especially yours and the pinheads that "thank you".
Why don't you just goggle AWOL and see what comes up....

as a matter of U.S. military law, desertion is not measured by time away from the unit, but rather:
  • by leaving or remaining absent from their unit, organization, or place of duty, where there has been a determined intent to not return;
  • if that intent is determined to be to avoid hazardous duty or shirk contractual obligation;
Schooling you is really a plesure.

He said that AWOL and Desertion are not the same thing. And somehow you schooled him on that? Please tell us how?

Are you claiming that they are the same? If not, then he was correct.
Shithead; He joined the National Guard to avoid service in Vietnam.
Then, he couldn't even keep that low key commitment and went AWOL.

Kerry served with distinction, and you have yet to produce ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL that he was a "turn coat" (traitor). Nothing could be further from the truth,

Your lying is despicable. You are human feces.
He served with honor by watching his men murder babies?

He did testify after the fact that massacres of children were the norm and that he witnessed them?

He took no action to halt this criminal activity of his men?

Calls his leadership abilities into question!

You are back peddling on your claim that bush went AWOL to avoid going to Vietnam!

Where is the charge sheet and courts martial docket listing his AWOL status?
Even an mp report?
He served with honor by watching his men murder babies?

He did testify after the fact that massacres of children were the norm and that he witnessed them?

He took no action to halt this criminal activity of his men?

Calls his leadership abilities into question!

You are back peddling on your claim that bush went AWOL to avoid going to Vietnam!

Where is the charge sheet and courts martial docket listing his AWOL status?
Even an mp report?

Being AWOL is not necessarily a court martial offense. In fact, it is usually handled as NJP, with no permanent record or criminal record.
Being AWOL is not necessarily a court martial offense. In fact, it is usually handled as NJP, with no permanent record or criminal record.
Do you have no proof to substantiate your lies?

You are a liar.

Kerry's qualities as a leader.

I'm questioning them!

Care to offer a challenge to my statement?
I am ranked #2 in the world in Americas Army.

The video game payed for by YOU.........the tax payer. Started under Bush, but I'll assume if anyone catches wind of it they will call it the "Obama game" just like the "Obama phone" also started under Bush.
Do you have no proof to substantiate your lies?

You are a liar.

Kerry's qualities as a leader.

I'm questioning them!

Care to offer a challenge to my statement?

You ask for proof but you have already ignored the proof. I posted a link that gave very clear definitions. You either didn't read it or choose to ignore factual evidence.
You ask for proof but you have already ignored the proof. I posted a link that gave very clear definitions. You either didn't read it or choose to ignore factual evidence.
I'm not sling for definitions, idiot, I'm asking for clear proof that GWB went AWOL to avoid Vietnam, as alleged by rune.

Rune has none.

You have none.

So clearly you are both spouting liberal lies.
I'm not sling for definitions, idiot, I'm asking for clear proof that GWB went AWOL to avoid Vietnam, as alleged by rune.

Rune has none.

You have none.

So clearly you are both spouting liberal lies.

And you are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Name one single lie I have spouted in this thread. Name one or admit you are full of shit.

I never said anything about WHY he went AWOL. I did post linked info about him being AWOL.

But my main contributions to this tangent is to correct several people's misconception that AWOL and desertion are the same thing.

So put up or shutup, numbnuts. Show me where I spouted "liberal lies".
And you are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Name one single lie I have spouted in this thread. Name one or admit you are full of shit.

I never said anything about WHY he went AWOL. I did post linked info about him being AWOL.

But my main contributions to this tangent is to correct several people's misconception that AWOL and desertion are the same thing.

So put up or shutup, numbnuts. Show me where I spouted "liberal lies".
When you posted definitions if AWOL in response to my request to the liar, rune, that he provide evidence supporting his claim.

No evidence has been shown.
Rune is a liar.
Your response was intended to draw off topic.
To avoid having to see any evidence.

You failed.

That was liberal deceit.

Same as a lie!
Typical liberal dishonesty!!
It's the way of the obamacult.
When you posted definitions if AWOL in response to my request to the liar, rune, that he provide evidence supporting his claim.

No evidence has been shown.
Rune is a liar.
Your response was intended to draw off topic.
To avoid having to see any evidence.

You failed.

That was liberal deceit.

Same as a lie!
Typical liberal dishonesty!!
It's the way of the obamacult.

Show, (with evidence) one lie, or shut your shit eating mouth.
You post no evidence ever yet you demand it from others. When you start backing up your claims, I will follow suit. Until then, I could not be bothered.
When you posted definitions if AWOL in response to my request to the liar, rune, that he provide evidence supporting his claim.

No evidence has been shown.
Rune is a liar.
Your response was intended to draw off topic.
To avoid having to see any evidence.

You failed.

That was liberal deceit.

Same as a lie!
Typical liberal dishonesty!!
It's the way of the obamacult.

In otherwords, you CAN'T show any place I lied.

I did not post the definitions in support of anything. I showed the definitions because someone was confusing AWOL and Desertion. Any idea who that might have been??
Show, (with evidence) one lie, or shut your shit eating mouth.
You post no evidence ever yet you demand it from others. When you start backing up your claims, I will follow suit. Until then, I could not be bothered.
I'm not making any claims.
I'm asking you to support your allegation that GWB went AWOL to avoid deployment to Vietnam.
You haven't shown any viable support for that allegation.
It is a lie.
In otherwords, you CAN'T show any place I lied.

I did not post the definitions in support of anything. I showed the definitions because someone was confusing AWOL and Desertion. Any idea who that might have been??
Going AWOL to avoid a deployment is desertion.