New member
Yes, there are always exceptions and non-standard circumstances. I was referring to minimum wage jobs and a legally mandated minimum wage. NOT skilled jobs that already make far more than the average.
In some job categories we DO have a labor shortage of QUALIFIED applicants. Often we approve foreign nationals a visa expressly for the purpose of filling these jobs. It's a sad fact that there is a disconnect between needed job skills and education and the jobs we urgently need to fill. And this needs to be fixed. But, that also is not what the minimum wage addresses.
The minimum wage is simply a way to assure those at the bottom tier of our employment ladder make sufficient wages to be able to have a minimum acceptable standard of living. THESE people do not have the power or money to individually negotiate for better wages. Especially in today's anti-union environment.
Do why don't the unskilled minimum wage earners go and sign up with the desperate for workers labourers union?
$51. Or more per hour is decent money.
But the work is hard!!
I have seen reports of sweating!!