Minimum Income

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so NOT $51 an hour in pay.

And you need to be a union worker. Not sure what that takes.

Still haven't provided proof, but that's ok. We'll take your word for it.
I'm in a position where not going to college would be a waste, and outright stupid. So, no, I'm not going follow the line of the bourgeoisie's mouthpieces. Maybe after college, I'll start a business, but not now.

I'd suggest that you go and actually learn about basic economics and business before you try and start one. From what I've seen written by you it's obvious that you have much to learn in those two areas.
so NOT $51 an hour in pay.

And you need to be a union worker. Not sure what that takes.

Still haven't provided proof, but that's ok. We'll take your word for it.
If it costs payroll, it's pay.
As I said, to join a union, all that you need to do is attend the hall, find a sponsor and sign up.
Of course they don't. The poorer the population gets the more control right wing international corporatists have over their lives. Paying subsistence wages is the ultimate goal of the right. Wealth and power mean everything, starving children and bodies in the street mean nothing and it's actually their goal.

Come on right wingers, admit that society means nothing to you and that the people are to be used like cattle.

Funny you say that when some of the most unequal states and locales are run by demalquedacrats. You shitbags keep running against the outcomes of your own policies yet calling for more of your own policies
Maybe after college, I'll start a business,

Not for them nasty ole fucking profits I hope? Oh yeah! Don’t forget to pay your employees that fair and balanced $50.00 an hour minimum wage, OK?

Who the fuck ever heard of a communist lackey owning a business?
E'lighten me o' th' details of th's cl'ssless society tha' o'ly you can see 'midst your drunke' haze, o' great one!
Drunken haze?
There are classless folk in the USA.
Liberals have no class.
What I said was " there is no poverty in the USA".
Why did I say that?

Because its true.
There is no poverty in the USA.
The sheer insanity of those who are against a minimum wage increase after YEARS of stagnation (in light of an INCREASING COLA), never ceases to amaze me.

It's like this people.....if your workers have a decent amount of money, then they SPEND more! That means PROFITS for other businesses, who may HIGHER more people. And so on, and so on.

Got it? Good.
Yes, there is poverty in the US. It might not measure out quite like poverty in a third world country (thank goodness) but there are people in the US who can't always feed their families, who can't heat their houses, who can't afford the basics like shoes that aren't totally worn out.

There are people in the US living in tent cities because they can't afford shelter.

There IS poverty in the US.

Almost one out of sixteen people in the USA are living in deep poverty

The Census defines people in deep poverty when they make 50% below the poverty line; Census figures show that, in 2011, 6.6 percent of all people, or 20.4 million people, lived in deep poverty.
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