Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
The left’s agenda to increase the minimum wage isn’t political? Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are!!!
The left’s agenda to increase the minimum wage is just another designed redistribution of wealth for the left to bribe the vote of the lesser productive, lesser educated, lesser trained and prepared among us with the loot extorted by the government’s gun in the back of small franchised business folks who operate fast food establishments. The agenda is to kill two birds with one stone, bribe the vote of idiots, and put fast food out of business because its capitalist and deemed unhealthy by the authoritarian bastards of the leftist faith.
I love this post lol. Look at this kid scramble!
First, this tool quotes the most idiotic comedian of all time;
Then states that the increase on MW is only to buy votes. It doesn't get much less educated than this folks.
Your fixation with "fast food" workers and your media source destroys your ability to think like a human. I would focus on Wal-Mart all day before Fast Food but FF were the first to stand up for themselves so here we are. You can't see beyond them.
I have to admit, I love watching small brains like you "governments gun in the back of the head" small brains always let me know that I'm more educated and correct. I would know without all that extreme, but it's just the glue on the envelope.