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You are an uneducated Right Winger
If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I promote the truth that every consenting adult has the constitutional right to engage in contracts with every and any other agreeable adult of any sexual gender and orientation without interference from government even “marriage” contracts.
If I’m a “right winger” then explain why I strongly oppose the Drug War and believe every American has a constitutional right to decide for themselves what they will and will not put into their own bodies.
If I’m a “right winger” then explain why I oppose the size and scope of America’s Military Industrial Complex and promote the downsizing thereof to a National “Defense” only operation devoid of the American World Police Force and international Nation Builder and foreign political busybody.
If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I strongly oppose the mixing of religion and politics.
If I’m a “right winger,” then explain why I’m not a neo-con RINO Republican but rather a non-partisan, party hating, constitutionalist and libertarian, (small l).