Minimum Wage 1968=$1.60. With grown and distribution it would be $21.16 today?

I don't know if Milty did stand-of but his book Capitalism and Freedom (1962) had me in stitches when I read it! If he didn't use it in a stand-up routine he missed out, because parts of it certainly should have been, could have been, and probably would still have an educated audience in stitches.

He doesn't care. He thinks the Left shouldn't be looked at because they use comedy. Yet the Right uses fear, anger, hate and paranoia to drive their turd brained zombies.
You are extremely stupid about "He'd" because this post isn't about me. It's about what our labor is worth moron.
It's about the Right doing everything it can to sell labor as a useless tool in business.
It's about the Left trying to expose that labor is critical in business.

The Left wins this one.

You CAN however treat your workers like they are a part of the team that made you successful. If that sounds outlandish to you, then you are.....................exactly who I'm talking to :)

It is costs that are important, and businesses will adjust to keep costs inline with the market.
It is costs that are important, and businesses will adjust to keep costs inline with the market.

Welcome to politics kid.

It is PROFIT that is important to business. Cost is only part of it small brain.

The balance is small business cost/profit vs large corporation cost/profit. Our biggest employer in America does not provide Health Insurance and asks management to hand out pamphlets on welfare. Wal-Mart.
Well child, it's because your numbers were all over the place. Some items were cheaper in my area than you posted and others are way more expensive.

So your point is scrambled.

So is your assessment of what today's wage would be, since it's cheaper to live in some areas and more expensive in others.
I guess this means your point was scrambled, from the beginning.
You are extremely stupid about "He'd" because this post isn't about me. It's about what our labor is worth moron.
It's about the Right doing everything it can to sell labor as a useless tool in business.
It's about the Left trying to expose that labor is critical in business.

The Left wins this one.

You CAN however treat your workers like they are a part of the team that made you successful. If that sounds outlandish to you, then you are.....................exactly who I'm talking to :)

So you're going to open that store............................when?
This idiot is even worse at the failed math. "YOu were wrong, so I have to double down". There is no *standard* in that math idiots.....

After this post I'm wondering why I'm spending time on this website. These kids have to know what they are doing.

I am here to trash the lies of the right.

Yes they lie and yes people like you and me have to make sure thiers lies have no place to stand as if they are unchallenged.

Its an endless dirty task that doesn't involve very many thanks ( thanks for every thanks guys it helps and I try to remember to return the favor more often).

We are just little sysophises and we have to keep pushing that rock up hill.

yeah I spelled it wrong
Welcome to politics kid.

It is PROFIT that is important to business. Cost is only part of it small brain.

The balance is small business cost/profit vs large corporation cost/profit. Our biggest employer in America does not provide Health Insurance and asks management to hand out pamphlets on welfare. Wal-Mart.

Exactly. Big business relies on the welfare state it claims to abhor.
Greed is/will Destroy this Country!





yeap they need to pay one way or the other .

more pay for workers or more taxes to cover their low wage binge
Welcome to politics kid.

It is PROFIT that is important to business. Cost is only part of it small brain.

The balance is small business cost/profit vs large corporation cost/profit. Our biggest employer in America does not provide Health Insurance and asks management to hand out pamphlets on welfare. Wal-Mart.

Thanks for the warm welcome to politics.

It is not PROFIT that is important, but how a company can achieve PROFIT. Profit, markets, demand, etc. cannot be controlled, but costs can. Example is the current state of affairs regarding record corporate profits and high unemployment: the labor costs were cut during the recession, and those costs are still in place. Walmart does provide insurance to full time employees, and not part time employees, as do most business. And this is another example of maintaining a desired profit margin for the stockholders via cost cutting.
Thanks for the warm welcome to politics.

It is not PROFIT that is important, but how a company can achieve PROFIT. Profit, markets, demand, etc. cannot be controlled, but costs can. Example is the current state of affairs regarding record corporate profits and high unemployment: the labor costs were cut during the recession, and those costs are still in place. Walmart does provide insurance to full time employees, and not part time employees, as do most business. And this is another example of maintaining a desired profit margin for the stockholders via cost cutting.

Thanks, but we're well aware of the tenets of heartless fascism.
Thanks, but we're well aware of the tenets of heartless fascism.

I must say, you floored me with your well thought out rebuttal. It is a game changer, and I must admit it has me on the fence about switching sides. It think it was the economic science you employed while making your argument airtight regarding controlling cost being a myth in attaining profits. I now have to think my position on everything related to economics.
I must say, you floored me with your well thought out rebuttal. It is a game changer, and I must admit it has me on the fence about switching sides. It think it was the economic science you employed while making your argument airtight regarding controlling cost being a myth in attaining profits. I now have to think my position on everything related to economics.

What you consider as "economics" isn't science. It's a steadfast refusal of empathy and concern for large numbers of individuals.
What you consider as "economics" isn't science. It's a steadfast refusal of empathy and concern for large numbers of individuals.

What I consider as economics is one of the most basic economic science tenets. In the world of the social science of economics, the word "empathy" is not a factor. Regarding fiduciary responsibility and legal responsibility to stockholders, it is profit.
What I consider as economics is one of the most basic economic science tenets. In the world of the social science of economics, the word "empathy" is not a factor. Regarding fiduciary responsibility and legal responsibility to stockholders, it is profit.

Okay. In economics, labor is also a market, but you only frame it as a cost. This proves your stupidity.
Okay. In economics, labor is also a market, but you only frame it as a cost. This proves your stupidity.

My apologies; I should have been more clear. I was speaking of labor within the scope of economic science. I must have led you down a path of defining economic terms and dynamics with whatever suits your needs. Labor is part of production of products and services and is not limited to physical labor, but also to mental labor, thus all blue collar and white collar efforts are part of labor.
My apologies; I should have been more clear. I was speaking of labor within the scope of economic science. I must have led you down a path of defining economic terms and dynamics with whatever suits your needs. Labor is part of production of products and services and is not limited to physical labor, but also to mental labor, thus all blue collar and white collar efforts are part of labor.

And labor is also a market, which is overly controlled by the employers, who bribe government to give them this control.
And labor is also a market, which is overly controlled by the employers, who bribe government to give them this control.

Labor is controlled by employers as it should be in a non-communist economy. Perhaps you can show the dynamics of bribing the government for private enterprises to control their labor. Start in 1776 with the Wealth of Nations and the free market and supply side economics our economy was founded upon.