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The recent Citizens United court decision has allowed corporate money to flow unfettered into political campaigns. It's legalized corruption, and tilts all laws in the favor of corporations.
Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Citizens United also allow large sums of money to flow into political campaigns from the likes of BIG unions, BIG environmental collectives, AARP, NRA, BIG corporate law firms and all manner of lobbyist concerns both of left and right persuasions and agendas?
If that’s so, why the fuck do you fucking neo-communist bastards on the left never mention any of that? According to y’all fucking leftist morons the decision was only and all about Wal-Mart and the minimum wage.
As Asa has nicely informed you leftist bastard neo-communist morons, labor cost and wages are determined by the cost of doing business including competition, taxes and regulations. If y’all fucking leftist morons hate “for profit” business so much you are certainly free to start up all of the ”NOT FOR PROFIT” businesses your ignorant-assed hearts desire. So have at it idiots!