Minimum Wage 1968=$1.60. With grown and distribution it would be $21.16 today?

The recent Citizens United court decision has allowed corporate money to flow unfettered into political campaigns. It's legalized corruption, and tilts all laws in the favor of corporations.

Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Citizens United also allow large sums of money to flow into political campaigns from the likes of BIG unions, BIG environmental collectives, AARP, NRA, BIG corporate law firms and all manner of lobbyist concerns both of left and right persuasions and agendas?

If that’s so, why the fuck do you fucking neo-communist bastards on the left never mention any of that? According to y’all fucking leftist morons the decision was only and all about Wal-Mart and the minimum wage.

As Asa has nicely informed you leftist bastard neo-communist morons, labor cost and wages are determined by the cost of doing business including competition, taxes and regulations. If y’all fucking leftist morons hate “for profit” business so much you are certainly free to start up all of the ”NOT FOR PROFIT” businesses your ignorant-assed hearts desire. So have at it idiots!
I have a brain, Im willing to challenge my personal views,

So you challenge yourself, right Goober? Ain’t that like the fucking fox guarding the fucking hen house? How come you ignored the challenge from me about socialism? When are you gonna grow enough balls to take that one on? Here, I’ll post it for you again.

SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles (Encarta English Dictionary)

CAPITALISM: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit (Encarta English Dictionary)

Which of the above definitions best defines Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Corporate subsidies and the Social Welfare System? What other forms of political economic systems are in effect today in any other established industrialized nations aside from socialism and capitalism?

Do you even have a fucking clue what your socialist nasty ass is Goober?
Was, but is not.

Globalization, I am in the middle on that.

Businesses react to taxes, regulations, and various factors. Your argument is not consistent with historical profit margins.

Was but is not what? How is my argument not consistenet with historical profit margins?

The abandonment of the American worker by American corporations is a tragedy. Globalization is heinous manipulation of our labor market which can be undone and reversed. And it should be.
So you challenge yourself, right Goober? Ain’t that like the fucking fox guarding the fucking hen house? How come you ignored the challenge from me about socialism? When are you gonna grow enough balls to take that one on? Here, I’ll post it for you again.

SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles (Encarta English Dictionary)

CAPITALISM: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit (Encarta English Dictionary)

Which of the above definitions best defines Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Corporate subsidies and the Social Welfare System? What other forms of political economic systems are in effect today in any other established industrialized nations aside from socialism and capitalism?

Do you even have a fucking clue what your socialist nasty ass is Goober?

You only believe in two bad choices. The fact is there can be trade which is not fascistic. We can have a sound currency system, and we don't have to allow unlimited corporate money to flow into the pockets of politicians. What we have now is fascism, which you don't include in your limited choice schema.

What started as something called capitalism has degenerated into fascism, or maybe it has always been that. There has always been trade, since the beginning of time.
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Was but is not what? How is my argument not consistenet with historical profit margins?

The abandonment of the American worker by American corporations is a tragedy. Globalization is heinous manipulation of our labor market which can be undone and reversed. And it should be.

The economy was in a US vacuum, is no longer. Is that good or bad? I don't know. You have to weigh heavy protectionism and the purchasing power of the poorest at Walmart type businesses against a higher wage and much higher prices and what the purchasing power would be.

Historically, profit margins stay relatively the same for companies; what changes is how they maintain.
The economy was in a US vacuum, is no longer. Is that good or bad? I don't know. You have to weigh heavy protectionism and the purchasing power of the poorest at Walmart type businesses against a higher wage and much higher prices and what the purchasing power would be.

Historically, profit margins stay relatively the same for companies; what changes is how they maintain.

It's bad. And it can be manipulated back. They have maintained by incenting management with outsize pay, buying their souls, as an incentive to encourage them to willfully destroy the lives of their employees for short term profit. And it's not a net gain for society. have you seen the articles about companies encouraging their workers to go on Medicaid and get food stamps? That is called externalization of costs. Go read about externalization.
It's bad. And it can be manipulated back. They have maintained by incenting management with outsize pay, buying their souls, as an incentive to encourage them to willfully destroy the lives of their employees for short term profit. And it's not a net gain for society. have you seen the articles about companies encouraging their workers to go on Medicaid and get food stamps? That is called externalization of costs. Go read about externalization.

How would you calculate purchasing power if we went full protectionism compared to the purchasing power at Walmart now? I can't calculate it, thus my reluctance to go one way or the other.
enough to fully fund all the things government needed to do huh?

why is it the only solution to anything the right has involves tax cuts, unpaid for wars and deregulation?
How would you calculate purchasing power if we went full protectionism compared to the purchasing power at Walmart now? I can't calculate it, thus my reluctance to go one way or the other.

Purchasing power is zero for anyone who's job has been sent overseas.