Minnesota fourth-graders told to hide ‘equity survey’ questions from parents

Telling a kids "not to tell their parents" something is how pedophiles work. I wonder if the school realized the kids belong to their parents and not the school.

How are you so knowledgeable about what pedophiles do? And how can you connect them when you do not know the questions?
id have to guess. radical school boards like Loudon county I've seen use 3rd party sources to insert CRT into class.

Mn. is a hopeless fascist wasteland of Woke / defund / CRT etc.

probably some nimrods decided to do a survey for data so the can says kids need to be forcefeed this hubris.
just my guess though

So this may help the teachers unions and administrators when the survey themselves ... (I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt) ... but how is the theft of classroom time helping the kids ???