Miss USA Rima Fakih stripping contest photos emerge

Desh's post is garbage. Some of the most amazing women I've ever met happened to also be smokin' gorgeous.
No Desh really does have a point. Her point also applies to men. Most people tend to attribute qualities, abilities and character traits to attractive people that they simply don't have. If a person is attractive most people will assume that they are intelligent to the extent that when Ms. Pretty or Mr. Hunky demonstrates they have the brains of a ground squirrel, they will defend Ms. Pretty's or Mr. Hunk's intelligence.

I don't know how many times I've had some new college graduate pretty boy with an underwater basket weaving degree foisted on me at work who has pretty, good natured, charming and utterly devoid of ability.
Most people tend to attribute qualities, abilities and character traits to attractive people that they simply don't have. If a person is attractive most people will assume that they are intelligent to the extent that when Ms. Pretty or Mr. Hunky demonstrates they have the brains of a ground squirrel, they will defend Ms. Pretty's or Mr. Hunk's intelligence.

I disagree Mott. Until I met my wife the general formula to describe people was always: 'beauty times brains equals a constant".
No Desh really does have a point. Her point also applies to men. Most people tend to attribute qualities, abilities and character traits to attractive people that they simply don't have. If a person is attractive most people will assume that they are intelligent to the extent that when Ms. Pretty or Mr. Hunky demonstrates they have the brains of a ground squirrel, they will defend Ms. Pretty's or Mr. Hunk's intelligence.

I don't know how many times I've had some new college graduate pretty boy with an underwater basket weaving degree foisted on me at work who has pretty, good natured, charming and utterly devoid of ability.

Exactly, Its not they are incapable its that that people treat them differently when they are a cettain level of hot.

They act interested in conversation that they would normally deem boring and forgive any lack of knowledge that they would insult in someone they were not as interested in boinking.

Its the boink factor. I will be real nice to them in the chance I get to boink them.

They often dont really know people as well and think people are far more interested in them personally than they really are.
Actually Desh what I've found is that there tends to be the opposite correlation. Maybe because good looking folks get more positive feedback, but we do tend to be smarter.


I just want to know why anybody would care if she was in a radio-sponsored pole dancing contest where they wore clothes?
Because she is the daughter of an Ay-rab (yes I DO KNOW that Iranians are Persian) and Ay-rabs should not be winnin' no gosh danged Miss 'Murica contest, spacially when them thar Ay-rabs are Mooslim Ay-rabs!
Actually Desh what I've found is that there tends to be the opposite correlation. Maybe because good looking folks get more positive feedback, but we do tend to be smarter.


Oh Come on SM. I've seen your pics. I've heard of gettin beat with the ugly stick but the whole damned tree must of fallen on you. Don't feel bad though. You aint in that canoe alone.