Modern Feminists vs the Founders’ wives

Rob Larrikin

Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.
Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

Jefferson's wife died 20 years before he became president.

Women are NOT a minority...they are a majority.

Feminists are trying to get people out of the mindset that women are second-class citizens. In a attack on feminism IS an attack on all women.
Jefferson's wife died 20 years before he became president.

Women are NOT a minority...they are a majority.

Feminists are trying to get people out of the mindset that women are second-class citizens. In a attack on feminism IS an attack on all women.

And yet we have unruly, undisciplined, entitled spoiled rotten little criminals masquerading as children because nobody is home to take care of them. sorry, but radical feminism is nothing but a scourge to this country.
The feminists are responsible for the destruction of the entire social order of the country. They are all and always the eternal whining victims of the white man .. in their expensive designer outfits. They have done nothing positive for america and I include all three waves from their very origin.

The computer has done more for women than any feminist that ever existed.
Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

Wrong. Feminists want women to have the freedom to choose to stay home with the children.
Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

Oh look! A tasty collection of cliches, hyperbole, and outright lies! Haven't seen you here before. Congrats, and welcome if you're new!

It's always amusing to watch misogynists burst out of their societal restraints and try to lasso those run-away uppity wimmins and get 'em back in the kitchen where they belong.
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The feminists are responsible for the destruction of the entire social order of the country. They are all and always the eternal whining victims of the white man .. in their expensive designer outfits. They have done nothing positive for america and I include all three waves from their very origin.

The computer has done more for women than any feminist that ever existed.

Oh look! A tasty collection of cliches, hyperbole, and outright lies! Haven't seen you here before. Congrats, and welcome if you're new!

It's always amusing to watch misogynists burst out of their societal restraints and try to lasso those run away uppity wimmins and get 'em back in the kitchen where they belong.

This thread is a magnet for dinosaurs!
And yet we have unruly, undisciplined, entitled spoiled rotten little criminals masquerading as children because nobody is home to take care of them. sorry, but radical feminism is nothing but a scourge to this country.

So...the men cannot stay home?

Feminism is not a scourge on this my opinion, American conservatism is.
The feminists are responsible for the destruction of the entire social order of the country. They are all and always the eternal whining victims of the white man .. in their expensive designer outfits. They have done nothing positive for america and I include all three waves from their very origin.

The computer has done more for women than any feminist that ever existed.

Jesus H. Christ. Are there still people who swallow that tripe. Or are you just pretending?
Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

I have spent an entire career working with highly educated, professional women...scientists, engineers, lawyers, professors.

And I do not recall ever hearing a single one of them state, or even imply, that "housewives are pathetic".

That assertion sounds like something an inexperienced, mediocre, dateless wonder posting with cheeto-stained finger tips would dream up and claim.

As far as I can tell women - like virtually all human beings - would like the freedom make their own choices and live life on their own terms.
Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

You packed a lot of bullshit into a pretty small space there, Rufus.
And yet we have unruly, undisciplined, entitled spoiled rotten little criminals masquerading as children because nobody is home to take care of them. sorry, but radical feminism is nothing but a scourge to this country.

Were you raised in the home by your mother? She fucked up. Badly.
Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

You socks keep showing up to troll. First a racist one, and now this. Fuck off pathetic loser. My ignore list is getting rather large now.
I have spent an entire career working with highly educated, professional women...scientists, engineers, lawyers, professors.

And I do not recall ever hearing a single one of them state, or even imply, that "housewives are pathetic".

That assertion sounds like something an inexperienced, mediocre, dateless wonder posting with cheeto-stained finger tips would dream up and claim.

As far as I can tell women - like virtually all human beings - would like the freedom make their own choices and live life on their own terms.

You knocked that one out of the ballpark, Cypress.

I am proud to quote it so it gets another read!