Rob Larrikin
Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”
How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.
There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.
Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.
How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.
There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.
Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.