Modern Feminists vs the Founders’ wives

Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

Your Mommy needs to start locking the basement door. You got upstairs and got on the computer and now you're just looking stupid.
Feminists have been saying since the 50’s that housewives are pathetic, and that only a failure of a woman would “chain herself to the kitchen sink”, and so on. Feminists ask, “Should women NOT use their skills and intelligence, their will and their drive, to make a career for themselves outside of the family?”

How dare they say feminists use their brains more than the women who helped make the constitution a reality? I’ll bet John Adam’s and Jefferson’s wives were lot smarter than feminists, since they played a big role in those men’s decision making. What would the Founders’ wives think of today's Western women, who leave their kids with strangers to go and earn extra money to buy a second car or a swimming pool? I think they would tell them to stay with the kids and forget the car and the pool, because they were smart, and great mothers.

There was a time when mothers were there for their kids and their husbands. No more. Their fatherless kids grow up and become drug addicts, get depressed, commit atrocities and suicide. It’s shameful.

Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.

Here is a fun fact. Most all of these mass school killers have come from broken homes.

True story bro.

Ban divorce
Like the NAACP and many other groups that were started with noble aims, the feminist movement was infected by leftists and like AIDS it destroyed the host and mutated into a bastardized form of itself.

Leftism infects and destroys everything it touches and must be destroyed.

Fortunately there is a vaccination. Me

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Here is a fun fact. Most all of these mass school killers have come from broken homes.

True story bro.

Ban divorce

It’s true about the broken homes. Feminists wrecked marriage and the nuclear family. Hippies removed discipline from homes and schools. These were both different ambitions of the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] Column – an extension of the Cold War. Basically Commies destroying the West from within. Without fathers, without discipline, boys will grow up to become murderbrats. Once society decided it wanted murderbrats, it forfeited its right to crowd killing guns for individuals. You can’t ban divorce, but you can bring discipline back.
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[FONT="]What does that have to do with anything?[/FONT]
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It meant they had to bury her.

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[FONT="]Who said women were a minority?[/FONT][/QUOTE]

What does that have to do with anything?

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[FONT="]Women were never second class citizens, and the Founder’s wives are a good example of that.[/FONT]
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You've mentioned two, so far. Are you sure "the Founder's wives" are adequately represented by just those two?

You do understand how that kind of thing works...right?


[COLOR=#222222][FONT="] [/FONT]
[FONT="]Contradiction is not debate.

Oh, the irony.

As the OP says, “Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant.


Which feminists think that?

It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”.

Or like an attack on a Tyrannosaurus Rex is an attack on dinosaurs...right?

Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.”[/FONT]

Oh, that's the reason for this crap...because it is important.

I'll tell ya what is important on a political board, Rob: Goddam near nothing at all. There are actually people here defending the abomination currently in the Oval Office. Imagine that!
Here is a fun fact. Most all of these mass school killers have come from broken homes.

True story bro.

Ban divorce

Here's another fun fact: The least competent president this nation has ever had...caused several broken homes.

True story, Don.

Ban "broken home causing scum!"
Wrong. Feminists want women to have the freedom to choose to stay home with the children.

Would you say feminists support the concept of reproductive choice for women including having a child if they want it or aborting a child if they don't want it?
Here's another fun fact: The least competent president this nation has ever had...caused several broken homes.

True story, Don.

Ban "broken home causing scum!"

Here's another fun fact: Black sperm donors have cause the largest percentage of bastard babies of all groups.

Ban "breeders of criminals and social welfare recipients".
Would you say feminists support the concept of reproductive choice for women including having a child if they want it or aborting a child if they don't want it?

Some do... feminism is diverse .. Its not monolithic.. which is why threads like this are silly.
Like the NAACP and many other groups that were started with noble aims, the feminist movement was infected by leftists and like AIDS it destroyed the host and mutated into a bastardized form of itself.

Leftism infects and destroys everything it touches and must be destroyed.

Fortunately there is a vaccination. Me

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

It started when they latched on to the 1964 civil rights act which was SUPPOSED to be for the benefit of black americans. Then the feminists drug the queers in with them.

Both groups - the feminists and the gay lobby were left wing.

What followed was the erosion and eventual destruction of the american family unit and millions on governmental dependency which was the aim of both groups.

This has never been about equality. It's motivation was revenge on the so called white male hegemony of the country.