Modern Feminists vs the Founders’ wives

I love when emasculated losers think anyone gives a damn about their overcompensating spouting. They already lost their balls, and have to hide online so they don't lose their unwarranted pride. Although in my opinion they are spineless, gutless, heartless, brainless. So what do they have to lose, the shit they think doesn't stink? Do they even realize that in the old days you didn't have to rely on a salary from both partners? Not so lucky today, and everyone is usually working. I worked keeping score at a hockey rink when I was in the 7th grade.
Jefferson's wife died 20 years before he became president.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]What does that have to do with anything?[/FONT]
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[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Women are NOT a minority...they are a majority.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
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[FONT=&quot]Who said women were a minority?[/FONT]
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[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Feminists are trying to get people out of the mindset that women are second-class citizens.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
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[FONT=&quot]Women were never second class citizens, and the Founder’s wives are a good example of that.[/FONT]
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[/FONT][FONT=&quot]In a attack on feminism IS an attack on all women.
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[FONT=&quot]Contradiction is not debate. As the OP says, “Some feminists think an attack on a feminist is an attack on “all women”, which is arrogant. It’s like saying an attack on the Teamsters is an attack on “all men”. Feminists, like Teamsters, are a minority. Their failed theories and ideologies caused us a lot of damage, so talking about it on a political board is important.”[/FONT]
Oh look! A tasty collection of cliches,

The cliché here is your inability to point out said clichés, or neutralize them. The Left is all talk no action.


You can say the word, but you can’t show where it exists in my post.

and outright lies!

If there were lies you’d be falling over yourself to point them out.

Haven't seen you here before.

You haven’t seen me here now.

Congrats, and welcome if you're new!

Some welcome – you just called me a liar and will now call me a misogynist. I think you know what you can do with your ‘welcome’.

It's always amusing to watch misogynists burst out of their societal restraints and try to lasso those run-away uppity wimmins and get 'em back in the kitchen where they belong.

Another bunch of clichéd sneers from our resident misandrist, and again, no evidence to back up those sneers.
I have spent an entire career working with highly educated, professional women...scientists, engineers, lawyers, professors.

And I do not recall ever hearing a single one of them state, or even imply, that "housewives are pathetic".

Since the 60’s baby boomers have been saying that housewives are losers. They were, according to hippies, ‘chained to the kitchen’, ‘barefoot and pregnant’, ‘throwing away a career’, ‘being slaves to their husbands’ and hundreds of other clichés. The net result of that was two or three generations were raised to believe that housewives were pathetic. If anyone said they wanted to be a housewife the hippies would roll their eyes in disgust. You know it, I know it and the millions of baby boomers know it.
Since the 60’s baby boomers have been saying that housewives are losers. They were, according to hippies, ‘chained to the kitchen’, ‘barefoot and pregnant’, ‘throwing away a career’, ‘being slaves to their husbands’ and hundreds of other clichés. The net result of that was two or three generations were raised to believe that housewives were pathetic. If anyone said they wanted to be a housewife the hippies would roll their eyes in disgust. You know it, I know it and the millions of baby boomers know it.

Naw, pally boy. You’ve demonstrated you don’t know shit. Pretty close to setting a record for the ignore list, however.