Modest compromise for cyclists


Uwaa OmO
For those who don't know me, I have road rage. And a good deal of that is caused by cyclists. The reasons are totally legit and available elsewhere on this board, so I won't mention them here. Instead I'm trying to develop a compromise between motorists and cyclists. Here is what I propose.

Because cyclists claim equal right to the road, I suggest that they fall in line with motor vehicle policies.
A separate license or endorsement (for each state to decide).
Standardized training in safe procedures and the laws governing bicycles for that state.
Registration for bicycles
State mandated requirements for safety equipment

I think this would cut down on the assholes that piss me off, while still allowing cyclists their right to the road.
here is my compromise:

bikers bike at their own peril, if they get hit by a car, no charges are filed against the driver no matter what. When on the road, bikers are equal to deer. They lose their human rights.

So we get to drive on roads and not worry about bikers, and bikers get to bike. Everyone wins.
here is my compromise:

bikers bike at their own peril, if they get hit by a car, no charges are filed against the driver no matter what. When on the road, bikers are equal to deer. They lose their human rights.

So we get to drive on roads and not worry about bikers, and bikers get to bike. Everyone wins.
Well that was my original proposal, but somehow it's argued they have as much right to the road without any of the hassle involved.
For those who don't know me, I have road rage. And a good deal of that is caused by cyclists. The reasons are totally legit and available elsewhere on this board, so I won't mention them here. Instead I'm trying to develop a compromise between motorists and cyclists. Here is what I propose.

Because cyclists claim equal right to the road, I suggest that they fall in line with motor vehicle policies.
A separate license or endorsement (for each state to decide).
Standardized training in safe procedures and the laws governing bicycles for that state.
Registration for bicycles
State mandated requirements for safety equipment

I think this would cut down on the assholes that piss me off, while still allowing cyclists their right to the road.

OK, so we can't bike on the sidewalks, and we can't bike on the roads. Let's ban bicycles.
How about we license cyclist for open carry so they can deal with compensating rednecks with road rage?
Open carry requires no license. Neither does getting on a bicycle even though you're supposedly in the same class as a vehicle on the road.

Disparity much?
For those who don't know me, I have road rage. And a good deal of that is caused by cyclists. The reasons are totally legit and available elsewhere on this board, so I won't mention them here. Instead I'm trying to develop a compromise between motorists and cyclists. Here is what I propose.

Because cyclists claim equal right to the road, I suggest that they fall in line with motor vehicle policies.

Cyclists DO have an equal right to most roads. Though states will vary on some. As cyclists are not allowed on highways in most states.

A separate license or endorsement (for each state to decide).

Going to license that 8 year old riding his/her bike? Didn't think so.

Standardized training in safe procedures and the laws governing bicycles for that state.

Those rules already exist and it is the cyclists responsiblity to know them. Side note.... the rules of the road for the cyclists are the same for drivers in most states.

Registration for bicycles

What exactly would this accomplish???

State mandated requirements for safety equipment

Already in place



I think this would cut down on the assholes that piss me off, while still allowing cyclists their right to the road.

As a cyclist that has been hit by moronic drivers who don't obey the rules of the road, I would suggest you learn to follow the rules. If the cyclist isn't following the rules, they should be ticketed. I know that CO cops will pull over cyclists who break the rules of the road and give them a hefty ticket. If this isn't the case in that hell hole called MI, then you should lobby to make it so.

The cyclist has every right to use the road.
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here is my compromise:

bikers bike at their own peril, if they get hit by a car, no charges are filed against the driver no matter what. When on the road, bikers are equal to deer. They lose their human rights.

So we get to drive on roads and not worry about bikers, and bikers get to bike. Everyone wins.

Well, since we are making up stupid rules.....

Anyone driving in a vehicle smaller than you is fair game to run off the road.
Open carry requires no license. Neither does getting on a bicycle even though you're supposedly in the same class as a vehicle on the road.

Disparity much?
No, were not in the same class of vehicle or cyclist would be permited on limited access highways. I never heard of a cyclist killing anyone cause they lost control of their bike at 80 mph either.
Cyclists DO have an equal right to most roads. Though states will vary on some. As cyclists are not allowed on highways in most states.

Going to license that 8 year old riding his/her bike? Didn't think so.

Those rules already exist and it is the cyclists responsiblity to know them. Side note.... the rules of the road for the cyclists are the same for drivers in most states.

What exactly would this accomplish???

Already in place


As a cyclist that has been hit by moronic drivers who don't obey the rules of the road, I would suggest you learn to follow the rules. If the cyclist isn't following the rules, they should be ticketed. I know that CO cops will pull over cyclists who break the rules of the road and give them a hefty ticket. If this isn't the case in that hell hole called MI, then you should lobby to make it so.

The cyclist has every right to use the road.
Yup. I've been out on group rides with people who don't obey traffic laws and I wont' ride with them. A group leader of an organized ride ran a stop sign while I was drafting him. I assumed since he ran and I had a rider behind me that it was clear. It wasn't and I almost got hit and the driver had to lock up his brakes. I gave the ride leader hell when I caught up with him and never rode with him again. Next time that happened I stoped and broke up the pace line and pissed a couple of knuckle heads off but hey, no one got hurt.
LMAO.... that is far more dangerous than having cyclists on the roads Billy. Sidewalks are for pedestrians who are walking. Having cyclists who are going 20-25 mph on the sidewalks is a very stupid idea.
No shit. That's a completely stupid idea. A much better compromise would be to create bike lanes. Got them here in Columbus and they are great!
Yup. I've been out on group rides with people who don't obey traffic laws and I wont' ride with them. A group leader of an organized ride ran a stop sign while I was drafting him. I assumed since he ran and I had a rider behind me that it was clear. It wasn't and I almost got hit and the driver had to lock up his brakes. I gave the ride leader hell when I caught up with him and never rode with him again. Next time that happened I stoped and broke up the pace line and pissed a couple of knuckle heads off but hey, no one got hurt.

That is why I won't ride with people I don't know.
No shit. That's a completely stupid idea. A much better compromise would be to create bike lanes. Got them here in Columbus and they are great!

we have bike lanes and bike paths all over CO. One of the many reasons I love it here. Most cyclists here know where they all are and they use them. The cops here have zero tolerance for those cyclists that break the law. Which is a good thing. You run a light or stop sign... you get a ticket... just like a person in a car.
BTW SF....Here's a pic of my paramount. A beauty aint she? I recently changed the saddle to a Brooks B17. It took a while to break it in but was well worth it. Wish I had bought a Brooks saddle sooner. I also replaced the tires with some bomb proof Botranger carbon kevlars. Rode an entire season last year with out a single snake bite.

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we have bike lanes and bike paths all over CO. One of the many reasons I love it here. Most cyclists here know where they all are and they use them. The cops here have zero tolerance for those cyclists that break the law. Which is a good thing. You run a light or stop sign... you get a ticket... just like a person in a car.
That's the way it ought to be. If more riders obeyed the rules there'd be less road rages towards us.