Modest compromise for cyclists

Well, you two are obviously not the people that piss me off.

Believe me, I know how it is being the smaller guy on the road. I had a fuckin Harley for a time. Got ran off the road by assholes three times. I understand how it is, I truly do.

I get mad at the guys riding in tandem blocking both car lanes in a 40mph doing 15. The asshole who blows by red lights, stop signs and even people crossing the street but somehow has the stones to get pissed at me when I honk and give him the finger.

Honestly, that's how they all are here. YMMV
Well, you two are obviously not the people that piss me off.

Believe me, I know how it is being the smaller guy on the road. I had a fuckin Harley for a time. Got ran off the road by assholes three times. I understand how it is, I truly do.

I get mad at the guys riding in tandem blocking both car lanes in a 40mph doing 15. The asshole who blows by red lights, stop signs and even people crossing the street but somehow has the stones to get pissed at me when I honk and give him the finger.

Honestly, that's how they all are here. YMMV live in Michigan! You're lucky they don't shoot at you. ;)

Honestly I have to agree that cyclist are their own worst enemies. The over whelming majority of people I know who are B level riders or above are tend to be very casual about the rules of the road.
we've spent millions building bike lanes here in Michigan....there really isn't anywhere you would want to go where they aren't available....bicyclists refuse to use them because they say they aren't safe, people drive out of their driveways without looking to see if there are bikes on the path....
State mandated requirements for safety equipment

You know, that's funny.

In the 80's in Australia, bicycles became more common on roads, and fatalities decreased as motorists became used to them. Then some stupid liberal cried "Think of the children!" and made bike helmets mandatory. So women stopped riding bikes because it helmets looked stupid and ruined their hair, and pretty soon men quit the sausagefest as well. So fatalities increased.

Mandatory helmet laws = more dead cyclists
we have bike lanes and bike paths all over CO. One of the many reasons I love it here. Most cyclists here know where they all are and they use them. The cops here have zero tolerance for those cyclists that break the law. Which is a good thing. You run a light or stop sign... you get a ticket... just like a person in a car.

We have bike trails all over Anchorage, too. The Coastal Trail is awesome, bikers and walkers and an occasional moose or bear, share the trail and it is nice. well, the bear and moose may get cranky at times...they don't give tickets up here and I wish they did, bikes and cars don't mix too well.
We have bike trails all over Anchorage, too. The Coastal Trail is awesome, bikers and walkers and an occasional moose or bear, share the trail and it is nice. well, the bear and moose may get cranky at times...they don't give tickets up here and I wish they did, bikes and cars don't mix too well.

I have ridden on the coastal trail. It is nice.

I was hiking in Denali and on the return trip a Mama Moose was standing on the trail calling to her calf. Calf was playing down below and ignored mama. We sat there for over 40 minutes waiting for that lil bastard to go to mama so she would get off the trail :)

Mama was friggin huge. You don't quite realize how big they are until they are a few feet away.

Bikes and cars don't get along due to the number of idiots on bikes and in cars.

cyclists who don't follow the rules piss me off the most. They are the ones responsible for many of the over aggressive drivers or the drivers who just don't care about cyclists. For the most part I stick to the trails. When on the road I hug the far right.

That said, if I ever catch the bastards who have hit me in the past, there will be hell to pay. Never anything too severe, but those friggin side mirrors hurt when the cars speed exceeds mine by 20-30 mph
You know, that's funny.

In the 80's in Australia, bicycles became more common on roads, and fatalities decreased as motorists became used to them. Then some stupid liberal cried "Think of the children!" and made bike helmets mandatory. So women stopped riding bikes because it helmets looked stupid and ruined their hair, and pretty soon men quit the sausagefest as well. So fatalities increased.

Mandatory helmet laws = more dead cyclists

like skiing... cycling without a helmet is just stooooopid.

Watch someone wreck without one and bounce their head off the pavement once.... and that will be enough. Same thing with skiing.

To all boarders out there... you tend to be brain dead morons anyway, so by all means, no need for you to wear helmets. :fu:
like skiing... cycling without a helmet is just stooooopid.

Watch someone wreck without one and bounce their head off the pavement once.... and that will be enough. Same thing with skiing.

To all boarders out there... you tend to be brain dead morons anyway, so by all means, no need for you to wear helmets. :fu:

My brother's life was saved most likely by his wearing a helmet, a driver did not see him when he was crossing an intersection and hit him, he landed on his head, totaled the helmet. Helmets are a good thing!
My brother's life was saved most likely by his wearing a helmet, a driver did not see him when he was crossing an intersection and hit him, he landed on his head, totaled the helmet. Helmets are a good thing!

My friend Zach was recently killed in Anchorage boarding without a helmet, he ALWAYS wore one, and we don't know why he didn't this time. He owned a shop and sold them, he gave talks to kids in school! It haunts me to this day, why, why, why?
My friend Zach was recently killed in Anchorage boarding without a helmet, he ALWAYS wore one, and we don't know why he didn't this time. He owned a shop and sold them, he gave talks to kids in school! It haunts me to this day, why, why, why?

sorry for your loss.... and sorry for the rip on boarders, it was more a skier vs. boarder rip/joke. Bad taste.
Oh,, then, my bad...I wasn't offended, really, I just thought of Zach and thought I would share his story. He was a great kid, went to school with my daughter, had hard times, turned himself around, started his boarding business and then this tragedy.
You know, that's funny.

In the 80's in Australia, bicycles became more common on roads, and fatalities decreased as motorists became used to them. Then some stupid liberal cried "Think of the children!" and made bike helmets mandatory. So women stopped riding bikes because it helmets looked stupid and ruined their hair, and pretty soon men quit the sausagefest as well. So fatalities increased.

Mandatory helmet laws = more dead cyclists
I never said mandatory helmet laws, but mandatory standards for helmet construction for example. I personally disagree with helmet and seat belt laws.
we've spent millions building bike lanes here in Michigan....there really isn't anywhere you would want to go where they aren't available....bicyclists refuse to use them because they say they aren't safe, people drive out of their driveways without looking to see if there are bikes on the path....

We have problems here with people parking their cars in the bike lanes and rendering them useless. Here's my attitude. If I can ride my bike fast enough to stay in the flow of auto traffic (and I can do that in 15 to 25 mph speed zones) then I'll ride with the flow of traffic. If not....I ride to the side and I stay out of the way of traffic as, to be honest with you, I like living.
You know, that's funny.

In the 80's in Australia, bicycles became more common on roads, and fatalities decreased as motorists became used to them. Then some stupid liberal cried "Think of the children!" and made bike helmets mandatory. So women stopped riding bikes because it helmets looked stupid and ruined their hair, and pretty soon men quit the sausagefest as well. So fatalities increased.

Mandatory helmet laws = more dead cyclists
That's anecdotal evidence. Helmets save lives. I've had some nasty spills in my time and on more then one occasion wearing a helmet saved my ass (pardon the mixed metaphore).
I have ridden on the coastal trail. It is nice.

I was hiking in Denali and on the return trip a Mama Moose was standing on the trail calling to her calf. Calf was playing down below and ignored mama. We sat there for over 40 minutes waiting for that lil bastard to go to mama so she would get off the trail :)

Mama was friggin huge. You don't quite realize how big they are until they are a few feet away.

Bikes and cars don't get along due to the number of idiots on bikes and in cars.

cyclists who don't follow the rules piss me off the most. They are the ones responsible for many of the over aggressive drivers or the drivers who just don't care about cyclists. For the most part I stick to the trails. When on the road I hug the far right.

That said, if I ever catch the bastards who have hit me in the past, there will be hell to pay. Never anything too severe, but those friggin side mirrors hurt when the cars speed exceeds mine by 20-30 mph

That happened to me once. A redneck in a truck ran me off the road and did a face plant in the ditch. Got a nasty case of road rash. A week later I was out riding and going through a small town and I spotted him parked an a soft serve ice cream stand. I confronted the idiot and the dumbass took a swing at me. He didn't take second one!
like skiing... cycling without a helmet is just stooooopid.

Watch someone wreck without one and bounce their head off the pavement once.... and that will be enough. Same thing with skiing.

To all boarders out there... you tend to be brain dead morons anyway, so by all means, no need for you to wear helmets. :fu:
Ya know I ride occasionaly with out a helmet but it's usually when I'm out in a rural area with no traffic and by myself because, to be honest with you, it's more fun to ride with out one. Having said that, it's also risky behavior and I don't do it often and I know what the consequences can be. So I do understand why people like to ride with out a helmet, it's more fun that way but it's also substantially more dangerous. If I'm riding in town, around traffic or with a group of other riders, or on a hilly or technical course I always wear a helmet. Only on a few occasions when I going out by myself on a rural road will I ride with out one but I do so know what the risks are. They are not small.
My friend Zach was recently killed in Anchorage boarding without a helmet, he ALWAYS wore one, and we don't know why he didn't this time. He owned a shop and sold them, he gave talks to kids in school! It haunts me to this day, why, why, why?

For the same reason I ride occasionally with out a helmet. It's more fun. You have a greater sense of freedom then you do wearing a lid. It's risky behavior and I don't advocate it but any serious rider knows what I mean.
That happened to me once. A redneck in a truck ran me off the road and did a face plant in the ditch. Got a nasty case of road rash. A week later I was out riding and going through a small town and I spotted him parked an a soft serve ice cream stand. I confronted the idiot and the dumbass took a swing at me. He didn't take second one!
I assume he didn't need a second one did he ;)

Good job on confronting an asshole though.