Modest compromise for cyclists

We have problems here with people parking their cars in the bike lanes and rendering them useless. Here's my attitude. If I can ride my bike fast enough to stay in the flow of auto traffic (and I can do that in 15 to 25 mph speed zones) then I'll ride with the flow of traffic. If not....I ride to the side and I stay out of the way of traffic as, to be honest with you, I like living.
Mott there are no 25 zones around here. It's all 30+
I have ridden on the coastal trail. It is nice.

I was hiking in Denali and on the return trip a Mama Moose was standing on the trail calling to her calf. Calf was playing down below and ignored mama. We sat there for over 40 minutes waiting for that lil bastard to go to mama so she would get off the trail :)

Mama was friggin huge. You don't quite realize how big they are until they are a few feet away.

Bikes and cars don't get along due to the number of idiots on bikes and in cars.

cyclists who don't follow the rules piss me off the most. They are the ones responsible for many of the over aggressive drivers or the drivers who just don't care about cyclists. For the most part I stick to the trails. When on the road I hug the far right.

That said, if I ever catch the bastards who have hit me in the past, there will be hell to pay. Never anything too severe, but those friggin side mirrors hurt when the cars speed exceeds mine by 20-30 mph

We really should have a beer at Humpy's next time you are in town or a Moose's Tooth Pizza, it would be a hoot!
I have ridden on the coastal trail. It is nice.

I was hiking in Denali and on the return trip a Mama Moose was standing on the trail calling to her calf. Calf was playing down below and ignored mama. We sat there for over 40 minutes waiting for that lil bastard to go to mama so she would get off the trail :)

Mama was friggin huge. You don't quite realize how big they are until they are a few feet away.

Bikes and cars don't get along due to the number of idiots on bikes and in cars.

cyclists who don't follow the rules piss me off the most. They are the ones responsible for many of the over aggressive drivers or the drivers who just don't care about cyclists. For the most part I stick to the trails. When on the road I hug the far right.

That said, if I ever catch the bastards who have hit me in the past, there will be hell to pay. Never anything too severe, but those friggin side mirrors hurt when the cars speed exceeds mine by 20-30 mph

They are huge! and quite frightening because you never know how they will behave.
No, Mott. That's statistical evidence. "Anecdotal" doesn't mean "evidence that disagrees with Mott's beliefs".

This would be anecdotal evidence.
No, anecdotal evidence is evidence passed along by word of mouth but has not been documented scientifically.

The evidence for the efficacy of cycling helmets in preventing brain injury isn't questioned by any reasonably informed person as the evidence demonstrates. Only an idiot, like you, would argue otherwise.
In Seattle, cyclists are not treated as equals on the road. Instead, they are regarded as superiors. A good portion of them seem to have developed an environmental superiority complex. They've deliberately blocked me from switching lanes to make a turn or get on the freeway on-ramp, and often congregate to jam up traffic, particularly in Capitol Hill.
No, anecdotal evidence is evidence passed along by word of mouth but has not been documented scientifically.

a short account of a particular incident or event of an interesting or amusing nature, often biographical.

Repeating statistical evidence you've heard elsewhere is not an anecdote. Even if it's uncited and turns out to be wrong, it's not an anecdote.

This would be a good example of an anecdote:

I've had some nasty spills in my time and on more then one occasion wearing a helmet saved my ass (pardon the mixed metaphore).

I was addressing the efficacy of helmet laws in general, and the perverse effects that laws like these have. Your anecdote does not prove your point and it is not really relevant to mine.

The evidence for the efficacy of cycling helmets in preventing brain injury

Has not been an issue I have addressed.

Here, child, let me give you some homework:

[ame=""]Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Read that, come back for tomorrows lesson, and kill yourself.
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Repeating statistical evidence you've heard elsewhere is not an anecdote. Even if it's uncited and turns out to be wrong, it's not an anecdote.

This would be a good example of an anecdote:

I was addressing the efficacy of helmet laws in general, and the perverse effects that laws like these have. Your anecdote does not prove your point and it is not really relevant to mine.

Has not been an issue I have addressed.

Here, child, let me give you some homework:

Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read that, come back for tomorrows lesson, and kill yourself.
That's what I thought. You didn't read a single one of the peer reviewed research I linked did you?

First of all an "anecdote" is not the same as "anecdotal evidence". The efficacy of mandantory helmet laws are based upon the efficacy of helmets in preventing brain injury period. Read the research or STFU.
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That's what I thought. You didn't read a single one of the peer reviewed research I linked did you?

I do not doubt it.

First of all an "anecdote" is not the same as "anecdotal evidence".

Mostly you're an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

The efficacy of mandantory helmet laws are based upon the efficacy of helmets in preventing brain injury period.

Instead of, for instance, being based on the efficacy of mandatory helmet laws in saving lives?
here is my compromise:

bikers bike at their own peril, if they get hit by a car, no charges are filed against the driver no matter what. When on the road, bikers are equal to deer. They lose their human rights.

So we get to drive on roads and not worry about bikers, and bikers get to bike. Everyone wins.

Im literally laughing out loud. I had to read that to my hubby!