Monday is Columbus/Indigenous people's day.

I do not mind acknowledging Columbus, but it should be done in context. He was brave, but he was also a rapist and murderer.
but he was also a rapist and murderer. so were the Indians but they showed much more brutality!

The Apache raided and killed other tribes skinned and roasted them alive killed small children by smashing their heads against a rock. “The Apaches were raiders, pillagers and plunderers !

The Comanche violently advanced across the plains essentially wiping out any other tribes in their way.

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Back in the day of people creating these holidays

They were a way to get people to rest for a day

In this point in history the leaders were trying to show a better understanding of what the people needed (a new democracy) to prove that Democracy was the right path

It provided a way to teach Americans their lands history

A connection to massaging into the citizens minds that they possess this land

Columbus as the hero

People often knew the family member personally who brought the family bloodline to America

Oh shit

I just realized I don’t remember WHEN this holiday was created


I’m stoned

I’ll go check the date
The first Columbus Day celebration took place on October 12, 1792, when the Columbian Order of New York, better known as Tammany Hall, held an event to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the historic landing in 1792.

There is no entity who screams everyone else are assholes more than Maga

Barrow a clue stupid russian whore
You white libs are the ones trying to imprison and assassinate your political opposition, just like Vlad does.

It was your Hildebeast that invented the Russian Reset Button.

It was your Hot Mic Obama who got caught colluding with Vlad and allowed him to invade Ukraine.
Now see how the lovely disjointed ness of that very human indicative style is not thwarting folks

Bots can not reproduce those types of indications of obvious humaness

That is why grammer Nazis are often bot holes and not humans

They can’t replicate that behavior and it confuses them

It’s one of the reasons I use creative invective too

Bot detection
You white libs are the ones trying to imprison and assassinate your political opposition, just like Vlad does.

It was your Hildebeast that invented the Russian Reset Button.

It was your Hot Mic Obama who got caught colluding with Vlad and allowed him to invade Ukraine.
This is a bot hole
I challenge all real humans posting here to post in a casual style resembling how they would talk to their friends

Ignore all grammer nazi insults

Let’s see which posters screech

Which posters can’t understand the human styles

The bot holes will stand out like the fake humans that they are


Posting stoned isn’t as bad as I thought it was

I may do it more
When the Comanche attacked another tribe, they killed the male captives after first torturing them, and they raped women captives before killing them as well.

So all this Columbus was violent is BULLSHIT because the people he met here were FAR WORSE!

Indigenous people's day is celebrating some of the most violent group of peoplein history​

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When the Comanche attacked another tribe, they killed the male captives after first torturing them, and they raped women captives before killing them as well.

Like any group of humans on a land mass

Some were run by sociopaths and some were run by great women and men

Why do you always want us to follow the sociopaths?
And Obama that broke the Budapest agreement by not defending Ukraine.

I posted facts. You have no morals.

Will you abandon your stolen land on Monday?
Note how he is not actually engaging like a real human

The ever obvious attempt to redirect the conversation

Bringing it back to something it’s programmed to have dialogue for
Back in the day of people creating these holidays

They were a way to get people to rest for a day

In this point in history the leaders were trying to show a better understanding of what the people needed (a new democracy) to prove that Democracy was the right path

It provided a way to teach Americans their lands history

A connection to massaging into the citizens minds that they possess this land

Columbus as the hero

People often knew the family member personally who brought the family bloodline to America

Oh shit

I just realized I don’t remember WHEN this holiday was created


I’m stoned

I’ll go check the date

It goes sooo far back

Note how he is not actually engaging like a real human

The ever obvious attempt to redirect the conversation

Bringing it back to something it’s programmed to have dialogue for
So you'll be keeping your stolen land. Got it!

I’m stoned

So I’m going to go do some fun stuff

I’ll be back to bot hole spot some time later

I hope others join me in my bot spot fun

So you'll be keeping your stolen land. Got it!
Ask the American India tribes if it’s ok if we stay now

I think they all have spoken to that subject

Do me a favor if you will

Look it up while I’m gone

I’ll look it up too

And we can discuss it like two proud Americans

And we all here can evaluate your bot hole ness

Or maybe even give you a chance to PROVE you are a real human


Bye fir real now

An attempt to claim the land as their own
It IS our own land. It was won in a series of many battles over hundreds of years. This land wasn't STOLEN from anyone, was won, IN BATTLE. Just like every other land on the face of the Earth.
Ask the American India tribes if it’s ok if we stay now

I think they all have spoken to that subject

Do me a favor if you will

Look it up while I’m gone

I’ll look it up too

And we can discuss it like two proud Americans

And we all here can evaluate your bot hole ness

Or maybe even give you a chance to PROVE you are a real human


Bye fir real now
First you ask those tribes why they murdered and " stole" each others lands. :)