Monkey Madness


I'll be in a meeting at 10:30, so I won't know what the monkey is going to sign to us until later than everyone else.

WASHINGTON — President Bush will hold a press conference at in the White House's Brady Press Briefing Room on Thursday before leaving for Kennebunkport, Maine.

Watch FOX News or live for the president's press conference at 10:30 a.m. ET.

The content of his opening remarks is not yet known.,2933,292716,00.html
And the Stock market is down 200 points already on the news. I think that Wall street gets the shakes anytime this fool announces he's going to speak, just like the rest of us.
That's going to be effed up if they bail them out. I was on one of hte finance boards the other day and someone was screaming about Mortgage Welfare. I'll be pissed too and I'm pretty freakin' annoyed at how the media is trying to spin it to make you feel sorry for dumb@$$es that make $100K trying to live in million dollar homes. One article in particular annoyed me this week. I'll see if I can find it.
Stocks plunged due to BNP Paribas (dumbass French bank) .... another casualty of the sub prime morons (the lenders AND the individuals).
I doubt they bail out the lenders... the original lenders in most cases don't even own the debt anymore. Most of it is in the form of CDO's... which is what caught BNP and caused them to halt pricing on three of their funds.
Yeah well. I'll sit watch the show and wait to buy something really cheap. It will be fun to watch those idiots around me who bought and are buying $400K-$500K townhomes and condos flip out and people that can't really afford McMansions start to down size. (yes, I schadenfreude is evil at the core, but whatever)
I'll be in a meeting at 10:30, so I won't know what the monkey is going to sign to us until later than everyone else.

WASHINGTON — President Bush will hold a press conference at in the White House's Brady Press Briefing Room on Thursday before leaving for Kennebunkport, Maine.

Watch FOX News or live for the president's press conference at 10:30 a.m. ET.

The content of his opening remarks is not yet known.,2933,292716,00.html

Its actually getting physically painful to even watch Chimpy mutter and bumble his way through a press conference
If the Party of personal responsibility bails out either of the stupid ones, either on the business or consumer side...

Hey I thought seeing this coming was why we had the bankruptcy"reform" ?
If the Party of personal responsibility bails out either of the stupid ones, either on the business or consumer side...

Hey I thought seeing this coming was why we had the bankruptcy"reform" ?

Seeing that the Democrats control Congress how do you figure the Republicans would bail them out?