Monkey Madness

Umm the bankruptcy reform was a Republican thing.
And everyone knows that corporate welfare is a Republican thing. Mostly.
I don't think the dems could force a bailout thru on their own.
and of course a republican president would have to sign it into law.
Stocks plunged due to BNP Paribas (dumbass French bank) .... another casualty of the sub prime morons (the lenders AND the individuals).

Thanks SF, I was able to read that headline as well, but wanted to make a joke. Thanks for rushing in here and correcting the record though!

I had my money on it being topspin.
Why should taxpayers bail out people who buy a house they can't afford?

I didn't say they should...why should they bail out the lenders?

You already have prickely heat spreading across your arms over the very idea that I might have implied they should bail out the people, but no worries over them taking billions of taxpayers dollars and givinig it over for a corporate bailout huh?
I didn't say they should...why should they bail out the lenders?

You already have prickely heat spreading across your arms over the very idea that I might have implied they should bail out the people, but no worries over them taking billions of taxpayers dollars and givinig it over for a corporate bailout huh?
They shouldn't bail out either.
The french toast commercial at IHOP are a sign of the republicans fall from power. They would not have ran that commercial a few years ago from fear of being boycotted ;)
The real problem is that this is just the beginning. I have seen the downfall of the Morgage market coming for years, but it also goes for those who are buying $60,000 cars. This french bank is a forrunner of a world-wide problem. Pople bought Cars and Houses that they couldn't affort, at zero down, and/or near zero interest, and then interest rates go up.

The banks can't forclose--- they have no one to sell to.

But this will also cause a run on the job market, Jobs will be lost, and then there will be more forclosures. etc. It is the beginning of a never ending cycle which could well be the beginning of a world-wide financial collapse. To me it is not unexpected.

On a personal note. I have just sold my home. (It is presently in Escrow. needing only the Buyer's final signature and payment.) all other conditions and requirements have been met and This could have been conpleted two weeks ago, and I am hoping he doesn't default, as is quite possible in this financial clime. Maybe I will end up at square one.
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So anyway what did the monkey say, anybody know?

Evidently, Chimpy sounded drugged, according to

"I'm listening to the live broadcast of Bush's last press conference before he goes to clear more brush and adds to his Lyme disease on his summer recess, and one thing stands out: the man sounds drugged.

Aside from the usual selective memory about what the GOP congress did for the first six years of his administration, and the inflated claims about what his tax cuts have done for our economy these last six years, this guy sounds like he is under the influence of something. His answers are slow, overly measured, scripted, and without any energy, emotion or changes in cadence. There have been several small stumbles in some of his answers, but the media is used to that and writes those off. Yet this guy sounds like he is one step away from passing out."
I watched it streaming on CNN. I didn't notice that. He did slow down, but it sounded far more measured than it sounded drugged. Methinks he has somebody telling him to think before he speaks so he doesn't say as many Bushisms....
I watched it streaming on CNN. I didn't notice that. He did slow down, but it sounded far more measured than it sounded drugged. Methinks he has somebody telling him to think before he speaks so he doesn't say as many Bushisms....
After he said we were the envy of the world, CNN cut him off----GOOD.