Monty Python meets Daesh


In July 2010, Palin sent a message of support for the Dongria Kondh tribe of India, who are resisting a mine on their land by the company Vedanta Resources. Palin said, "I've been to the Nyamgiri Hills in Orissa and seen the forces of money and power that Vedanta Resources have arrayed against a people who have occupied their land for thousands of years, who husband the forest sustainably and make no great demands on the state or the government. The tribe I visited simply want to carry on living in the villages that they and their ancestors have always lived in".[36]

On 2 January 2011, Palin became the first person to sign the UK-based Campaign for Better Transport's Fair Fares Now campaign.

In July 2015, Palin signed an open letter and gave an interview to support "a strong BBC at the centre of British life" at a time the government was reviewing the corporation's size and activities
and would hate you

Man you are truly one seriously misguided broad.

Former Monty Python John Cleese: Political correctness is 'condescending'

Comedian also said jokes about Muslim fundamentalists were problematic because they threaten to 'kill you'

Monty Python comedian John Cleese has described political correctness as “condescending” and said jokes about Muslim fundamentalists are problematic because they threaten to “kill you”. The ever controversial comic told Bill Mayer on HBO’s Real Time, he used to make jokes about the French, Australians but never Mexicans as people are always “aghast.”

Maher leads into his questions by asking Cleese to “b**** about political correctness,” to which the 75-year-old readily responds. “It starts as a half way decent idea and then it goes completely wrong and is taken ad absurdum,” claimed Cleese, going on to describe how he used to make “racial” jokes but eventually stopped because his audiences – he claimed – were appalled when he included Mexican-related jokes in his stand-up routine.

“Make jokes about Swedes and Germans and French and English and Canadians and Americans, why can't we make jokes about Mexicans? Is it because they are so feeble that they can't look after themselves?” He asks. “It's very very condescending there.”

Maher, who has been heavily criticised in the past for comments regarding the Islamic faith, suggests there only people you are unable to make jokes about are “Muslims. Try that, see what your Twitter feed says.” The comedian came back at Maher by explaining: “That’s not saying that you can’t, that’s just saying that they’ll kill you.” Cleese, after emphasising he is only talking about Islamic fundamentalists, continues: “But the problem is, if you are going to make jokes about people who are going to kill you, there is a tendency to hold back a little.”

The comedian goes on to discuss religious fundamentalism and how “terribly important” it is to laugh and question individuals who take religious teachings “absolutely literally”. An original member of Monty Python, Cleese has subsequently gone on to star in a number of films, and has released a book, So, Anyway..., detailing his childhood this year.
they are liberals

they would hate your positions as much as I do.

you used their work to trash who they are.

they would really hate you for that

You're starting to go over that line into Wingnut land. Self loathing liberals? WTF did that have to do with the price of tea? I might point out that it's been liberals and moderates making this very point about Daesh while you Wingnuts have been trying to demonize all of Islam over Daesh.

Seriously though Mott, if any mayor in the USA said what she said would they still have a job next day? I can just imagine 10,000 Darlas foaming at the mouth and baying for her blood!

Seriously though Mott, if any mayor in the USA said what she said would they still have a job next day? I can just imagine 10,000 Darlas foaming at the mouth and baying for her blood!

Not in the South. Cross out "Muslims" and insert "Negros" and get my point?
Not in the South. Cross out "Muslims" and insert "Negros" and get my point?
Yes I get your point and in so doing noticed how you neatly side swerved mine. I posted a BBC video on here and dearest Darla went effing apeshit because it dared to point out that women in England were getting totally shitfaced, wearing very little and leaving themselves vulnerable to attack. Here you have a woman mayor in Germany suggesting that they should avoid going out alone at night and dress more modestly and nothing, nada, zip from the usual suspects.