Monty Python meets Daesh

got no facts

made a fool of your self

and groaning will solve that?


So says the piece of filth that said this, Rana and Rune have studiously avoided going anywhere near this, quelle surprise!

There were no examples of anyone raping young girls unmolested - they were seen as young tarts who wanted it. What your liars tell you is still bullshit. There is nothing 'politically correct' about those northern shitholes - they are quite as racist as you. What there is is political influence from 'community leaders' who can bring out the vote and don't want their potential supporters, the sexist Nazis, arrested.
I don't either. Islam has a serious problem that needs fixed and I get the satire, humor and the truth of the OP....I'm just saying that the irrelevant ad hom wasn't necessary.

You are one of the few people on here that I have any respect for, don't disappoint me now. Zappa is too uncomprehending and Desh should be in secure accommodation with padded walls.
Awwwww...what's wrong?

Was desh's question just too tough for you to answer?

Bill Maher had a show called "Politically Incorrect".

Does that make him a right winger?

Read the fucking article i posted retard, it was Bill Maher on Real Time! You are always so anxious to defend the lunatic that you can't escape being tarred with the same brush.

Former Monty Python John Cleese: Political correctness is 'condescending'

Comedian also said jokes about Muslim fundamentalists were problematic because they threaten to 'kill you'

Monty Python comedian John Cleese has described political correctness as “condescending” and said jokes about Muslim fundamentalists are problematic because they threaten to “kill you”. The ever controversial comic told Bill Mayer on HBO’s Real Time, he used to make jokes about the French, Australians but never Mexicans as people are always “aghast.”

Maher leads into his questions by asking Cleese to “b**** about political correctness,” to which the 75-year-old readily responds. “It starts as a half way decent idea and then it goes completely wrong and is taken ad absurdum,” claimed Cleese, going on to describe how he used to make “racial” jokes but eventually stopped because his audiences – he claimed – were appalled when he included Mexican-related jokes in his stand-up routine.

“Make jokes about Swedes and Germans and French and English and Canadians and Americans, why can't we make jokes about Mexicans? Is it because they are so feeble that they can't look after themselves?” He asks. “It's very very condescending there.”

Maher, who has been heavily criticised in the past for comments regarding the Islamic faith, suggests there only people you are unable to make jokes about are “Muslims. Try that, see what your Twitter feed says.” The comedian came back at Maher by explaining: “That’s not saying that you can’t, that’s just saying that they’ll kill you.” Cleese, after emphasising he is only talking about Islamic fundamentalists, continues: “But the problem is, if you are going to make jokes about people who are going to kill you, there is a tendency to hold back a little.”

The comedian goes on to discuss religious fundamentalism and how “terribly important” it is to laugh and question individuals who take religious teachings “absolutely literally”. An original member of Monty Python, Cleese has subsequently gone on to star in a number of films, and has released a book, So, Anyway..., detailing his childhood this year.