Moral Questions ...and No Answers

The death of Anna Nicole Smith has made me think about our society. Thinking of her nightmare life and tragedy of it all, and just observing things I see everyday...

Isn't it amazing how much we have changed as a society, since when we were children? I can't speak for the younger people here, I am 47, so I have a little better recollection of the past. I can honestly say, when I was 12-13, the age we all start to socialize and mingle, I don't remember anyone who lived in a family without a mom, dad, brothers and sisters... In high school, and even into college, I didn't know that many people who's parents were single or divorced. Now, it seems to be the norm. If you are a teen in today's society, you most likely live in some kind of 'blended family'. If not, it's hanging on by a thread, both parents are unfaithful and on a path to self-destruction, and it's arguably a worse environment than divorce.

What happened? Where did we become socially indifferent to proper upbringing, manners, courtesy, dignity, honor, faithfulness, character, integrity, respect... self-respect? When did we become so morally bankrupt we can't seem to correct the path... we just seem to slide further into the abyss... further away from the solid foundations of moral integrity?

What will it take for us to 'wake up' and realize the error of our ways, or even more importantly, will we? Are we simply destined to continue in moral decay until our entire civilization crumbles? ...Because that is what history has shown will eventually happen. It seems to be 'in vogue' to ridicule, condemn, criticize, and parody those who speak out in support for good moral values. Why? What is the fundamental pinhead problem with observing some basic rules of moral principle and integrity? It's almost like we are irresponsible little children, we know good and well it's not right... but we're going to do it anywayzzz... nah-nah nah-nah-nah!

Every day we see it on TV... in the movies... in the news... It's always more bizarre and twisted.... You think THAT reality show was bad, wait 'til you see what this one does! ...You think Springer was outrageous, wait'll you see what we have tomorrow! Here'ya go America, another helping of even more perverse smut, filth, low moral integrity, and perverted garbage to pollute your brain with, while you remain oblivious to you addiction. Want MORE? We're working on it!

What else can we expect? We've brainwashed ourselves into believing the world of Ozzie and Harriet or Leave it to Beaver, is never coming back, it is an age of innocence lost forever. Is that the case? Can we never go home again? Have we so corrupted our destiny, to think we are incapable of recapturing some moral integrity, at some point in time?
DIXIE: "Isn't it amazing how much we have changed as a society, since when we were children? I can't speak for the younger people here, I am 47, so I have a little better recollection of the past. I can honestly say, when I was 12-13, the age we all start to socialize and mingle, I don't remember anyone who lived in a family without a mom, dad, brothers and sisters... In high school, and even into college, I didn't know that many people who's parents were single or divorced. Now, it seems to be the norm."

Stop romaticizing the past. Basically anything you type, I assume is wrong. And by double checking the actual data, it turns out you were wrong.

You're just plain wrong. Divorce rate statistics from the 1970s when you grew up, were not fundamentally different from divorce rates today.:

1970s: Divorce rate range per thousand couples: 3.5 to 5.0

1990s-2001: Divorce rate ranger per thousand couples: 4.0 to 4.7
DIXIE: "Isn't it amazing how much we have changed as a society, since when we were children? I can't speak for the younger people here, I am 47, so I have a little better recollection of the past. I can honestly say, when I was 12-13, the age we all start to socialize and mingle, I don't remember anyone who lived in a family without a mom, dad, brothers and sisters... In high school, and even into college, I didn't know that many people who's parents were single or divorced. Now, it seems to be the norm."

Stop romaticizing the past. Basically anything you type, I assume is wrong. And by double checking the actual data, it turns out you were wrong.

You're just plain wrong. Divorce rate statistics from the 1970s when you grew up, were not fundamentally different from divorce rates today.:

1970s: Divorce rate range per thousand couples: 3.5 to 5.0

1990s-2001: Divorce rate ranger per thousand couples: 4.0 to 4.7

Dixie: "I can honestly say, when I was 12-13, the age we all start to socialize and mingle, I don't remember anyone who lived in a family without a mom, dad"

Dixie, your little world in that alabama trailer park is merely anecdotal evidence.

When you were "12 or 13" is was around 1973 - based on your age now of 47.

The actual empirical data show that the divorce rate in 1973 was higher than it was in the year 2001.
He grew up in the 60's not the 70's, what does it say about the divorce rate in the 50's and 60's?

I agree with Dixie, coming from the same era....IT WAS as he said, in my neighborhood too...

There were very few if ANY single mothers or divorced mothers with any of the kids I hung out with...

all (happily?) married couples, a mom and a dad in the household.....

The thing is, in massachusetts, my old neighborhood, it could have been a neighborhood of the past.... all married couples with children from the one marriage.....both mom and dad present.

And there are no answers ?

Well I suppose it is a religious problem since the right says marriage is a religious thing....
and I find it silly to suggest that families where kids lived with both their parents meant that those parents were not being unfaithful.

Adultery has a problem for a long time.... that's why God put it in the top ten list.
He grew up in the 60's not the 70's, what does it say about the divorce rate in the 50's and 60's?

I agree with Dixie, coming from the same era....IT WAS as he said, in my neighborhood too...

There were very few if ANY single mothers or divorced mothers with any of the kids I hung out with...

all (happily?) married couples, a mom and a dad in the household.....

The thing is, in massachusetts, my old neighborhood, it could have been a neighborhood of the past.... all married couples with children from the one marriage.....both mom and dad present.


He said when he was around 12 or 14 years old, which would have been early 70s, when divorce rates were not much different than they are now.

As for the 60s being an era of good moral values, rainbows, butterflys and puppydogs -- wearing a sheet over one's head and harrassing and intimidating black people was still considered good sport in the south. So, I'm not buying the romanticized history of a better, more moral, bygone era.
As for the 60s being an era of good moral values, rainbows, butterflys and puppydogs -- wearing a sheet over one's head and harrassing and intimidating black people was still considered good sport in the south. So, I'm not buying the romanticized history of a better, more moral, bygone era.
Amen to that!

Of course many in the south miss "the good ol days".
When 1/2 of the adult white males in Birmingham were KKK members...
Typical of conservatives who always belive the past was better. You say that the death of Anna Nicole started you thinking of this. Anna Nicole is just the Marylin Monroe of modern times, she died just like Marylin. Remember Elvis, died the same way. Go back further, and when it was not swept under the carpet there are plenty who died this sad way.

Now you may not have known people from single homes, and part of the reason for that was that many people chose to stay in dangerous unhealthy relationships that were bad for the kids as well as the parents due to social pressure to never split. There are times when its better for the kids for the family to split instead of live in a poisnous enviroment.

The leave it to beaver life never truely existed. Television has just slowly moved toward depecting a more realistic view of the world. There was drug abuse and domestic violence and suicide and other such evil in the 50's it was just kept under the rug. Compare Kennedy's affair with Marylin Monrow with President Clintons affair with Monica Lewinsky. Television did not cover the Kennedy affair.... We heard too much about President Clintons!

You are an idiot if you fall into the "conventional wisdom" trap that the past was better, and start beliveing that idealized crap you saw on television about life in the 50's.
"What else can we expect? We've brainwashed ourselves into believing the world of Ozzie and Harriet or Leave it to Beaver, is never coming back, it is an age of innocence lost forever. Is that the case? Can we never go home again? Have we so corrupted our destiny, to think we are incapable of recapturing some moral integrity, at some point in time?"

DIXIE: "Isn't it amazing how much we have changed as a society, since when we were children? I can't speak for the younger people here, I am 47, so I have a little better recollection of the past. I can honestly say, when I was 12-13, the age we all start to socialize and mingle, I don't remember anyone who lived in a family without a mom, dad, brothers and sisters... In high school, and even into college, I didn't know that many people who's parents were single or divorced. Now, it seems to be the norm."

Stop romaticizing the past. Basically anything you type, I assume is wrong. And by double checking the actual data, it turns out you were wrong.

You're just plain wrong. Divorce rate statistics from the 1970s when you grew up, were not fundamentally different from divorce rates today.:

1970s: Divorce rate range per thousand couples: 3.5 to 5.0

1990s-2001: Divorce rate ranger per thousand couples: 4.0 to 4.7

this is NOT an accurate comparison of divorce rate. you really pulled this one outta your ass. this rate does not take into account the explosion of unmarried couples and singles. the REAL rate that tells the story is how many divorces per MARRIAGEs occur; i'll bet your ass that there is a big differenc in the percent of marriages ending in divorce from the 70's to the present.

typical liberal clouding the the issue.
what is really funny is that i'm the only one who caught cypress' bullcrap; the res of you just bought it as gospel cuz it has some official governement agency name on it!!!!
I did not even pay any attention to the stats posted.

If marriage is a Christian issue then the Christians have ball on the problem.
Now if as I believe that marriage is a legal issue, then we all are involved in the fix for the problem.
Why won't people ever admit that the "good ole days" kinda sucked?

During those 70s, when you were a teen there Dix, I'd say about half the kids in my first grade were from single-parent families. Of course, I did grow up in poor white trashville, but really, there really was a high divorce rate in those 70s that you reminisce so fondly of.

During that time there was real fear of nuclear attack, OPEC was strangling our economy, hijacking planes was not uncommon... Viet Nam was still a struggle...

We, in the US, tend to either look into the past for the "good days" or look to the future. I prefer to look to the futrue for the "good days" and remember my past as it really was.
But you could hang black folks back then, usually without going to prison....
We all don't miss the same good ole days...
Why won't people ever admit that the "good ole days" kinda sucked?

During those 70s, when you were a teen there Dix, I'd say about half the kids in my first grade were from single-parent families. Of course, I did grow up in poor white trashville, but really, there really was a high divorce rate in those 70s that you reminisce so fondly of.

During that time there was real fear of nuclear attack, OPEC was strangling our economy, hijacking planes was not uncommon... Viet Nam was still a struggle...

We, in the US, tend to either look into the past for the "good days" or look to the future. I prefer to look to the futrue for the "good days" and remember my past as it really was.

Bingo. Trying to paint the 1960s and 1970s as some sort of golden bygone era of rainbows and butterflys, is revisionist history. Some thing may have been better then, a lot of things were worse then too.
Yes, my father died and would have lived much longer had stints and such medical procedures been in place. Polio, and lets not forget the Thalimide babies either. Oh yeah it is much worse now :rolleyes:
Why won't people ever admit that the "good ole days" kinda sucked?

During those 70s, when you were a teen there Dix, I'd say about half the kids in my first grade were from single-parent families. Of course, I did grow up in poor white trashville, but really, there really was a high divorce rate in those 70s that you reminisce so fondly of.

During that time there was real fear of nuclear attack, OPEC was strangling our economy, hijacking planes was not uncommon... Viet Nam was still a struggle...

We, in the US, tend to either look into the past for the "good days" or look to the future. I prefer to look to the futrue for the "good days" and remember my past as it really was.

Wow, Damo made a post that I completely agree with. I wonder what this means.
Yes, my father died and would have lived much longer had stints and such medical procedures been in place. Polio, and lets not forget the Thalimide babies either. Oh yeah it is much worse now :rolleyes:

Back then, women were treated as second-class citizens in the work place. Men could sexually harass them as much as they wanted, without fear of consequences.

Maybe Dixie misses legal sexual harrassment.