T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Agreed, which means Trump's base is about 25% and Biden's is about 30%. Independents will pick the President from the twoidiotsgentlemen on the ballot. Since both parties are increasingly unpopular with Independents, their best voting strategy is to always vote for the Challenger in order to keep both parties off balance.
Or to vote for the one that will do the least damage. That, like it or not, is Trump. Progressive Leftist policy and government has proven the single most destructive force in human history for over 200 years. Let the Left run things and they will f*** your life up like a soup sandwich. That's why I say Biden and the Democrats get elected, they have two years and will be out of power for ten. In two years they will screw things up so badly that people will toss them out of Congress and leave Biden with little means to do anything other than warm a chair for the remaining two in his term.
Happened with Carter. Happened with Clinton--although he figured out how to work with Republicans and got a second term--, happened to Obama who got a second term on race based voting within his party. Obama, like Carter, was simply impotent for his time in office after the Republicans took Congress back because he was a lop that was too lazy and too incompetent to work in a coalition government.