Oh and how about all the noise about Sadam having done 911
nice try that wasn't what anyone I knew said
Oh and how about all the noise about Sadam having done 911
in what category is there opportunity for the right to grow their voting base?
nice try that wasn't what anyone I knew said
Are you implying that because he is mixed race he should not be considered black?
not while clinging to your creepy assed cracker base.
Its dump them or shrink
Desh, I know you have this obsession of sorts with Grover Norquist and his statement but the real world reality is the government grows just as much, if not more, under Republican administrations as it does under Democratic Administrations. You fall for the rhetoric and not the actions.
But the rhetoric is what they run on; and it's nasty rhetoric.
And while defense spending and whatnot goes up, they sure love to cut safety net programs. Or so it seems to me; I don't feel like going to look up safety net spending under Dems vs Repubs, especially since it will depend on the state of the economy.
But the house repubs just passed a farm bill without food stamps, so that seems to support my comment.
Cawacko said:House Republicans are proposing to reduce food stamp spending to what it was a year or two ago?
Actually not sure. Haven't been following it that close.
I don't mind people talking about specific programs that need to be cut. But when we do things like the sequestration, there's just a lot of unintended impacts. And Norquist - and the people who sign his pledge - are talking more about sequestration-type activities than targeted cuts in areas that are no longer as needed.
Government does a lot of good things; when Norquist et al talk about "flushing it down the drain" they're lowering the level of discourse and making people think govt is useless. I personally don't agree with that.
I do agree Repubs talk reduction and then spend a bunch; they should admit to it.
the power in the republican party wants this democracy dead.
it has not always been this way but it is now
Ike was a no-good RINO.Ike was a good man
I'm sure many Republicans feel they are going to go to Washington and change they way things work (cut spending etc.) and then of course they get and get a taste of power and well we all know the rest. I can't imagine there aren't Democrats who you feel say one thing on the campaign trail and then do the opposite once in office.