More than Half of Fast Food Workers Rely on Welfare

You're misinterpreting again, you big lug.

Is that violence against women?

Everyone errs TwoCents I admittedly dont know everything, some like to try and bullshit everyone that they know everything, hows that been working out for you
good for you. posting isn't just running one's fingers, it's reading other ideas too. *thumbs up*.

Fast food/low wages/shitty hours -these should be enrty level jobs -they were when I was a kid -i worked fast food in high school.

Problem lack of good paying jobs now, or those whom took a hit in the great recession, and now have to work as walmart greerters.

Admitting I don't know a whole lot about economocs, but this seems to be a problem
Nobody's been drafted since nam

I don't read that whackjob's comments but if they were directed at me, he needs to get re-educated.

"In the United States, conscription, also called "the draft", ended in 1973, but males between 18 and 25 are required to register with the Selective Service System to enable a reintroduction of conscription if necessary. President Gerald Ford suspended mandatory draft registration in 1975, but President Jimmy Carter reinstated that requirement when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Selective Service registration is still required of all young men although the draft has not been used since 1973.[SUP][27][/SUP]"
I don't read that whackjob's comments but if they were directed at me, he needs to get re-educated.

"In the United States, conscription, also called "the draft", ended in 1973, but males between 18 and 25 are required to register with the Selective Service System to enable a reintroduction of conscription if necessary. President Gerald Ford suspended mandatory draft registration in 1975, but President Jimmy Carter reinstated that requirement when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Selective Service registration is still required of all young men although the draft has not been used since 1973.[SUP][27][/SUP]"

Another dimwit who thinks there is a difference...funny.