More Than


I ever needed to know, thank you!

They're not that fascinating, and unless you are deeply in love, no one ever thinks they're "beautiful".

Ok! Moving on.
LMAO.....unfortunately I know what this is in reference to.

I mean, were you starting to get a little queasy? Geez, they can go on and on once they get started huh? It's like, they break out into Penis Poetry.

I'm just afraid one of them is going to try writing it in epic form. Shudder.
I mean, were you starting to get a little queasy? Geez, they can go on and on once they get started huh? It's like, they break out into Penis Poetry.

I'm just afraid one of them is going to try writing it in epic form. Shudder.

epic ? most would be lucky to have a little ditty wrote about them ;)
If this is in reference to what I think it is, that thread creeped me out. Dudes talking about peckers is not my idea of a good use of time on the board....or anywhere else! :eek:
LOL, I read Desh's original statement and thought, "Uh-oh" time to jump threads.

Which brings up a point about Bush & Shooter. Given their last and nicknames, the American people should have known they would have been disasters from the start.
Well at least we guys do not pull our a box of jock itch powder and put it on the table in a restaurant as women do with feminine care stuff in commercials.
Uh thats commercials. Every woman I have met is strangely over embarrased about these products as if it is a secret that women menstruate. Putting one on a table in a restaurant is something you'd never see except from only the very most liberated women.
But it is on the Tube, thus the way we are supposed to act :)
Come on move into the 21st century!
Mom..... do you douche? Those commercials make me laugh so very hard...

I grew up with many o' sister, never have I heard such a conversation. And believe me, they wouldn't have hidden it from me if they had it.
For the most part the message I get from commercials is :
Stupid people buy and use our products, be stupid and buy our product.