More Than

The topic is verboten for men, who do not share in this process in the least, (unlike pregnancy and childbirth, where the father has a clear interest). The products are a necessary evil to deal with a highly personal biological matter. The commercials are pretty aversive, frankly, and though they try to make them otherwise, seem to be in pretty poor taste. It seems that when it comes to selling products, there are no boundaries, not for either gender.
... my Ex was a big sucker for commercials and wanted to buy what they advertised.

That part made me laugh. Do you remember that old Jerry Lewis movie where he was a companion to this elderly lady. She watched TV incessantly. Every time a commercial came on and said "buy this now!" she'd summon Jerry and send him off to the store.
The topic is verboten for men, who do not share in this process in the least, (unlike pregnancy and childbirth, where the father has a clear interest). The products are a necessary evil to deal with a highly personal biological matter. The commercials are pretty aversive, frankly, and though they try to make them otherwise, seem to be in pretty poor taste. It seems that when it comes to selling products, there are no boundaries, not for either gender.


My own lover doesn't know if I use certain products or I don't use them. Nor, have any of my lovers ever known. And I've been engaged and living in the same household. I am a big believer in seperate bathrooms keeping the romance in a relationship more than any other thing.

I am so sure that men should be discussing the minute details of these things in a mixed group of practical strangers, when this is one reason I refuse to watch tv with a man unless he actually is my lover.

What is this supposed to mean?

Ohhh, bobby knows about douching and periods...giggle, he must experienced.

Grow up and act like men, that is my advice, and the last thing I have to say on this thread.
Good call Darla........

Actually he got upset with the acronym that merely contained the letter it started with. Alright Doniston. You've been officially identified as a hypocrite. How dare you chastise me for simply adding emphasis to my statements when you have the audacity to bring up rather vivid and personal images of your errr.......personal activities. What a gentleman.
OK "T", (I will not refer to you as "Lady) But, It isn't what you said but the intent behind it. If you want to describe sex acts, or bodily parts of functions,fine, those are not obsentities. but when you use them to refer to another person as you did. then IMHO that is an uncalled for obsenity You know very well that you were telling him to shut up, (in different words.)

And you may Identify me any way you choose, but remember, you are mimicing me, as I claimed you to be the hypocrite first (STFU-vs-lady) ??? I think that is very hypocritical. iIwill continue to speak up, with the truth as I see it, whenever I feel the need. (That is what oponion is all about.) If you don't like it. Sorry, but this is me. You go right on ahead and be you. --No skin off my nose.

By the way, the only "personal activities I described of mine, (at least to my knowlege) is admitting that I was a nudist in my home. so once more I will ask "Do you think the Body is bad? apparently so.

You remind me of the woman of fable who stood up on a chair to see if the man accross the breesway was wearing pants.
you did a little more than that. We now know that you like to run red lights.
that is about as stupid and innane a comment as you could make, par for the course. but why didn't you just say you tought I was pushing the envelope or some such> (running red lights? really.)
The topic is verboten for men, who do not share in this process in the least, (unlike pregnancy and childbirth, where the father has a clear interest). The products are a necessary evil to deal with a highly personal biological matter. The commercials are pretty aversive, frankly, and though they try to make them otherwise, seem to be in pretty poor taste. It seems that when it comes to selling products, there are no boundaries, not for either gender.

Well said, thanks Thorn.

But we do suffer a bit from the "process" :) PMSsn
The most dangerous animal on earth is a Woman PMS'n with a gun :shock:

I mostly understand we are slaves to our hormones , me being a male and all that is pretty obvious to all :)
Anyway just a lesson learned in life.
But facts of life IHG.

I sort of like to challenge NO NO's anyway, just to find out why they are NO NO's. I don't follow tradition worth a darn for the "just because" reason.