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For the most part the message I get from commercials is :
Stupid people buy and use our products, be stupid and buy our product.

In the old days not that long ago...women used vinegar as a douche'...not sure if it was red or white....:pke: Gotta keep them there verticle smiles clean!
New Summers Eve....

I never had any embaressment about buying these kinds of things for ladies.
Was I supposed to think some fool would think I was going to use Maxi pads ?
Just never could understand why many guys were afraid to be seen buying that stuff.
I mean, were you starting to get a little queasy? Geez, they can go on and on once they get started huh? It's like, they break out into Penis Poetry.

I'm just afraid one of them is going to try writing it in epic form. Shudder.
So you think changing thread will change the tempo? I don't, You just added a different opening. Would you have liked it better if they(we) were talking anout vaginas? We can do that too. HEH HEH Tho is seems to me, it was you girls who were making it controverial

From what I understand douching is actually not good to do. The natural fluids do a much better job of keeping it clean. Douching can actually lead to bad odor but maybe thats the point so you buy more.

Happy Darla we've moved beyond the pecker talk and now have a group of men talking about feminine hygiene products.

In the old days not that long ago...women used vinegar as a douche'...not sure if it was red or white....:pke: Gotta keep them there verticle smiles clean!

Sorry but I just GOT to say this: It usually went in white, but depending on the time of month, could come out very red.
Good call Darla........

Actually he got upset with the acronym that merely contained the letter it started with. Alright Doniston. You've been officially identified as a hypocrite. How dare you chastise me for simply adding emphasis to my statements when you have the audacity to bring up rather vivid and personal images of your errr.......personal activities. What a gentleman.
Obscenity is absolutely in the eye of the beholder.
When I was young the word sex was considered an obscenity by my religious parents, and so were visible womens navels ;)
Ya had better clarify that...Donny will be accusing you of "hihacking" the thread...he will probably say how does this relate to traffic tickets...;)
Interesting that You were the one to come up with that rationality. ---- rather than I. It must be your opinion of the statement. And in truth, You seem to have a very bloated opinion of your knowlege of me, and what I may think or say. Since it was you rather than I who said that, that makes you wrong, now doesn't it???
I think Darla's reaction shows I was right about the commercials USC. This stuff is super verboten. Don't understand why.

If verbotten, why are women buying the products ?
Is it a woman thing, my Ex was a big sucker for commercials and wanted to buy what they advertised.