More tough on crime goons: the disgusting unethical actions of "To catch a predator"


More tough on crime goons: the disgusting unethical actions of "To catch a predator"

Excerpt - the rest is at the link.

No one is home at this house on the Jersey Shore -- no one, that is, except a very cute and horny fourteen-year-old. Her parents went to Atlantic City for the weekend, she is telling guys online, and she wants to get laid. Dozens of men are now making their way to the house, hoping to get lucky with an underage kid. One hopped on a motorcycle for the six-hour drive from Pennsylvania; another grabbed a train from New York in a SpongeBob SquarePants jacket, armed with a bottle of K-Y Jelly. One by one, they pull up to this white-shingled, weather-beaten house at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, with no cars in the driveway and the window shades drawn. A mailman stuffs some bills into the shark-shaped mailbox next door, pulling open its door of tiny white teeth.

This, as the men will soon discover, isn't just a house: It's the set of the Dateline NBC show To Catch a Predator, the ratings phenomenon that zooms into America's living rooms to humiliate sexual perverts. The program's gotcha! moments are like those on any reality show; who can forget the time they made a bespectacled twenty-year-old come over naked for sex play with some Cool Whip? Except Dateline sends people to jail and claims a high-minded purpose: warning the American public about what it calls a "growing national epidemic."

To transform a house into a giant flytrap for sexual predators, it takes more than forty people, many of whom are hanging out in the living room on this Friday afternoon. There's the face of the operation: host Chris Hansen, a blond Dateline correspondent, discussing helicopter trips to more glamorous assignments with his producer. There's the eyes of the operation: Mitchell Wagenberg, a spy for hire wearing a long, skinny braid down to his butt, presiding over seventeen cameras hidden in dried-flower wreaths and the toaster. And there's the body of the operation: Casey, a sexpot college student and aspiring dancer in tight jeans who is playing jailbait decoy today because her landlord dad owns this house. (Added bonus: Local prosecutors wrote her college a note so she could get out of a chemistry test.)

Casey gabs to potential predators on the phone. "Come on over, we're not going to get caught," she says. "If we got caught, I would get into trouble, and everybody would call me a slut, and I don't want that, either. I'll pay for your gas. It's no big deal, trust me. My dad gave me plenty of money for the weekend." When the guy fails to take the bait, her voice rises in pitch. "OK, fine, whatever, lame. L-A-M-E. You're being a baby. I told you I've done it a million times!"
93% of sexual molestations are performed by people who know the child - friends and family. This fearmongering "stranger" shit is simply a red herring. What is mostly disturbing is that more than half of the people in jail for molestation were actually approached by cops - often after being harrassed and insulted after turning down the "child" numerous times. I know, they shouldn't have gone, but such actions are at least unethical, and these situations would never happen in real life anyway, it's absolutely ridiculous.
Umm If an adult cannot turn down a proposition by a child ........
The 6 yr old made me do it your honor!

I saw a show about the local cops doing this in a FL town. They just acted like a kid on internet sites. Trolling as it were, but letting the fools make the opening line. And mentally ill fools jumped at the bait.
they were having to schedule the pervs arrivals so they did not overlap.
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Stupid is stupid.

These aren't adult women they're going to meet or have been trying tp proposition on-line. A 14 year-old is a child, and any dumbass who would setup a meeting to go visit a 14 year old deserves no sympathy.
Stupid is stupid.

These aren't adult women they're going to meet or have been trying tp proposition on-line. A 14 year-old is a child, and any dumbass who would setup a meeting to go visit a 14 year old deserves no sympathy.

Unless maybe if the stupid one is a 16 yr old. We do need to better classify sex crimes.
Still a crime but not in the same magnitude as a 50 yr old family guy meeting up with a 14 yr old.
Besides, you dumbasses, this isn't even about cops. You didn't even read the article. "To Catch a Predator" is a show that uses rather unethical tactics for a ratings ploy.
Stupid is stupid.

These aren't adult women they're going to meet or have been trying tp proposition on-line. A 14 year-old is a child, and any dumbass who would setup a meeting to go visit a 14 year old deserves no sympathy.

"Come on over, we're not going to get caught," she says. "If we got caught, I would get into trouble, and everybody would call me a slut, and I don't want that, either. I'll pay for your gas. It's no big deal, trust me. My dad gave me plenty of money for the weekend." When the guy fails to take the bait, her voice rises in pitch. "OK, fine, whatever, lame. L-A-M-E. You're being a baby. I told you I've done it a million times!"
These are rarely people who would ever molest a child. Almost none of the people who were "caught" using these unethical tactics had criminal records, unlike most of the people who were caught actually trolling online to have sex with children. Most of them had deeply rooted pshychosexual problems, most even had been molested themselves, and the harrassment caused by "To Catch a Predator" made them go over the edge. One man even committed sucide - this was right before the "girl" harrassed him for several days and nights into coming over. The cameras were right outside, and "Perverted Justice" was drooling.
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Umm If an adult cannot turn down a proposition by a child ........
The 6 yr old made me do it your honor!

I saw a show about the local cops doing this in a FL town. They just acted like a kid on internet sites. Trolling as it were, but letting the fools make the opening line. And mentally ill fools jumped at the bait.
they were having to schedule the pervs arrivals so they did not overlap.

Yes, and we aren't talking about local cops. Local cops have guidelines to follow. "Perverted Justice", the people they're talking about in this article, do not. Don't comment if you haven't read the article, dumbass.
These are rarely people who would ever molest a child. Almost none of the people who were "caught" using these unethical tactics had criminal records, unlike most of the people who were caught actually trolling online to have sex with children. Most of them had deeply rooted pshychosexual problems, most even had been molested themselves, and the harrassment caused by "To Catch a Predator" made them go over the edge. One man even committed sucide - this was right before the "girl" harrassed him for several days and nights into coming over. The cameras were right outside, and "Perverted Justice" was drooling.

I cannot even pretend to be shocked, at, another lefty taking up the cause of perverts? With all of this crying, are you trying to start up a JPP cyber donation for perverts, and pass the cyber hat? I do not think you will have much luck, most of the lefties are cheap, as in squeak squeak, and the righties like me will say, take your pervert child molesters and shove them where the sun don't shine,? Capice?
Yes, and we aren't talking about local cops. Local cops have guidelines to follow. "Perverted Justice", the people they're talking about in this article, do not. Don't comment if you haven't read the article, dumbass.

This "the child molesters are getting a raw deal" thread, brings new speculation and suspicion of WaterMark's avatar, I believe? We will see what the board historian, the Diaper Don, has to say, and, of course, his retarded cousin AssHat will have to check in too?
I cannot even pretend to be shocked, at, another lefty taking up the cause of perverts? With all of this crying, are you trying to start up a JPP cyber donation for perverts, and pass the cyber hat? I do not think you will have much luck, most of the lefties are cheap, as in squeak squeak, and the righties like me will say, take your pervert child molesters and shove them where the sun don't shine,? Capice?

Are you a member of them, then?

Opposing unethical policing tactics does not make one a "pro-pervert". These organizations are fearmongering organizations going after a strawman, a red herring, in order to get ratings.

Should pedophiles be punished? All the way, goddamit!

However, these are not effective tactics to catch the real child molesters out there. This is entrapment, which is an unethical policing tactic. You should go look it up. These people were no danger to society and were not presented with realistic situations. It's just picking on a bunch of people who have serious mental problems while the real child molesters go out there and molest multiple children and have nothing done to them.
This "the child molesters are getting a raw deal" thread, brings new speculation and suspicion of WaterMark's avatar, I believe? We will see what the board historian, the Diaper Don, has to say, and, of course, his retarded cousin AssHat will have to check in too?

RJS, the point of this thread is that Perverted Justice is picking out people who really weren't much of a threat to society, and ignoring the real child molesters out there.

My avatar is of a porn star named "Peter North", who Beefy and USCitizen were joking about one day.