More tough on crime goons: the disgusting unethical actions of "To catch a predator"

Doniston, whether or not you realize it, you're comments are beginning to get rather out of line. I don't know - maybe in the time you were born it wasn't cosnidered as big of a deal as it is now. But I assure you, brusihing over child molestation in this age as no big deal isn't tolerated.

I was simply going off on a philosohpical musing - I've read pshychological textbooks on this subject, and it seems the occurence of paedophilia in our society is probably much higher than the occurrence of actual sexual predators.

Most sex offeners, however, aren't of that first type anyway, but are of a second, situational type. I don't feel like going into the difference right now anyway.

I am by no means brushing off child molestation. I was mearly reporting the facts, as I know them. and offering my opinions. What is really puzzling, is that your opening remarks were accurate. and you seem to be doing the cut and run dance. Just becuse I agree with the facts do not mean thaat I condone the actions nor do I.

I am begining to beleive that many of you fit the bill of ASS's Avitar. TO WIT: "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.
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But adult men trying to send children pictures of their genitals, telling children of their perverted sexual fanatsies, and driving sometimes hundreds of miles to meet them .. they're mentally balanced?

I don't get it.
No, they are not. If any of you have noted, I have siad notihng in this whole thread in opposition to the sting. or their (at least alleged) intent. I have simply agreed with the findings of experts far more knowlegable than any of us.

I have seen those shows, and have not seen a single case where I would think they were not guilty, although in many cases, I do have to agree it was entrapment.
But adult men trying to send children pictures of their genitals, telling children of their perverted sexual fanatsies, and driving sometimes hundreds of miles to meet them .. they're mentally balanced?

I don't get it.

Black, that was a non-sequitor. I never said paedophiles were perfectly normal, everyday citizens without mental issues. Please show me the post.

Technically, however, these people wouldn't be paedophiles... since paedophilia is exclusive to those who prefer pre-pubescents. Honestly, I think most of the guys caught in the stings are a bunch of people with low moral fiber and ultra-low IQ's. They had a case of "horny man syndrome".

Although it isn't something to be treated lightly, I think that a year or a few years in jail is a reasonable punishment. I hadn't heard about them sending photos of their genitals and stuff, but a lot of people do a lot of really weird things whenever they're talking sex. Most of these people had never offended before, and most were like 20 or something. I just don't think their ever likely to offend again after a few years in jail.

I would just prefer that the government police be left to do their job, however. Obsessive para-police forces aren't somethign I'd like to trust.
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