More tough on crime goons: the disgusting unethical actions of "To catch a predator"

From that show? Yes they are. Something like 27 of their cases were thrown out of one court alone.

Yeah dude that was one time and you know why? Because the Assistant DA was one of the pedos that got nabbed and they didn't like their city being embarassed.

The cases weren't thrown out of court either. They never went to court because the prosecutors office didn't charge anyone. Hmmm I wonder why that is. lol.
All I'm saying is that paedophilia is more common than many people like to admit. Those who have the ability to feel sexual for children most often do the right thing and ignore such anti-social behaviour. Those who pursue it directly should be the targets of society.
Maybe that is it. But if that is the case, an 18 year old being aroused by a 16, or even 15 year old, is not what I consider "adult men being attracted to children".

I wouldn't either... which is why the participants ages in the studies are important. So it could be that this particular study included more younger guys. Or it could be that it specifically asked... have you ever looked at a woman and thought she was attractive and later found out she was underage? I would imagine many men have had that creepy "doh" moment.
Let me specify, I don't think any of you are "it'.

I think this is BS, and I don't understand why Water is pushing this this hard.
I"ve kept out of it thus far. but it should be noted the dofference between having sexual arrousal, and wanting to have sexwit children. I beleive WM is correct. Sexual arrousal does not neceassarily equate to wanting to have sex with kids.

To equate it to a feminine feeling. I would assume that every time a woman sees a "Dreamy guy, who sets her heart aflutter. it doesn't mean she wants to have sex with him. I can't say that for sure, as I amnot a woman, but neither can a woman make such judgements of a man.
I"ve kept out of it thus far. but it should be noted the dofference between having sexual arrousal, and wanting to have sexwit children. I beleive WM is correct. Sexual arrousal does not neceassarily equate to wanting to have sex with kids.

To equate it to a feminine feeling. I would assume that every time a woman sees a "Dreamy guy, who sets her heart aflutter. it doesn't mean she wants to have sex with him. I can't say that for sure, as I amnot a woman, but neither can a woman make such judgements of a man.

Here we have it folks? The diaper Don's admission that he gets the big puffy pants, on the rare occasion he is wearing pants, when he sees a child? This is out of bounds, even for a lib, RJS is besides himself now, this man is a danger to children, and I am dead serious, I would not allow my kids anywhere near him, and being a gun owner, I would shoot this sick sheet right in the head if he stepped foot within 100 yards of them. It is as if, the Diaper Don expects everyone to gather round and congratulate him for getting hard over children, but controlling himself from using it on them, or so he implies, butt, does not even state that much for sure? Either way, this is one sick sheethead, and on this, RJS does not joke, for once?
I"ve kept out of it thus far. but it should be noted the dofference between having sexual arrousal, and wanting to have sexwit children. I beleive WM is correct. Sexual arrousal does not neceassarily equate to wanting to have sex with kids.

To equate it to a feminine feeling. I would assume that every time a woman sees a "Dreamy guy, who sets her heart aflutter. it doesn't mean she wants to have sex with him. I can't say that for sure, as I amnot a woman, but neither can a woman make such judgements of a man.

it should be noted the dofference between having sexual arrousal, and wanting to have sexwit children. I beleive WM is correct. Sexual arrousal does not neceassarily equate to wanting to have sex with kids.

Lord have mercy! There are some wierdos on this board.

Sir, it is NEVER appropriate or NORMAL, for adult men to even merely think about having sex with a child. That's just disgusting and wrong.

Now, I have my problems with gay sex. But, at least they men. Sorry, I got carried away there for a second.

You may want to register yourself as a potential sex offender, sir. There's something mentally wrong with you. God Bless.

Warmest regards, and best wishes for a speedy recovery,


it should be noted the dofference between having sexual arrousal, and wanting to have sexwit children. I beleive WM is correct. Sexual arrousal does not neceassarily equate to wanting to have sex with kids.

Lord have mercy! There are some wierdos on this board.

Sir, it is NEVER appropriate or NORMAL, for adult men to even merely think about having sex with a child. That's just disgusting and wrong.

Now, I have my problems with gay sex. But, at least they men. Sorry, I got carried away there for a second.

You may want to register yourself as a potential sex offender, sir. There's something mentally wrong with you. God Bless.

Warmest regards, and best wishes for a speedy recovery,


I do not really care about what your kind does, as long as you are not waiving it in my face, or trying to convert RJS to your team, by trying to get me to "just feel it once", I will kick the sheet out of any of your kind who try that, and a few have, because I am 6'3 and have been told by the ladies, I remind them of a white Mohammad Ali, even to the point of joking, I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? Butt, I say amen to what you said here, I would not shoot any of your kind, even though I have many,many guns, that I am not afraid to use, and can post pictures of. Butt, if I see this Donny in my town, or in any school yards, I am going to shoot him right in his sheet head, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this is one sick MF, touche?
Here we have it folks? The diaper Don's admission that he gets the big puffy pants, on the rare occasion he is wearing pants, when he sees a child? This is out of bounds, even for a lib, RJS is besides himself now, this man is a danger to children, and I am dead serious, I would not allow my kids anywhere near him, and being a gun owner, I would shoot this sick sheet right in the head if he stepped foot within 100 yards of them. It is as if, the Diaper Don expects everyone to gather round and congratulate him for getting hard over children, but controlling himself from using it on them, or so he implies, butt, does not even state that much for sure? Either way, this is one sick sheethead, and on this, RJS does not joke, for once?
Don't you ever get tired of spewing this crap??

it should be noted the dofference between having sexual arrousal, and wanting to have sexwit children. I beleive WM is correct. Sexual arrousal does not neceassarily equate to wanting to have sex with kids.

Lord have mercy! There are some wierdos on this board.

Sir, it is NEVER appropriate or NORMAL, for adult men to even merely think about having sex with a child. That's just disgusting and wrong.

Now, I have my problems with gay sex. But, at least they men. Sorry, I got carried away there for a second.

You may want to register yourself as a potential sex offender, sir. There's something mentally wrong with you. God Bless.

Warmest regards, and best wishes for a speedy recovery,

Who sid either was appropriate. I mearly said they were different. The rest is your imagination.
I do not really care about what your kind does, as long as you are not waiving it in my face, or trying to convert RJS to your team, by trying to get me to "just feel it once", I will kick the sheet out of any of your kind who try that, and a few have, because I am 6'3 and have been told by the ladies, I remind them of a white Mohammad Ali, even to the point of joking, I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? Butt, I say amen to what you said here, I would not shoot any of your kind, even though I have many,many guns, that I am not afraid to use, and can post pictures of. Butt, if I see this Donny in my town, or in any school yards, I am going to shoot him right in his sheet head, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this is one sick MF, touche?
Once more, you talk big, but with a peewee brain. Just a braying Jackass

Please shutup.
No way, they can take whatever they want out of context. that's their problem. Becaise I discisus something means I do It????? nuts. they are just looking to argue about nothing. if they disagree with me fine. but their imaginations are out of this world.
I agree. I just do not believe that the people running this are normal, and I think that nothing good can ever come from vindictive, obsessed, and fanatical people, having power over others.

Now, the FBI has programs like this, where trained fbi agents are monitoring the internet, and even posing as minors. I have no problem with that.

Darla look at the statistics of how many children are molested, raped, and abducted, then tell me how good a job FBI programs are doing to protect children.

I don't get it. These are grown-ass men trying to take advantage of 14 year old girls.

I don't get why I should be more upset with a tv crew than I am of a pedophile.
I think that is a very foolish, wanton, and horrendous attitude. ---Shades of 1984 and the thought police.

How is a "thought crime" when these men have ACTED illegally. Almost all of them sent pictures of the genitals and engaged in vulgar lanuage with someone they believed was a child.

I don't get it.
No way, they can take whatever they want out of context. that's their problem. Becaise I discisus something means I do It????? nuts. they are just looking to argue about nothing. if they disagree with me fine. but their imaginations are out of this world.

Doniston, whether or not you realize it, you're comments are beginning to get rather out of line. I don't know - maybe in the time you were born it wasn't cosnidered as big of a deal as it is now. But I assure you, brusihing over child molestation in this age as no big deal isn't tolerated.

I was simply going off on a philosohpical musing - I've read pshychological textbooks on this subject, and it seems the occurence of paedophilia in our society is probably much higher than the occurrence of actual sexual predators.

Most sex offeners, however, aren't of that first type anyway, but are of a second, situational type. I don't feel like going into the difference right now anyway.
Darla look at the statistics of how many children are molested, raped, and abducted, then tell me how good a job FBI programs are doing to protect children.

Half of the people caught attempting to molest minors in this country actually were involved in FBI stings. The FBI is required to act ethically. I just don't trust this para-police force they've setup. If you read the article, the entire organization is completely mentally unbalanced.
Half of the people caught attempting to molest minors in this country actually were involved in FBI stings. The FBI is required to act ethically. I just don't trust this para-police force they've setup. If you read the article, the entire organization is completely mentally unbalanced.

But adult men trying to send children pictures of their genitals, telling children of their perverted sexual fanatsies, and driving sometimes hundreds of miles to meet them .. they're mentally balanced?

I don't get it.
How is a "thought crime" when these men have ACTED illegally. Almost all of them sent pictures of the genitals and engaged in vulgar lanuage with someone they believed was a child.

I don't get it.
I wasn't talking about what they actually did. Actions are an entirely different situation. but he said that just "Thinking " about it should land them in jail. That is the subject of my response