More tough on crime goons: the disgusting unethical actions of "To catch a predator"

The extent to which pedophilia occurs is not known with any certainty. Some studies have concluded that at least a quarter of all adult men may have some feelings of sexual arousal in connection with children.[26] One study found that professionals failed to report approximately 40% of the child sexual abuse cases they encountered.[27]

This doesn't mean that they "want to have sex with children", Darla.

Of course, most people who have such a disease are utterly disgusted by it, and would never admit it. They are also never likely to have sex with children.

The main problem is those that completely think it's OK to go out and molest whatever children they want, no matter the consequences.

Some studies have shown that at least a quarter of adult men have some feelings of sexual arousal in connection with children?

I am calling bullshit on that for sure.
Some studies have shown that at least a quarter of adult men have some feelings of sexual arousal in connection with children?

I am calling bullshit on that for sure.

Darla, the amount of men in society who can experience sexual arousal from images of children is obviously much greater than those who actual pursue such sexual feelings, whether or not the rate is 25%.

However, this is from a textbook, and I promise you, the people who did the research spent a lot more time on it than you did.
Darla, the amount of men in society who can experience sexual arousal from images of children is obviously much greater than those who actual pursue such sexual feelings, whether or not the rate is 25%.

However, this is from a textbook, and I promise you, the people who did the research spent a lot more time on it than you did.

It looks like it's from wikipedia, and it looks like ti says "some studies suggest" which means, that others do not suggest that.

I wouldn't go around pushing the idea that 1 out of 4 men get aroused when they think about f'ing children Water.

I don't believe, but somebody might.
The point is, Damo, that you don't, but roughly 25% of the adult population has pshychosexual problems in that area that may be aggrivated by the state intentionally presenting them with the situation. In my mind, people should only be arrested for actually PROPOSING to have sex. Those are the people who are not disgusted by their problem, and actively defend their actions and pursue children.

The people who accepted after numerous offers may have been more likely
(like 1 or 2% over the general population) to become sex offenders after a while, but I don't think they should be treated on the same level. They are mentally disturbed and shouldn't be treated with the same convictions as those who actively go out and search for young children - and have sex with friends and family - which is the main problem in paedophilia.

The Supreme courts defintion of entrapment:

"whether the defendant is a person otherwise innocent whom the government is seeking to punish for an alleged offense which is the product of the creative activity of its own officials"

Those people were in those chat rooms trolling. Sorry I have no sympathy for them.
LOL. It ain't me.

Do you think that 1 in 4 men have these feelings of arousal? Or do you think that wikipedia saying that "some studies suggest" means that plenty of other studies puts the number far, far lower? And do you think Water is starting to get creepy here?
Do you think that 1 in 4 men have these feelings of arousal? Or do you think that wikipedia saying that "some studies suggest" means that plenty of other studies puts the number far, far lower? And do you think Water is starting to get creepy here?
I think they are defining "children" and "arousal" too broadly. A man may look at a 16 year old girl and have some level of "wow, she's gonna be a looker" and such a study would conclude that he had sexual arousal on images of "children".
I think they are defining "children" and "arousal" too broadly. A man may look at a 16 year old girl and have some level of "wow, she's gonna be a looker" and such a study would conclude that he had sexual arousal on images of "children".

That could be one issue.
Do you think that 1 in 4 men have these feelings of arousal? Or do you think that wikipedia saying that "some studies suggest" means that plenty of other studies puts the number far, far lower? And do you think Water is starting to get creepy here?

I don't have a clue what the number is... I hope it isn't that high. But I suppose it also depends on the studies.... what are the age brackets they are referring to?

I do not think Water is creepy here... I think he is showing that he is 18. It is probably a LOT more common for the 18-21 year old guys to be thinking about 16-17 year old girls and are too close in age to even think it much of an issue... if an issue at all.

Now if they are thinking about 12 year old girls or something like that... different story... and probably much less frequent in occurence (hopefully)
Here is my theory:

About a week ago, Watermark lost his virginity to a 16-year old girl. Immediatly, he thought he was a pimp and decided he was as good as Peter North. That explains his new avatar too.
I don't have a clue what the number is... I hope it isn't that high. But I suppose it also depends on the studies.... what are the age brackets they are referring to?

I do not think Water is creepy here... I think he is showing that he is 18. It is probably a LOT more common for the 18-21 year old guys to be thinking about 16-17 year old girls and are too close in age to even think it much of an issue... if an issue at all.

Now if they are thinking about 12 year old girls or something like that... different story... and probably much less frequent in occurence (hopefully)

Maybe that is it. But if that is the case, an 18 year old being aroused by a 16, or even 15 year old, is not what I consider "adult men being attracted to children".
"Even so, Perverted Justice plunks precautions in place to thwart the entrapment issue. Volunteers never initiate contact with the person; all communication begins with the offender. Later, contributors never instigate lewd conversations or talks of sexual meetings. ”

To date, however, the claim of entrapment has not been used successfully in a court of law to defend a To Catch a Predator suspect."