More tough on crime goons: the disgusting unethical actions of "To catch a predator"

I think the point Watermark's making is more that the media has created a situation in which parents are fearful of letting their children out of their sight for fear of being snatched by invisible predators, scared to let their kids use a computer incase there's a nonce hiding in cyberspace waiting to lure them away.

The fact that it isn't the authorities mounting this 'sting operation', but a television channel looking for ratings should be worrying to any right-thinking individual. These people may deserve whatever painful retribution you want to hand out but to bring commercial broadcasters in to sensationalise the issue for increased viewing figures is a little crass, no?

Thankfully, UK law wouldn't allow this to happen, but we've already got the same media campaign which has convinced the population that our children are probably going to be victims, despite the evidence showing the incidences of predatory paedophiles having remained virtualYly static for decades. Water's right in that sexual abuse is overwhelmingly more likely to occur in your own home by a relative or close family friend.

I'd recommend Chris Morris' BrassEye special on the media hype surrounding this issue. It's some of the best satire you'll ever see and sums up the hype perfectly.

Although, i wouldn't watch it at work.

Yes, I do think the entire media crusade iteslf is sensationalistic.

Sure, no ALL chidl predators are family and friends.

But the VAST majority of them are - more than 90%. I don't see why law enforcement and Perverted Justice is focusing so much on the "Stranger" issue other than to cover up the fact that they're completely failing everywhere else. I would, however, completely trust a sting internet predator conviction from the FBI, while I really think that the insane zealots at Perverted Justice are using unethical tactics.
Um, Doniston doesn't have much street cred when it comes to this subject. I mean the guy runs around his neighborhood stark naked and brags about it, and follows women around the internet calling them "sluts".

He is a sexual predator.

I'd build my argument around him, not on him. Just my opinion.


Still, BF's response was a fallacy. I was just trying to point that out. Even if you come to the correct conculsion in an argument through a fallacy, it's still a fallacy.

Still, BF's response was a fallacy. I was just trying to point that out. Even if you come to the correct conculsion in an argument through a fallacy, it's still a fallacy.

Well I'm not trying to present a logical, well written, persuasive arguement. I'm just giving my opinion which is the only one that matters.
He obviously had severe pshychological problems. He was presented with photographs of a completely mature women, which I'm sure turned off the "OMGZ you're a pedophile" trigger in most peoples brains.

The real question is - are you catching REAL predators through this method, Damo?
Who cares? I suggest teaching your children how to avoid these predators and you assume that I like the show and the method? What kind of retarded reasoning is this?
and of course my posts are in a joking manner. I do not seriously think you are a child predator. I believe that you only have consensual relationships with grown men.
and of course my posts are in a joking manner. I do not seriously think you are a child predator. I believe that you only have consensual relationships with grown men.

Of course I do. Damn, I like to look down that asshole, and stick my cock in it. OH YEAH! Ohhhhh yeahh....
I will put this bluntly. I may not like the methodology, but yes, those people really are still predators, Watermark.

I don't care how often some 14 year old girl asked me to have sex with her, it wouldn't happen.
I will put this bluntly. I may not like the methodology, but yes, those people really are still predators, Watermark.

I don't care how often some 14 year old girl asked me to have sex with her, it wouldn't happen.

The point is, Damo, that you don't, but roughly 25% of the adult population has pshychosexual problems in that area that may be aggrivated by the state intentionally presenting them with the situation. In my mind, people should only be arrested for actually PROPOSING to have sex. Those are the people who are not disgusted by their problem, and actively defend their actions and pursue children.

The people who accepted after numerous offers may have been more likely
(like 1 or 2% over the general population) to become sex offenders after a while, but I don't think they should be treated on the same level. They are mentally disturbed and shouldn't be treated with the same convictions as those who actively go out and search for young children - and have sex with friends and family - which is the main problem in paedophilia.

The Supreme courts defintion of entrapment:

"whether the defendant is a person otherwise innocent whom the government is seeking to punish for an alleged offense which is the product of the creative activity of its own officials"
The point is, Damo, that you don't, but roughly 25% of the adult population has pshychosexual problems in that area that may be aggrivated by the state intentionally presenting them with the situation. In my mind, people should only be arrested for actually PROPOSING to have sex. Those are the people who are not disgusted by their problem, and actively defend their actions and pursue children.

The people who accepted after numerous offers may have been more likely
(like 1 or 2% over the general population) to become sex offenders after a while, but I don't think they should be treated on the same level. They are mentally disturbed and shouldn't be treated with the same convictions as those who actively go out and search for young children - and have sex with friends and family - which is the main problem in paedophilia.

The Supreme courts defintion of entrapment:

"whether the defendant is a person otherwise innocent whom the government is seeking to punish for an alleged offense which is the product of the creative activity of its own officials"
Hence I do not like the methodology and stated so. It is a reason that convictions from this show are rare.
The point is, Damo, that you don't, but roughly 25% of the adult population has pshychosexual problems in that area that may be aggrivated by the state intentionally presenting them with the situation. In my mind, people should only be arrested for actually PROPOSING to have sex. Those are the people who are not disgusted by their problem, and actively defend their actions and pursue children.

The people who accepted after numerous offers may have been more likely
(like 1 or 2% over the general population) to become sex offenders after a while, but I don't think they should be treated on the same level. They are mentally disturbed and shouldn't be treated with the same convictions as those who actively go out and search for young children - and have sex with friends and family - which is the main problem in paedophilia.

The Supreme courts defintion of entrapment:

"whether the defendant is a person otherwise innocent whom the government is seeking to punish for an alleged offense which is the product of the creative activity of its own officials"

25 % of adults have desires to have sex with children? Where did you get that number from?
25 % of adults have desires to have sex with children? Where did you get that number from?

The extent to which pedophilia occurs is not known with any certainty. Some studies have concluded that at least a quarter of all adult men may have some feelings of sexual arousal in connection with children.[26] One study found that professionals failed to report approximately 40% of the child sexual abuse cases they encountered.[27]

This doesn't mean that they "want to have sex with children", Darla.

Of course, most people who have such a disease are utterly disgusted by it, and would never admit it. They are also never likely to have sex with children.

The main problem is those that completely think it's OK to go out and molest whatever children they want, no matter the consequences.