More tough on crime goons: the disgusting unethical actions of "To catch a predator"

I think that is a very foolish, wanton, and horrendous attitude. ---Shades of 1984 and the thought police.

Oh well. I think 1984 is a little different than a bunch of guys getting arrested for trying to molest kids. But maybe I'm just dumb.
They want to. That is good enough reason to lock them up to me.

Well, first of all, it wouldn't be "rape", in any case.

Second of all, if any girl constantly harrassed them over the computer and sent them tons of E-Mails saying "Have sex with me or your a loser!", it kind of interferes with any rational thought process.

And it isn't a reasonable situation to present a person with.

Entrapment is whenever the state causes you to commit a crime by their own, personal means, often with exxagerated or ridiculous situations presented to the "criminal" - it's not a policing tactic that I would prefer to allow. These guys had no intent to molest children - the point is, the "state" found them, harrassed them, and caused them to commit the crime.
Well, first of all, it wouldn't be "rape", in any case.

Second of all, if any girl constantly harrassed them over the computer and sent them tons of E-Mails saying "Have sex with me or your a loser!", it kind of interferes with any rational thought process.

And it isn't a reasonable situation to present a person with.

Entrapment is whenever the state causes you to commit a crime by their own, personal means, often with exxagerated or ridiculous situations presented to the "criminal" - it's not a policing tactic that I would prefer to allow. These guys had no intent to molest children - the point is, the "state" found them, harrassed them, and caused them to commit the crime.

Well the law is on my side so all you QQers and molestation supporters lose.
I agree. I just do not believe that the people running this are normal, and I think that nothing good can ever come from vindictive, obsessed, and fanatical people, having power over others.

Now, the FBI has programs like this, where trained fbi agents are monitoring the internet, and even posing as minors. I have no problem with that.

The PUBLIC FBI agents have a rather severe responsibility to avoid entrapment charges. For them to pursue the arrest, the other person has to initiate the idea for sexual contact. Which sounds exactly like a sexual predator.

Perverted Justice, however, intitiates the idea to the "predator" - which is completely unrealistic. It targets people who never would've committed a crime while leaving the smart actual sexual predators roam free - all whilst ignoring the real problem - sexual molestation by people who KNOW the child.

It is a fact that roughly 25% of the adult population experience some kind of arousal towards children. But these are not the people we are after. Those people have pshychosexual problems. The real problem is the people the succumb to this and go out and actively try to find children to have sex with - these are the people we should go after.

I do not believe that "To Catch a Predator" has caught practically anyone of this nature.
No, it really isn't.

A prosecutor in Texas, in fact, threw out 24 "convinctions" from Perverted Justice because they were unethically "caught'.

Actually he did that because the bust captured their District Attorney and they got all embarassed.
In any case, whether or not their actions were unethical, Perverted Justice is an absolutely insane organization, and I'd wouldn't trust them policing the populace at all. Let the FBI and other official organization do their job.
Um, Doniston doesn't have much street cred when it comes to this subject. I mean the guy runs around his neighborhood stark naked and brags about it, and follows women around the internet calling them "sluts".

He is a sexual predator.

I'd build my argument around him, not on him. Just my opinion.
Do you remember the stories about razors in apples at halloween? About Mickey Mouse LSD stamps that the druggies were for some reason just giving away?

There is a myriad of the scare tactic stories that were false, in this case they are not.

While the majority of reported cases happen with somebody that the family knows, it is clear that the majority are not 'all'. This means that on occasion your child would actually be in danger from somebody if you don't teach them about it.

Now, any man who would seriously believe that a 14 year old girl would be out propositioning about a million people on the internet and jump in his car for a nice 6 hour drive has to be an imbecile. Not only was he going to victimize a 14 year old girl, but he was stupid enough to believe that the scenario was real.

He obviously had severe pshychological problems. He was presented with photographs of a completely mature women, which I'm sure turned off the "OMGZ you're a pedophile" trigger in most peoples brains.

The real question is - are you catching REAL predators through this method, Damo?
In any case, whether or not their actions were unethical, Perverted Justice is an absolutely insane organization, and I'd wouldn't trust them policing the populace at all. Let the FBI and other official organization do their job.

They do. So be careful don't get caught.