The iraqis will hunt down and kill al qaeda, once the provoking nature of an american occupation is removed.
Well, no, that's not so. The American forces in Iraq, are not provoking Iraqi's from killing insurgents or alQaeda. In fact, they are fully supportive of it. The problem seems to be, and we have defined it clearly here, the outside influences who are supplying the insurgents. Without an arsenal, the insurgents will fade quickly, and Iraq can get about its business of running its democratic government.
You are going to have to come to terms with this, it's not American presence that is the problem in Iraq. Without the American presence, Iraq would most certainly collapse to the anti-democratic forces in the region, and to simply deny or ignore this, is utterly stupid. The problem is funding and assistance coming from Syria and Iran, and security of the borders. Period. Now, how to deal with those problems, we can discuss reasonably, as we have, but to revert back to Howard Dean/Dennis Kusinich Peacenik Mode, is pointless and unproductive here.
We are not leaving Iraq any time soon, we can't. We have to first find a way to enable the Iraqi's to have security and control of their country, against these insurgents who are being supplied by foreign interests. Besides just throwing up our hands and giving up, do you have any bright ideas of how to do this?