More UFO sightings than voter fraud cases


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13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation.


Prior to the 2012 elections, I found myself in a discussion with a colleague concerning Republican efforts at what has come to be known as “voter suppression.” I was informing this person, who is well educated, that voter fraud is not a problem of any significance in the USA. This individual rejected my contention, arguing that he was aware of countless examples of alleged fraud and that the efforts to make voting more difficult were justified.

A fascinating article in Mother Jones from July 2012, which I only just discovered, contains the sorts of ammunition that is needed in this debate, ammunition that really can not only end the argument but open up the real question: Why are the Republicans trying to make it more difficult to vote?

The article, by Hamed Aleaziz, Dave Gilson and Jaeah Lee [“UFO Sightings are more common than voter fraud,” contains this little factoid at the end: Between 2000 and 2010 there were 649 million votes cast in general elections; 47,000 UFO sightings; 441 Americans killed by lightning; and 13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation.

How is it possible that with no evidence of massive voter fraud that legislators around the nation have moved to narrow voting? The answer, to a great extent, has to do with race. First, the people making the allegations tend to be White and rich. They are playing into the growing fears among many average Whites that the U.S. is becoming a Black and Brown nation, and, to be honest, they are scared. Many of them still cannot understand how it was that a Black man became president of the United States.

Second, the criminalization of Black America and the assumption that we are up to no good—as demonstrated most recently in the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin—opens up the door to the belief that African-Americans are somehow involved in trickery and voter fraud. We do not have to have ever done anything. It is more about what many Whites believe that we are capable of doing that matters.

Yet voter suppression, which is not going away, is about more than the antipathy of many rich Whites for Black people. The voter suppression laws are not aimed solely at African-Americans. They remain part of the larger scheme to neutralize the growing majority in this country, a majority of people of color, youth, women and working people, that threatens the privileges of the rich and (in-) famous. Thus, we not only have voter suppression but we have gerrymandering of electoral districts to ensure that certain districts remain in the hands of Republicans and that cross-racial political coalitions are less likely to be built.
Why do you have to wait for something to be a problem to address it? Using the lefts argument, you can only be against robbery if you have been robbed.

The left truly fears methods to legitimize voting because they cheat. Ask yourself these questions.

Why is it only democrat districts have all of these voting problems? These are districts run by democrats for democrats. Why haven't the democrats invested more in technology and ways to prevent these long lines.

There is a reason the lefties love early voting. It gives them more time to get their no load voters to vote like college students and the blacks. It gives them an unfair advantage. It takes a lot of effort to do that on one day. It gives them the opportunity to spread out the GOTV efforts and target people who probably aren't that engaged or informed and can be manipulated to pull the lever for a democrat.

That lefties balk at any efforts to make sure voting is legal and fair speaks volumes. BTW, how is it poor white folk manage to get IDs and poor black folk can't? How are these black folk buying liquor without IDs? Cigarettes?
13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation.


Prior to the 2012 elections, I found myself in a discussion with a colleague concerning Republican efforts at what has come to be known as “voter suppression.” I was informing this person, who is well educated, that voter fraud is not a problem of any significance in the USA. This individual rejected my contention, arguing that he was aware of countless examples of alleged fraud and that the efforts to make voting more difficult were justified.

A fascinating article in Mother Jones from July 2012, which I only just discovered, contains the sorts of ammunition that is needed in this debate, ammunition that really can not only end the argument but open up the real question: Why are the Republicans trying to make it more difficult to vote?

The article, by Hamed Aleaziz, Dave Gilson and Jaeah Lee [“UFO Sightings are more common than voter fraud,” contains this little factoid at the end: Between 2000 and 2010 there were 649 million votes cast in general elections; 47,000 UFO sightings; 441 Americans killed by lightning; and 13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation.

How is it possible that with no evidence of massive voter fraud that legislators around the nation have moved to narrow voting? The answer, to a great extent, has to do with race. First, the people making the allegations tend to be White and rich. They are playing into the growing fears among many average Whites that the U.S. is becoming a Black and Brown nation, and, to be honest, they are scared. Many of them still cannot understand how it was that a Black man became president of the United States.

Second, the criminalization of Black America and the assumption that we are up to no good—as demonstrated most recently in the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin—opens up the door to the belief that African-Americans are somehow involved in trickery and voter fraud. We do not have to have ever done anything. It is more about what many Whites believe that we are capable of doing that matters.

Yet voter suppression, which is not going away, is about more than the antipathy of many rich Whites for Black people. The voter suppression laws are not aimed solely at African-Americans. They remain part of the larger scheme to neutralize the growing majority in this country, a majority of people of color, youth, women and working people, that threatens the privileges of the rich and (in-) famous. Thus, we not only have voter suppression but we have gerrymandering of electoral districts to ensure that certain districts remain in the hands of Republicans and that cross-racial political coalitions are less likely to be built.

Lies lies and more lies.

Typical democrat playbook playing on the racial guilt of America. Whenever the left fears something, they simply say it "disproportionately impacts blacks". Of course nobody is keeping blacks from getting an ID and to argue that getting and having an ID is a hardship is laughable. I laugh at you. You are better than these lame arguments.

70% of Americans want voter ID. The train is on the tracks. Get on board or get run over.
Requiring ID will prevent more registered voters from voting than there are cases of in person voting fraud. It will create a problem bigger than in person voting fraud but, of course, that is really the point.
Requiring ID will prevent more registered voters from voting than there are cases of in person voting fraud. It will create a problem bigger than in person voting fraud but, of course, that is really the point.

Why won't those registered voters get an ID? What are the barriers to getting an ID? How hard is it really? Hell, we are willing to give them a free one. So what is really your beef? Seems like you are OK with people not proving who they are. I wonder why that is?

Remember 70% of the people want this. Why do you hate democracy?
Why won't those registered voters get an ID? What are the barriers to getting an ID? How hard is it really? Hell, we are willing to give them a free one. So what is really your beef? Seems like you are OK with people not proving who they are. I wonder why that is?

Remember 70% of the people want this. Why do you hate democracy?
i've hit this topic enough, might as well go for the trifecta...

It needs outreach too, active ability to get people their ID's free (with transportation) and such.

I've posted my ideas a few times - here is a counter. If we do not standardize some type of ID,
or more easily some type of process the states look towards using;

we are going to wind up with North Carolina types of "voter ID Laws" which also restrict early voting/same day registration.

North Carolina's new voter ID law is the first to be passed since the Supreme Court struck down part of the Voting Rights Act
Under the statute, voters will have to present a government-issued photo I.D., such as a driver's license, at the polls. The law also ends same-day voter registration, and it shortens the early voting period by a week.
Requiring ID will prevent more registered voters from voting than there are cases of in person voting fraud. It will create a problem bigger than in person voting fraud but, of course, that is really the point.

??? do you even justify that argument let alone prove it......why would requiring photo ID prevent ANY registered voter from voting.....
I'm sure ILA must have read - on this board and other sites - over and over how difficult it can be to get a voter id that meets a particular state's requirements. That he claims not to know it now is hard to believe, but he can research the whole Pennsylvania thing before the 2012 election to get an idea of how hard it can be.

But my guess is he's heard all the arguments and facts and statements and is just ignoring them.
Requiring ID will prevent more registered voters from voting than there are cases of in person voting fraud. It will create a problem bigger than in person voting fraud but, of course, that is really the point.

That's the point really, isn't it?
There is no way you are seriously this stupid. Thinking is not a sin or atheist practice, pmp.

I would expect you are simply unable to figure out the fact that none of those people were prevented from getting a photo ID.....even Howie admitted that he was able to help someone do it.......all they needed to do was go get a photo ID....admittedly, it would be a lot simpler if they had done it before election day...

or in the case of the girl from Illinois trying to vote in Indiana, realized that since they were in a different state maybe, just maybe, she would have to register to vote.....

seriously, the only thing keeping people from voting is their own stupidity or laziness....
I would expect you are simply unable to figure out the fact that none of those people were prevented from getting a photo ID.....even Howie admitted that he was able to help someone do it.......all they needed to do was go get a photo ID....admittedly, it would be a lot simpler if they had done it before election day...

or in the case of the girl from Illinois trying to vote in Indiana, realized that since they were in a different state maybe, just maybe, she would have to register to vote.....

seriously, the only thing keeping people from voting is their own stupidity or laziness....

More registered voters were prevented from voting due to the ID requirements than there are cases of in person voting fraud. Your stupid semantics and parlor tricks do not change the fact.

I saw a woman in the last election that forfeited her vote because the address on her ID did not match the one on her voting registration. She had moved one unit over. She could have cast a provisional ballot but she left in frustration because of the hassle and wait. Now you can argue that was her fault, but that has nothing to do with the point. It's not about blame, moron. If we assume that accurately determining the will of voters is a value then the ID requirements do more harm than good. But Republicans don't actually want to accurately determine the will of voters.
More registered voters were prevented from voting due to the ID requirements than there are cases of in person voting fraud.

sure....because no one is looking for voting fraud.....shucks, wasn't there a video about a guy trying to vote in Illinois saying he was Eric Holder, almost begging people to ask for his ID and no one would?.......
Now you can argue that was her fault, but that has nothing to do with the point.

of course it can't determine the will of the voters without finding out if the people trying to vote are the voters.....they may be someone Howie has driven to thirteen voting precincts already......
of course it can't determine the will of the voters without finding out if the people trying to vote are the voters.....they may be someone Howie has driven to thirteen voting precincts already......

Blame has nothing to do with the point and you failed to make any substantive argument showing that it is relevant.

There is no reason to believe that in person voting fraud skews the will of voters significantly. Even if we assume that all 13 votes went for the same candidate once you spread it out over 50 states it would not likely impact any election. Meanwhile the number of registered voters prevented due to ID requirements seems to be much higher under any reasonable and honest analyses.
Meanwhile the number of registered voters prevented due to ID requirements seems to be much higher under any reasonable and honest analyses.

there doesn't have to be a single person prevented from voting due to ID requirements....assuming the absence of stupid people......meanwhile you have to assume the absence of dishonest people to say there is no vote fraud......the fact there were Ohio precincts that had 100% voter turnout and 100% voted for Obama makes that assumption problematic......
there doesn't have to be a single person prevented from voting due to ID requirements....assuming the absence of stupid people......meanwhile you have to assume the absence of dishonest people to say there is no vote fraud......the fact there were Ohio precincts that had 100% voter turnout and 100% voted for Obama makes that assumption problematic......

Requirements will always prevent some number of people from voting. That's just a fact. Howey's post mentioned people that had difficulty obtaining IDs for various reasons that had nothing to do with stupidity.

However, you make it impossible to assume the absence of stupid or dishonest people.

Do you have anything to support your claim about Ohio?